Pandemic 2020

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You've got a point there Bro, J+J def. had more of a trial by fire, tested against stronger more mutated strains of Covid for sure
Just received my first Phizer jab 2hrs ago so far so good, wonder what kind of juice I'll have for my morning workout ,Sunday is heavy day(squat,deadlift,,all heavy) gonna be interesting.ccguns
Just received my first Phizer jab 2hrs ago so far so good, wonder what kind of juice I'll have for my morning workout ,Sunday is heavy day(squat,deadlift,,all heavy) gonna be interesting.ccguns
Just finished workout 8:00 am, no weakness to note,kind of surprised cuz I'm beat down from mixing a lot of cement for a foundation water/cellar project, plus the fact that I'm down about 10lbs.dealing w/being alone in house w/ old lady's health sit..@nd shot 3 weeks4/3/21.ccguns
Scientists believe that the latest Ebola outbreak was started by a survivor of the last one. They think it laid dormant for 5 years in a survivor then reared it's ugly head again. I'm reading some troubling things about covid and long haulers that makes this Ebola story relevant. The more we learn the worse it gets.
Italy prepares for an Easter lockdown as Covid-19 cases grow exponentially

Joe should cancel selected domestic flights or shut down domestic air travel for a week, he could save several tens of thousands of lives. These new variants are not to be fucked with, the young and horny will spread them far and wide.
. . . . . . . . . . I'm reading some troubling things about covid and long haulers that makes this Ebola story relevant. The more we learn the worse it gets.
A lady who used to work with my wife got covid and died from it. But her daughter got it and six months later is still having lots of problems. From what I hear, up to one third of folks have symptoms long after the initial infection. Even if the vaccine does stop the spread, we will still have adverse health implications for a long, long time.
Just finished workout 8:00 am, no weakness to note,kind of surprised cuz I'm beat down from mixing a lot of cement for a foundation water/cellar project, plus the fact that I'm down about 10lbs.dealing w/being alone in house w/ old lady's health sit..@nd shot 3 weeks4/3/21.ccguns
So glad to see that we are in the end game for this epidemic. Not that we can let up with guidelines, just glad to see more and more people vaccinated and each of them lowers the risk not just for themselves but also for everybody else.

It's probably time to start betting on the over-under for how many exit summer vaccinated.

What do you say? 80% vaccinated. Would you bet over or under that?

OK, this reminds me of a story.

A few years back I was coming home from work catching my bus. It is a connecting stop where we get off one bus and onto a busy route. The problem we get when it gets real cold some people leave their cars at home and take the bus. By the time the bus get to our stop there is no more room, talking people getting pretty personal with each other, good thing we have bulky clothing on. Some buss drivers are kind enough to cram people right up to the door, when we get to a stop and someone wants to get off some of the people in the front pile off at the stop, let them off and then get back on. But we are ok with that as long as we are on a bus and don't see them pass us by. At -20, -30 and on top of that the wind you don't want to be standing around for half an hour.

The stage is set, well, other than the fact that buses that stop every stop and express buses stop at our stop. And every once in a while there is some fool that does not pay attention and gets on an express when they wanted one of the others. So here we have a full bus, someone is yanking on the cord to tell the bus driver they want off. But the person (in this case the woman) is above reading what the next stop is as displayed at the front. So she is yelling to stop, she makes her way up to the front of the bus. The bus driver tells her the bus is an express. "Well you changed the display after I got on." Yeah right. After a bunch of back and forth he stops at the side of the road and lets her off. He then says, "So what bus is this?" And almost everyone shouts out, "XXXXX Express!"

So I can relate to the people in the story, stupid people, even when they are wrong will not accept resposibility for themselves in our shared world.
Hahaha, that's pretty good. The scene makes me think of something you'd find in a silly 80's movie, Naked Gun or something.
So glad to see that we are in the end game for this epidemic. Not that we can let up with guidelines, just glad to see more and more people vaccinated and each of them lowers the risk not just for themselves but also for everybody else.

It's probably time to start betting on the over-under for how many exit summer vaccinated.

What do you say? 80% vaccinated. Would you bet over or under that?
I'd hope for greater than 80% but my gut tells me that the Donald worshipers will continue to refuse vaccination, unfortunately herd immunity might not materialize, only hope is the Donald(who has been quietly vaccinated along w/Melania) tells his cult to take the shot(fat chance of that)or option 2 is that so many people in states w/no measures in place start another wave of positives and hospitals buckle under the strain again might scare enough people to get the shot(s).ccguns
I'd hope for greater than 80% but my gut tells me that the Donald worshipers will continue to refuse vaccination,
I don't think so.

I think they're all just like Trump: they'll talk all kinds of shit about the vaccine and how they'll never take it, but then they'll drive to the other side of town where nobody knows them and secretly get vaccinated.
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