BK’s shit show

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thanks for the update.
are those bags rated for a certain sq footage or cubic foot areas?

Yeah like a 4x4. My rooms 6x12

only reason my fans coming on is the humidity, I’m going to toss my dehumidifier in the room to see if that will stop my exhaust from running constantly and that may dial it in a little more. Will do some testing this weekend.
I’m going to try and dial everything in a little more over the next couple days while I’m home for the weekend. Keep a eye out for updates.
you aren't into homebrewing by chance? i wonder what a carboy filled with sugar water and yeast would do as far as co2 output?
So before I left for work I set my exhaust to only come on at 65% RH instead of 60% which I had it set to. The co2 levels haven’t dropped like they have for the entire week.

Looking into it tomorrow
Brewing beer in my grow tent is something I've thought about for years....as it can't hurt and may actually help the MJ plants

I remember back in the 80's it became the craze to brew home beer, but more time than not it was disgusting beer.

I know guys who have near commercial quality brewers in their home, and their beer is great, but I wonder about these home brew jugs

anyhow...I hope you give it a whirl, it just may motivate my to try it as well....as I love my beer as much as MJ
Brewing beer in my grow tent is something I've thought about for years....as it can't hurt and may actually help the MJ plants

I remember back in the 80's it became the craze to brew home beer, but more time than not it was disgusting beer.

I know guys who have near commercial quality brewers in their home, and their beer is great, but I wonder about these home brew jugs

anyhow...I hope you give it a whirl, it just may motivate my to try it as well....as I love my beer as much as MJ

take the little red cap off and run tubing to the ceiling. let it drift down. and then a plastic carboy is pretty cheap.
My dogs been on steroids for almost a year now cuz of mast cell. Not sure what to do. No offense but my stupid bitch ass old lady says he's suffering and I'm being selfish, I say she's tripping hard. I told her he's old and sick but I think he's happy to be here with us. So confused.....
My dogs been on steroids for almost a year now cuz of mast cell. Not sure what to do. No offense but my stupid bitch ass old lady says he's suffering and I'm being selfish, I say she's tripping hard. I told her he's old and sick but I think he's happy to be here with us. So confused.....
Sorry to hear that. That sucks and is always a shitty situation. I’m not sure there is a right answer. What has your vet suggested?
My dogs been on steroids for almost a year now cuz of mast cell. Not sure what to do. No offense but my stupid bitch ass old lady says he's suffering and I'm being selfish, I say she's tripping hard. I told her he's old and sick but I think he's happy to be here with us. So confused.....

Sorry to hear
They wanted to cut his front leg off year ago but steroids made to mast cell go away. Now his chest is acting up with lumps and he's licking paws all the time. Going to take him in Monday to vets. We chill this weekend, have slumber party on couch tonight with all dogs and cats.
That sucks. Makes the time you left more special.
They wanted to cut his front leg off year ago but steroids made to mast cell go away. Now his chest is acting up with lumps and he's licking paws all the time. Going to take him in Monday to vets. We chill this weekend, have slumber party on couch tonight with all dogs and cats.
My hearts aching for you dude. Great idea on the slumber party ,if it were me in your shoes I would be doing what your doin , and make sure he knows and feels unequivocally that you love him , and I'm sure he does . Peace bud!!
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