My 35 day old hermie


Active Member
Here is my 35 day old with 35 days to go blue moonshine hermie. She was started from fem. seed from DP. Vegged for 1 1/2 months. She/He is very spread out on male flowers and when i see them i pull them off very carefully. Luckily the only seeds i have seen are on the lower braches and another plus is when i started this seed i started another one that is im my veg room as a mom. Here are a few pics let me know what you guys think



Active Member
Thanks Dro. yea she is a beast and she smells and tastes so sweet already, and man for only being half way done she sure packs a punch. i cant wait for day 70 lol


Active Member
what did you do to get her to bush out like that bro? topp and tie???
No topping involved. Pretty much just tied her up when i got her into my

flower closet.

My veg closet might have something to do with it also.

I made a light board with 12 4ft floros that equals 480w and each light is

only about 1/8 of an inch apart, and i used some mylar on the back of the

board as a reflector.

This is in a 4ft long by 2ft deep closet. Super efficient.

I usually try and veg for 2 months but usually end up with about 1 1 1/2

months of veg, and after that time they are about 2 ft bushes.

i will post some more pics after the lights go on of the flower and veg.



Well-Known Member
lookin great man.

i just scanned thru the thread did you say what lighting you were using? i saw some CFLs in one pic.


New Member
thats some nice lookin plant you got there, did it hermie naturally or through stress?


Active Member
I'm assuming naturally since this is the first Hermie Ive gotten in about 10 grows in this room, and this is the first time Ive used femmed seeds.


Well-Known Member
i wish i had those seeds ur hermi produced. i think they got a big chance of being female, isn't that how they get femenized seeds, hermiying out a plant?


Active Member
not sure but i am assuming so thats why im not mad that she hermied. Well that and the fact that i think i might pull at least a 1/2 lb off of her.


Well-Known Member
i would think so its HUGE! i still don't get it tho how she bushed out like that? do i just keep my lights close and veg for 2 months?? i topped one of mine and got 4 growths off of it but that looks like theirs 15!
Nirvana im loving your plant. help me make some monsters


Active Member
i would think so its HUGE! i still don't get it tho how she bushed out like that? do i just keep my lights close and veg for 2 months?? i topped one of mine and got 4 growths off of it but that looks like theirs 15!
Nirvana im loving your plant. help me make some monsters
What type of light are you using for veg? i never top my plants just lots of bending. personally i like LST far better than topping. IMO you get better results. what ever you want to know just feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
Wow she is a beast! I had a hermie and sombody told me to kill it! I just seperated her from my other girls and pull the balls off and guess hwat she turned out to be a beatiful plant for my first grow. Dont kill hermies!! They can produce some awesome smoke! And to answer your question you can get feminized seeds, thats how they are done by professionals, breed a hermie with another female plants, or itself and boom feminized seeds!

Nice plant bro i am interested to see your yeild too!!


Active Member
yea if i did more than one plant at a time i would be worried about pollinating other plants but since she is the only one no worries lol so no killing of plants here unless they are male


New Member
i wish i had those seeds ur hermi produced. i think they got a big chance of being female, isn't that how they get femenized seeds, hermiying out a plant?
no way man if you use those seeds they will be hermie as well if you want to produce feminised seeds it needs to be a plant that doesnt hermie easily at all that you then stress into producing male flowers and either cross to another female or backcross, otherwise if its a plant that hermies naturally the gene will be passed on.