Happy thread :)

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hey @Jimdamick if you have Dish Network, they have a channel that they call DishScape where it's scenes of places from around the world. (it's actually CGI but it looks real as hell). this month is Irish Seashore. you mostly hear waves crashing on shore and a castle in the background. i was mesmerized last nite by it for like 10 minutes. lol. if you have Dish, check it out
Ali shouldn't have fought that fight. He had been out for 4 years because of his draft ban. He only had 3 months to prepare.

He should have taken 6 months and a couple more fights to prepare, but Ali being Ali, he was convinced Joe could never beat him.

They of course fought two more times.

Ali won them both.
hey @Jimdamick if you have Dish Network, they have a channel that they call DishScape where it's scenes of places from around the world. (it's actually CGI but it looks real as hell). this month is Irish Seashore. you mostly hear waves crashing on shore and a castle in the background. i was mesmerized last nite by it for like 10 minutes. lol. if you have Dish, check it out
Nah, ain't got Dish, just terabytes of memories on my hard drivesDSCF1026.JPG
Good the fuck enough
This is me and my family in Dublin, 1982, I think :)
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Ali shouldn't have fought that fight. He had been out for 4 years because of his draft ban. He only had 3 months to prepare.

He should have taken 6 months and a couple more fights to prepare, but Ali being Ali, he was convinced Joe could never beat him.

They of course fought two more times.

Ali won them both.
Muhammed Ali was the best boxer in history in my own simple mind, no doubt
But Joe Frazier had balls
He was cool
What makes me happy, which I'm sure others in California can relate, is.....time change this weekend!!!
it's about time.
I lost my hiking watch last week. I dug around and found a new one I had bought a while back. It was an hour and three minutes fast. I just set the minutes, and let the hours ride. Will be right any day now. (If we could just figure out how to set the clock in the wife's Prius. . . . . . )
If your into pugilism/boxing, like I am, this was the best contest of all time in my opinion

I love Muhammad Ali for his political viewports, but I was cheering for Joe & he won
Cool :)
The rematch was an epic slugfest too. Neither fighter was the same after that fight.

I loved Ali and still cheer for him every time I watch that fight. Lol
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