plant look heathy?


Active Member
I’m planning to flip light in 2 weeks maybe earlier just wanna make sure I have no deficiencies.
I’m going to transplant into 7gal pot and was wondering if I should wait for recovery before switch or switch before transplant. I’m growing in soil with Gaia green products will use all purpose 4-4-4 30% and power bloom 2-8-4 70% also will add kool bloom 2-45-28 In last week of flower



Well-Known Member
The marble color in the tops are going to lead to a def. im guessing Mg or K. It shouldnt be a big deal if you are about to repot anyways. Looks very good overall!


Active Member
The marble color in the tops are going to lead to a def. im guessing Mg or K. It shouldnt be a big deal if you are about to repot anyways. Looks very good overall!
I was thinking the same I have calmg I will add if it gets worst. I repotted Saturday will flip to 12/12 this weekend


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same I have calmg I will add if it gets worst. I repotted Saturday will flip to 12/12 this weekend
I aint figured out exactly what element is missing yet.... I got it boiled down to K or Ca. Mg by itself is not cutting it.

Im 92.3% sure that repotting them will fix the issue, combined with flipping , im positive it will go away and look normal.