How many times can you femminize with silver before strain goes bad?


Well-Known Member
How many times can you silver treat a pheno's progeny? Ex:feminize a pheno, get seeds...grow those seeds, then can i silver feminize those? Is there genetic drift or mutations?


Well-Known Member
There is no genetic drift from cloning and there’s a new scientific article out on the subject. If there’s a loss of potency it’s due to something the grower has changed or done.

Knowing that I’m going to venture a guess that what you’re asking about is just how seed breeders do it.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
So basically it's not "genetic drift", but genetic mutations, which makes complete sense to me. The author unfortunately only speculates that in his opinion, genetic mutations "probably" aren't responsible for things like loss of vigor. I completely disagree with his assertion however. There have been recent scientific studies which show that genetic mutations are the primary factor in differences between "identical twins" (human clones, technically), whereas it was previously thought that environmental impacts were a greater factor.

Here's a good recent article on this, which has links to the original abstract:


Well-Known Member
Most of the conclusions regarding cannabis plant science are derived from plant science in general. While every genus and species has individual quirks overall a photosynthetic plant is a photosynthetic plant. Cloning, tissue culture. All from agricultural research. As far as literature goes.


Well-Known Member
Sir, im not a marine i hope that wasnt implied in any way. Im just extremely respectful of you guys that sign on the dotted line for me and what i have