Weed+Alcohol or other Addictions


Well-Known Member
thanks for the honesty koolhand ,it takes guts and its much appreciated,since it really helps to know someone can relate. I think there are many others who read this thread and can relate,but think its uncool not to like to drink. Anyhow if I post once in a while about progress in my life,I believe this should have a cathartic effect knowing that others may be listening and may perhaps become inspired and start to see their alcohol or other addiction as something they really can change.
Getting back to booze though, right after making my post last night,a roomate here whom I have talked to maybe a few times,since its a big house and I just moved here,knocked on my door and offered me a glass of wine. I told him I better not because I didnt want to end up going to a bar and spending all my money and wake up with a terrible hangover. He was very insistent though as many lonely drunks can be who want a drinking buddy,and kept offering me his wine,saying it was remembrance day ,and this and that ,and I kept refusing. He started rambling about many different things,changing the conversation quite a bit . This guy was like a totally different person drunk since sober he is quiet ,yet friendly and seems rational. Anyhow it made me wonder if thats how I act sometimes when Im drunk. I sure hope not . Anyhow Im sure glad I didnt accept his glass of wine ,since I had a pretty decent, productive day,not a hungover ,walking on eggshells kind of day..peace


Well-Known Member
Theres always a choice , weather or not you want to partake.Some people dont even think about the choice,just do it.I quit smokeing weed for 6 months cuzz i got to a point,just being burnt out,but it dosent help matters when youre constantly bying only premo stuff and going through a half ounce of it every week.Im sure it happens to even the most avvid smokers out there,sometimes you have to remind youreself to chillout for a while and occasionaly sober up for a bit otherwise ya go crazy on the shit and start looking for other stuff to get into thats not so cool.


New Member
I've beenn to the point where being drunk isn't even fun or feel good and I still couldn't quit. Its a hard path and I'm still treading down it, I wish you most of luck.

All I can say for words of wisdom is

find a reason to quit drinking that you cannot turn your back on.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the posts people,Im still not drinking and have had no real desire to. I had a good couple days for the most part ,but Im thinking about quitting weed for a while like dyslexic suggests since I am feeling kind of burnt out sometimes for sure. Woke up feeling kind of foggy and groggy this morning . Im feeling buzzed now but my throat is pretty sore,so I cant really appreciate it.
Ive been there many times myself chuckbane,and I think Ive finally gotten sick enough of those days that I know its time to make a total change. Drinking was a serious habit ,and I thought that the best thing for a hangover was a beer,so I
almost always had my first beer after my morning coffee. Of course one beer would just get me right back into it. Even though I often didnt really enjoy drinking in the daytime ,it was better than suffring a hangover so I thought. These last few times I drank though I just decided that I would suffer through any uncomfortable feelings . I think I was too afraid of getting right back into the daily drinking again,and I was probably right. Therefore this could be one of the most important things Ive learned about drinking. Its not all or nothing,and if I believe that I messed up because I drank ,its ok ,I can quit again just as easily.I know I have lots of reasons to quit drinking. There are so many things that I want to do or have that I couldnt do/have before because my drinking was just too much of a barrier to having any kind of normal life

I wish you all the best of luck and let me know how youre doing later,peace ,Steve


Well-Known Member
Your words show that you are in the right mindset. Keep up the great work! Once you get a couple of hobbies to occupy that time when your used to drinkin' you won't even think about it much. +rep


Well-Known Member
Theres always a choice , weather or not you want to partake.Some people dont even think about the choice,just do it.I quit smokeing weed for 6 months cuzz i got to a point,just being burnt out,but it dosent help matters when youre constantly bying only premo stuff and going through a half ounce of it every week.Im sure it happens to even the most avvid smokers out there,sometimes you have to remind youreself to chillout for a while and occasionaly sober up for a bit otherwise ya go crazy on the shit and start looking for other stuff to get into thats not so cool.
Theres a big diff. between drinking amd smoking pot. Drinking you can become alchoholic and lose reality Pot smokers know they are being watched.


Active Member
I heard this from a smart guy: There's nothing like excess to really mess up a good idea. The key is in moderation of all things ... including moderation. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the great posts again people. I had a real lousy day for the most part today,mainly because I had my hopes up for a really big cd+record collection buy ,but I just ended up wasting several hours travelling time for nothing because it was all crap I cant sell. Then I got home checked my ebay and found I have a couple new problems to deal with that are complete BS. Anyhow Im down to my last couple bowls of weed,so I think tomorrow might be a great day to quit. I wouldnt blame weed on my problems today,but obviously thats not the point for why I want to quit. Anyhow I plan to enjoy my last high tonight since it may be my last one for a while and after a day like today I feel I deserve a good one . have a great week everyone


Well-Known Member
steve you should start grow and not smoke the whole time your growing.
thats what I am doing.been growing one plant 5.5 weeks of flower after 30 day veg time. It would be nice treat for ya. She will harvest probably around week ten of flower. and i won't get to smoke her till febuary but I can wait. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the idea koolhand but my situation doesnt allow me to grow. Im living in a place which is like a big house for toursists or other short term residents,and I dont think I will be here much longer. Even if I do get a better place soon,I dont think I would trust myself not to smoke knowing that I had a plant or plants in the works. I am feeling kind of squirrely right now,just woke up and cant sleep,since I am starting to really worry about what Im going to do for cash,plus I know I am supposed to quit today. I know if I at least do this things will liklely fall into place somehow as they usually do,and at the very least I will save the money I would spend on weed.Its getting really cold up here in Canada and that sure wont make life easier for the near future either, peace and thanks again for the thoughts and suggestion,Steve


Well-Known Member
Stay moving forward man your doing well, the head is a teribble place to be Iv'e really had to fight from falling into depression recently myself. keep going keep your head up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks koolhand,I barely made it through the day without getting high today. As soon as I left the coffeeshop this morning I was seriously considering stopping at a park where I know I can always score bud. For some reason I decided not to though . I guess I just knew I really really need to quit for a while. The morning was rough . Mostly I was light headed, feeling tense all over,and my breathing was all messed up like I was just all panicky. Around noon I decided to go get some matcha tea(probably the only tea I like) from a health food store,and went for a long walk since I was in a very cool ,upbeat neighbourhood,with a big park nearby(not the weed park),and by then I started feeling much better. I think just being outdoors and walking on a sunny day can do wonders for helping to relax,since it promotes breathing in a natural rhythm,and is also good for circulation. Anyhow the pain in my chest and breathing is now better after only one day,and my head is clearing up,and Im not feeling super anxious so I definitely want to keep it up for a while. I have included a link to a site below for anyone who may want to quit weed for a while or any other addiction for that matter,and there are a lot of people on there who are/were chronic tokers who are trying to do something about their habit. Im still not against weed or else I wouldnt be here,but I may decide to quit for a long time just to play it safe since I really have a lot of catching up to do in many areas of my life. The fact that I have much more control over my boozing gives me confidence that one day maybe I will also hve much better control of my smoking as well. Anyhow here it is for anyone who wants to check it out.

Addictions Forum - Uncommon Knowledge


Well-Known Member
SteveK... good luck in whatever YOUR decision is. I have not smoked in a very long time.... by choice. My job is far too valuable. I do not drink very much either. Drugs/alcohol destroyed my marriage as my ex was a "recovering" addict... he wasn't doing such a great job. Society "is what it is" and there will be social pressures to act the way we are pressured to. The only thing that will work for you is what is good for you. Do some soul searching and decide what feels the best. Go back to your past and forgive yourself and others..... and move on to today. You sound so in tune with what you should do.... but you seem to need reassurance. You will be fine.... many prayers to you my friend. Yesterday is the past.... tomorrow is unknown.... today is a gift... that is why it is called "the present".... seize it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chinacat you are so right about learning to live in the here and now. I do believe I will find my way,but it is nice to get feedback and assurance from others as you suggested just to make sure Im on the right track,and not just deluding myself. Also if I am able to help even one other person put into perspective any addiction problem they may have ,and help them deal with it somehow ,then this helps to motivate me to continue writing about the way I am dealing with my addictions. Just curious though Chinacat why you post here if you havent smoked in a "very long time". As I say Im just curious ,it certainly doesnt bother me at all. You certainly have a great style of writing and I can tell you must be a very smart thoughtful person.


Well-Known Member
Had a good sleep last night,but woke up with a nasty pain in my chest. It was still there a bit last night but seems worse now for sure. Anyhow I feel kinda anxious about it since I just want it to go away. I really want to go back to sleep,which isnt like me since I usually like to get up early and get as much done as I can unless I am really hungover, Anyhow I guess I am also regretting not having better control over my toking and drinking,since my life would be much better now if I did . As longbaugh said There's nothing like excess to really mess up a good idea. The key is in moderation of all things ... including moderation


Well-Known Member
Just went out to do my laundry ,grabbed a latte and so had a decent walk on this sunny -5 degree day. It was nice just to be outside and active ,so I feel quite a bit better. So much ,that I really wish I could smoke a bowl right now. When I got back to my room,I noticed how friggin hot and dry it was. I have a space heater which I had on high all night,so I am wondering if that could be one reason why my throat /chest was so damn sore. Anyhow I am kind of looking forward to going back out to finish my laundry and maybe get another latte. Honestly I dont know if I am going to make it without smoking today. I already am starting to miss it,and Im really not looking forward to going all winter without it. I am still happy to not be drinking and hardly thinking about that,so part of me says maybe its too much to tackle two addictions at once.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you chose to do remember it's all in your mind. You don't need it you want it. Be strong & firm with your decision. If you decide to smoke do it because you want to not because you feel you have to. That's what it is to be an addict. If you have control of the situation then you are not an addict.


Well-Known Member
thanks dfunk,you said it so well and true. I just found some crumbs in my coat pockets ,and just did a few hits in my pipe,and definitely dont regret it. Im feeling even better than when I posted my last message,no doubt! Anyhow I think I have learned something from this experience,and so I should be able to use it to my advantage. I used to see myself as an addict,partly because of what I have been told about weed by various people/orgnizations ,and partly because of my own beliefs . These beliefs however were partially shaped by my laziness in some aspects of my life,since I would use weed out of boredom ,and then use being too stoned as an excuse for not going out and doing all the things I wanted or needed to do. Of course you dont have to be stoned to fall into this mental trap, like today when I felt depressed and anxious because of how I was feeling physically,and the weather was getting cold,and I have money issues,blah blah . As soon as I got out of the house and did a few things regardless how simple they were,I felt better almost immediately.I even seemed to prefer the cold air to my stifling hot room,but it is really sunny out,and sometimes even just being out in the sun can turn my mood around quite a bit. Anyhow time to go back out and finish my laundry,since I definitely have things to do today,and I am now looking forward to doing them,instead of just dreading getting on with my day. peace and thanks again dfunk