Drying & curing first time / need help


New Member
So I’ve got my buds all drying now about 3 days into the process on airing racks & they smell decent but I’ve just tried to smoke the smaller buds what felt reasonably dry and they tasted absolutely like horse shit I’m just wondering will the taste change the longer I leave them to dry eg after 7/10 days will I notice a difference in the taste or will it all taste like this.
This is my first time so I’m just wondering if anybody can let me know! Thanks.
So I’ve got my buds all drying now about 3 days into the process on airing racks & they smell decent but I’ve just tried to smoke the smaller buds what felt reasonably dry and they tasted absolutely like horse shit I’m just wondering will the taste change the longer I leave them to dry eg after 7/10 days will I notice a difference in the taste or will it all taste like this.
This is my first time so I’m just wondering if anybody can let me know! Thanks.
My understanding is curing process is 3 week minimum but you should cure for 8 weeks.
The longer the cure the better the bud, Everybody makes same mistake 1st harvest, big rush can't wait, don't forget fresh weed has a lot of moisture in the stems, so even if bud seems dry, you put in jar or tupperware and it will get wet again from moisture retained in stems. I do a large outdoor grow 10lbs. 2020 harvest. AT harvest time i am still at work(get laid off every Dec.) My plants hang on lines stretched across room at least a month before I can get to it (windows are open and 4 fans running for 2weeks. Needless to say they are completely dried out by the time I get to them. When I trim I get just the right amount of moisture and texture back in them by boiling a huge pot of water while trimming,works every time weed is not being directly wet down and never had mold issues using this process.From there into large tupperware cont. separated by strain.ccguns
The longer the cure the better the bud, Everybody makes same mistake 1st harvest, big rush can't wait, don't forget fresh weed has a lot of moisture in the stems, so even if bud seems dry, you put in jar or tupperware and it will get wet again from moisture retained in stems. I do a large outdoor grow 10lbs. 2020 harvest. AT harvest time i am still at work(get laid off every Dec.) My plants hang on lines stretched across room at least a month before I can get to it (windows are open and 4 fans running for 2weeks. Needless to say they are completely dried out by the time I get to them. When I trim I get just the right amount of moisture and texture back in them by boiling a huge pot of water while trimming,works every time weed is not being directly wet down and never had mold issues using this process.From there into large tupperware cont. separated by strain.ccguns
Thanks for the feedback bro so the buds I’ve got drying at the moment will I be able to notice a difference in the taste and smell after they’re dry completely, I don’t think I’m going to cure the weed as I want to get rid of it ASAP and go again but after the 10 days drying will my buds smell & taste better Than they do at this moment
. Thanks
Everyone says the same thing so it must be true :mrgreen:
It’s gonna taste like dog shit because it’s not fully cured. Wouldn’t doubt if it gave you a headache too.
I’ve heard of this, but never done it.
If you want to test a Bud before it’s done curing you could put them in the oven on low heat for a couple mins. As I said I’ve never done it because I don’t like picking away at my yield until it’s all done.
Everyone says the same thing so it must be true :mrgreen:
It’s gonna taste like dog shit because it’s not fully cured. Wouldn’t doubt if it gave you a headache too.
I’ve heard of this, but never done it.
If you want to test a Bud before it’s done curing you could put them in the oven on low heat for a couple mins. As I said I’ve never done it because I don’t like picking away at my yield until it’s all done.

Another option would be to decarb the fresh undried bud at 240 for 30-45 mins and make a tiny batch of butter or oil to make an edible with.

At least then you can get an idea of potency without smoking some bitter ass weed.
Thanks for the feedback bro so the buds I’ve got drying at the moment will I be able to notice a difference in the taste and smell after they’re dry completely, I don’t think I’m going to cure the weed as I want to get rid of it ASAP and go again but after the 10 days drying will my buds smell & taste better Than they do at this moment
. Thanks

After fully dried they will taste only slightly less nasty. It takes at least a week or two of curing to get rid of that bitter chlorophyll taste.

Cure your bud or get a migraine when you smoke. Its kinda that simple.
Thanks for the feedback bro so the buds I’ve got drying at the moment will I be able to notice a difference in the taste and smell after they’re dry completely, I don’t think I’m going to cure the weed as I want to get rid of it ASAP and go again but after the 10 days drying will my buds smell & taste better Than they do at this moment
. Thanks
To each their own, but why go through all the work of the grow if you just want to get rid of it ASAP?

if you’re feeling impatient you can try those 60% bodeva humidity packs. It’ll help absorb excess humidity. But any time you rush this process it’s going to damage quality.
Slow and steady dry and cure is what makes it gas:bigjoint:
To each their own, but why go through all the work of the grow if you just want to get rid of it ASAP?

if you’re feeling impatient you can try those 60% bodeva humidity packs. It’ll help absorb excess humidity. But any time you rush this process it’s going to damage quality.
Slow and steady dry and cure is what makes it gas:bigjoint:
Dry them all the way first and use the Boveda packs to rehydrate them. I honestly can't tell any difference between bud I've had for a week and bud I've had sitting in a dark jar curing for 6 months.
Dry them all the way first and use the Boveda packs to rehydrate them. I honestly can't tell any difference between bud I've had for a week and bud I've had sitting in a dark jar curing for 6 months.
I was told that if the bud dries too much it has negative effects in the ability to cure? Or is that a wives tale?
I was told that if the bud dries too much it has negative effects in the ability to cure? Or is that a wives tale?
I think that's true if it's too hot or you let them go too long. I'm not sure if it's bro science, but I think it evaporates terps.
Appreciate all the help from you guys! Will there be a big difference in taste once the buds are fully dry, I smoked a few of the smaller buds and I couldn’t even finish the spliff it tasted horrible I jus hope it all won’t taste the same once completely dry it looks okay all the buds are frosty but obviously there must still be chlorophyll in the buds


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They will continue to cure and develop taste and potency inside the mason jars. They’re going to taste like shit until they’re properly cured. 6 to 8 weeks. If you just dry them without a proper cure, they’re going to be harsh, and likely taste like hay. Curing is about as important as growing it.
I was told that if the bud dries too much it has negative effects in the ability to cure? Or is that a wives tale?

I believe it has to do with the chlorophyll continues to metabolize after it's cut. It needs a level moisture for it to happen.

I'm at the same table about curing. I prefer 3 months. I've smoked all ages up to two years old. I still have some of that extra old stock. You can smoke younger bud but it's like a cheap cigarillo to an expensive cigar. Up to a point.

To be able to judge the cure. It really needs 3 months. With that said, I sampled some fresh bud. 4 days old. It's tempting to tear into it. But I have to wait. Not just for the cure. To smoke up what I still have left over from the previous grow. Which is 4 jars. On average, this household uses one jar a month. Once it's gone. The newer stuff is ready.
I personally hang for a target of 12-14 days before jarring. Then when stems snap crisply I remove and jar buds. Burp every other day regardless of humidity for 2-3 weeks. Looking for 45-50% RH in jars. I then burp once a week for a month. And then monthly. And the buds need to be loosely jarred and removed and carefully seperated and turned once every week for the first month. I use actual RH to adjust my jar RH over time by more or less openings. Flavors seem to start to show between 4-6 weeks. And is better still with more cure. My GG Faux is over a year now. And you would not think it is GG by its flavor. Patience, light touch and dark. All mine improve with aging. LOL. Best wishes.
I don't look forward to burping jars. The dry trim is laborious enough but opening 14 or so jars. Isn't an enjoyable thing.

It is pretty neat hearing a jar go 'pop' after being opened 8 months later. As soon as you pop the top. You take a big whiff. Trying to smell anything funky. Sometimes it'll fool you. Thinking, Whoa'. This stuff has a certain smell. It can be weird. But after airing the jar out. Pulling out a few of the nugs for the evening smoke. The smell mellows out.

The new crop that is still drying is by far the most stinky of all the grows of this plant. This time, I'm keeping the temperature low-low. 65-68°. 53%. Grabbing a couple of nugs and walking through the house. The wife starts to freak out.

"You gotta close the bedroom door!". "I can smell it on the other side of the house". Then I held the two nugs up. " Try this".

Ground one up. Loaded the bong and handed it to her. For 4 day old weed. Her girly hitting of the bong...

She was fucking blazed. One complete bowl, smoked over a half hour...and she was inside the movie she was watching. No drooling but close.