Just getting into hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
Okay well Ive been doing this for a little bit of time in soil. Have some flowering, have some clones starting, and mothers. But im just kinda sick of the whole soil business and want to maximize the yeild. I have a hydro set up, some what of one I think, and i just cant make sense of it right now. I have the rockwool along with all nutrients for flowering, veg, and Ph up and down. Along with this i have a 430watt HPS bulb, 250watt MD. What seem to confused the hell out of me is the set up. Yes I have gone around on this site and many others looking for it, but i just cant seem to match any of my stuff up. I have two basins. One is quite shallow and has small holes in it, with a tube coming out of the bottom and a tube at the top with 6 whole with 6 seperate tubes coming off. I know what this is used for, the drip system. But where do i put my rockwool, b/c im assuming the other tub is to hold the water and nutrients to pump it through. So does this mean i need to go out and get something for my bay for the plants?


Well-Known Member
You put the rockwool in the net cups (they go in the holes cut in the lid of one of your tanks), and secure the rockwool with hydroton rocks, they are like little clay balls......they hold the rockwool in place and help to retain moisture from water sources like your drip tubes.....


Well-Known Member
Ok, to further answer your question. Yes, you will want to purchase a propagation dome. Usually consisting of a dome and heat mat. They run about 30-40$. This system establishes a root system for your seedlings or cuttings.

Your dome will have further instructions. Simple, easy to follow ones.


Well-Known Member
After you establish some sort of roots you may place your new-found plants in your hydro system.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm not to sure what these were intended for. Where did you get them, and for what purpose?


Well-Known Member
Don't fret though. I just started growing anything. I chose hydro, seemed like there would be more control. The hardest part was wrapping my head around the concepts, and basic fundementals.


Well-Known Member
I am to do soil and currently am doing soil, but after talking to my old roomate, she claims there is hydro stuff within the house. So ive just been looking around to gather it up so I can set it up rather than doing my whole soil. My soil set up is a flower box with a HPS 430, and in the closet a MH 250 for veg and clones. I have the lights to do it, but now im just strugglign to figure out what pieces I have and don't have.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I put the dome ontop of that where i start my clippings with the heating mat okay, doesnt seem to much. And then I guess i should just go out and get a rubbermaid container and cut it for 6 plants? This all could be done under the 430 hps bulb? with cfs for the clone starter?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I put the dome ontop of that where i start my clippings with the heating mat okay, doesnt seem to much. And then I guess i should just go out and get a rubbermaid container and cut it for 6 plants? This all could be done under the 430 hps bulb? with cfs for the clone starter?

Yes sounds good


Well-Known Member
There are some more parts to that set up? Does one of the trays look like it fits on the top of the other? What is appears to me you have is a bottom reservoir where your pump would go. You would conncet that to the drip set up, place them in the pots in the other tray. The fitting would allow water to drain back into the res?? VV


Well-Known Member
I think youtube could shed some light on this, it really helped me, learning by video is easy.


Well-Known Member
There are some more parts to that set up? Does one of the trays look like it fits on the top of the other? What is appears to me you have is a bottom reservoir where your pump would go. You would conncet that to the drip set up, place them in the pots in the other tray. The fitting would allow water to drain back into the res?? VV
Yeah man the basin with the tubes sits ontop of the other one with the pump inside. From that i run 2 tubes each, to each different plant. Ive never really done hydro, but within the growing process would i be fine to grow them after clones with a 430HPS for flowering and veg?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man the basin with the tubes sits ontop of the other one with the pump inside. From that i run 2 tubes each, to each different plant. Ive never really done hydro, but within the growing process would i be fine to grow them after clones with a 430HPS for flowering and veg?
Six plants under a enhanced spectrum bulb will do fine. Start with it a few feet above them and move it down an inch or two each day until you have it close (8-10") to the top of the plants and then move it back up as the plants grow. Is the Manufactures name listed on that unit? VV:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure. The company on the ballast is supernova which came with the light already wired to it. I never knew this change over could be so easy considering one light and i have all the equipment somehow.