Plants at 5foot, new grower, what now!!


Active Member
Hi All,
I have no idea what I am doing, my plants are outside, I have just left them to it, they are now 5 foot tall but main stem is very thin , they look good, some leaves go yellow sometimes, what do I need to do now? They have been growing for about 8 weeks..
uve apparently found a good growing region. those plants can be harvested but if i were u id clone a few. rollitup has posted a guide to this.

I love the fact that growers go on and on about all these methods and expensive equipment they have to grow with and then u hear stories like this one. lol...
Good job getting good results doing it the traditional way. I'd love to see some pics.
5ft? Thats really good, especially as its your first time, you should be damn proud of yourself :D

From what I've been told, the methods of harvest (or more importantly the parts you harvest) vary depending on the sex of the plant so I guess you'd need to check the plants sex. Its buds for female and leaves for male isn't it?

Good luck and good smokin!
you need to now change the lighting schedule to 12 hours on, 12 hours off.12/12.
then they will show pre flowers if they havnt already.You find out wether its a male or female.if its a male, chop it.Female keep it and flower it.Read up on flowering.After flowering is finished,dry and cure your bud.After that ill send you a big box with a self adressed label on it .place the buds in.....just joking..Then you have smoke fest!PeAcE
Please, a 5' tall 8 week old plant outdoors with a thin main stem is a satavia, I had four of them in my first grow, they were fifteen feet long and stayed thin. Were in the world are you that you would have just planted that in the last 8 weeks? VV
give them some good food and let them grow,,,the yellow leaves could indicate low nit levels.... they aren't in flower yet are they..??
Please, a 5' tall 8 week old plant outdoors with a thin main stem is a satavia, I had four of them in my first grow, they were fifteen feet long and stayed thin. Were in the world are you that you would have just planted that in the last 8 weeks? VV
i think he means 8 months!I hope so anyway!
5 ft is def pushin it man. with soil..?in 8 weeks? but any ways, if its five ft now it wil get 7-10 feet wen done budding but that thin branch might not supoort the weight. You might need to tie it up.. reallllly need pics though
Just leave them be and let momma nature care for them. You have plenty more time to wait for the flowers to start packin on the weight.
you need to now change the lighting schedule to 12 hours on, 12 hours off.12/12.
then they will show pre flowers if they havnt already.You find out wether its a male or female.if its a male, chop it.Female keep it and flower it.Read up on flowering.After flowering is finished,dry and cure your bud.After that ill send you a big box with a self adressed label on it .place the buds in.....just joking..Then you have smoke fest!PeAcE

lol do you know how to control the sun.....please tell me..... (he said the plants are outside. And he might want to let if flower before he chops should know well before you chop if its a fem or not....)
5 ft is def pushin it man. with soil..?in 8 weeks? but any ways, if its five ft now it wil get 7-10 feet wen done budding but that thin branch might not supoort the weight. You might need to tie it up.. reallllly need pics though

The first grow I did, bag seed like everyone does, I had to put my plants in a field across the street when they came to install my new electric service. They couldn't find the line to my house and a 2 hour job turned into 5 weeks. I had them behind a bush that was about 7' tall and they were starting to peak out above it. By the time I moved thewm back into the room they were taller than my ceiling and I have a 10' ceiling. the satavis are tall skinny plants, most indoor growers avoid pure satavia's for that reason. VV:eyesmoke:
lol do you know how to control the sun.....please tell me..... (he said the plants are outside. And he might want to let if flower before he chops should know well before you chop if its a fem or not....)
opps..i forgot it was bad.
You tell by the pre flowers what the sex is.If you let it flower it will pollinate the females and youll reap seedy ass weed from letting te male flower!.I am not a breeder,so i chop them as soon as i see male pre flowers.You want to chop the males as soon as you can tell the sex.Way before it flowers.
Hey Frenchchick...from your name I would think you are female...I am,,but my name doesn't really imply either way I guess....Still I do get a little weird'd out,,, that some//not all people automatically call me bras or dude...whatever ..its no biggie
So I wonder if we are all confused about what your question was...??? have you sexed your plants yet..?? taken out the males and left the females...or maybe they are not at that stage yet..??? post some clear photos up of your plants so we can have a look,,it will make everything clear :weed:
Hey Frenchchick...from your name I would think you are female...I am,,but my name doesn't really imply either way I guess....Still I do get a little weird'd out,,, that people automatically call me bras or dude...whatever ..its no biggie
So I wonder if we are all confused about what your question was...??? have you sexed your plants yet..?? taken out the males and left the females...or maybe they are not at that stage yet..??? post some clear photos up of your plants so we can have a look,,it will make everything clear :weed:
I wasn't confused, and I thought you checked in as an AUssie girl, right? I just want to know where in the world she is that s:blsmoke:he is starting outdoor plants now. VV:blsmoke:
I wasn't confused, and I thought you checked in as an AUssie girl, right? I just want to know where in the world she is that s:blsmoke:he is starting outdoor plants now. VV:blsmoke:

Hey Victor ,,,I did'nt mean to imply that it was you ((or any particular person)) who was confused...sorry if you felt I was...kiss-ass
yes some details like that would help......