Examples of Democratic Party leadership


Well-Known Member
We have been discussing since before the Revolutionary War. America of course. Still playing the same game with catchier terms and distractions. Have a discussion with your elected officials. Join the caucus in your area of your choosing. Join. Go to town hall and council meetings and discuss. Run for dog catcher in your county. Just quit talking until you do some thing to actually help. I do my part.
I thought you were going to hold off for another fifty days before you went back to preaching at us -- as welcome as Rob Roy. Fifty more days of silence seemed reasonable given as how you don't have anything to say normally.

I feel betrayed.


Well-Known Member
didn't open it.

You get your news from Facebook?

Where do you get your lobotomies?


Well-Known Member
Sadly we have it in it's anti democratic spite because of jewlery of iron and drunken " ". Should already be gone.
You mean we should treat our legislative process like presidential orders that are completely reversed when a different party takes power? How can that even work? For example labor laws: Democrats pass union protections when they are in power and Republicans repeal them when they come into power. Sweeping changes in laws that go back and forth depending on who is in power isn't good for business either.

Not sending you a sarcastic jab or anything. It's just that the only thing I would support regarding the filibuster is an open debate where we discuss the up and downsides of changing it so we can make a better choice than a dumbass binomial decision.


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A short clip that exemplifies why the republicans might have trouble in 2022 and the impact of the covid stimulus on WV. They better change their tune on helping America, cause some Americans are gonna turn on the "workingman's party". The democrats just need to keep going for the low hanging fruit (there's lot's) and avoid truly controversial issues, until ya see how it goes after 2022.
How one Republican-leaning county is welcoming Biden's Covid-19 relief (cnn.com)

How one Republican-leaning county is welcoming Biden's Covid-19 relief
Anderson Cooper 360

CNN's Gary Tuchman talks to residents in Williamson, a Republican-leaning town in West Virginia, about their feelings on Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill recently passed by Congress.


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Classic good management practice: Plan, then do
What Trump did: Order changes without any idea what the change entails and let other people figure it out while criticizing their lack of progress.

Biden's plan to get this country back to normal:

May 1st:

1. Enough vaccine available to vaccinate all adults in the US
2. Help you get your shot
3. Re-open schools SAFELY
4. Release revised and clear guidelines on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated
5. Promises to do what he can to beat this virus but ask YOU to get vaccinated.

Most significantly, Biden is telling us what he needs us to do. He's not directing, he's asking us to take clear and actionable steps that can bring about the end days of this virus.

To cap off his description of progress made and his plans going forward, he makes a request that we do what only we can do, get vaccinated. Then he tells us what the benefit is: If we do as he asks, we can begin to safely hold 4th of July gatherings with friends and family.

Promises made and kept. Plans laid and communicated. A calm, deliberate and effective leader is in the WH.


Well-Known Member
Money by the weekend for some folks, check yer bank account if ya got DD.
Chris Hayes Breaks Down Hidden Gems Of The Covid Relief Bill

Chris Hayes breaks down what’s in Biden’s rescue plan, including stimulus checks, child tax credits, full COBRA subsidies, restaurant bailouts, and more. “This bill is so big that there is a ton of great stuff in it that a lot of people just don't know about.”


Well-Known Member
Some folks have got the cash already.

Third stimulus: How to track your payment status (cnbc.com)

You will be able to track your third stimulus payment—here’s how

Those awaiting the arrival of the third stimulus payment, which could start being deposited as soon as this weekend, will soon be able to track its status on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) website.

Like the other two stimulus payments, you can track the status of yours using the IRS’s Get My Payment tool. However, the tool is not available yet for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) payments, as the IRS needs time to review the law’s tax provisions. Treasury officials said Friday evening the tool would be available starting Monday, March 15.

Those with direct deposit set up with the IRS will receive their payments first. After those deposits, the IRS will mail paper checks and pre-paid debit cards to everyone else who qualifies. The Get My Payment tool will tell users what type of payment they can expect.

Users have reported problems using the tool in the past. The IRS said previously that the system can get overwhelmed when too many people use it. It also showed incorrect bank account information and deposit dates for some users during the disbursal of the second, $600 payment earlier this year.

Previously, the IRS has updated the tool once a day. If there is no update on the status of a payment, then users can check again the next day.

When the tool does go online, it will not show the status of the first two stimulus payments. People who were eligible for those but haven’t yet received one or both will need to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on their 2020 tax returns.

To see how much you may qualify for, use this calculator from personal finance website Grow:


Well-Known Member
Finally some good news for Americans, cash and vaccines! Looks like Joe is coming through for you, nothing is sticking to the old white guy like Obama, the republican base doesn't have the same aversion and Joe doesn't generate their "energy". Besides I noticed that Joe is the kinda guy who grows on ya, the more ya know him the more ya like him, the opposite was true of Trump! Joe has an opportunity to make some real change and he is, if he helps get even more senate seats and keeps the house in 2022, you'll see more aggressive and controversial policies. If Joe and the democrats keep it up with HR-1 and voters rights legislation they could do well in 2022. Goldman sacks predicts almost 8% growth with the stimulus this year and if that happens, it will be even better for the democrats.

Check your bank account, you could already be rich! Joe is gonna sell the stimulus next week, but the country already bought it by 76%.

The $1,400 stimulus checks are already landing in people's bank accounts (yahoo.com)

The $1,400 stimulus checks are already landing in people's bank accounts

  • President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion stimulus package Thursday.
  • By Friday, $1,400 stimulus checks had already landed in people's bank accounts.
  • More direct deposits, physical checks, and prepaid debit cards will be sent out in the coming weeks.
The latest round of stimulus checks has already landed in thousands of people's bank accounts as of Friday, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The $1,400 checks are the latest round of direct payments delivered to Americans since the coronavirus began about one year ago.

Treasury Department officials said earlier Friday that people should expect checks to start arriving this weekend after President Joe Biden signed the Democrats' $1.9 trillion stimulus package on Thursday.

Officials said the payments would be delivered over the coming weeks, with most through direct deposit, Politico reported.

The banking app Current told The Journal it had already processed thousands of stimulus deposits. Chime, another banking app, said on Twitter it had already delivered $600 million in stimulus payments to 250,000 accounts.

More rounds of direct deposits are expected to go out in the coming weeks, with the government saying the official payment date is March 17.

The IRS told Politico paper checks and prepaid debit cards will also be sent out by the end of the month to people whose banking information it does not have on file.

The latest round of checks is larger than the two previous rounds, and is worth a total of $411 billion, The Journal reported.

Read the original article on Business Insider


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In an effort to oust Trump Democrats would have rallied around an untrained monkey. Biden is getting a little bit old but what he's done that's so few do is surround himself with extremely intelligent people who he is not going to fire if they disagree with him. Trump however was always the most intelligent man in the room. Even virologists agreed they had never met anyone so knowledgeable.


Well-Known Member
Biden's next step is rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Our bridges are falling down. Our highways are in disrepair. Our rail system should still be running steam engines it's so antiquated. There are just so many necessary projects and they need to get done before the bridges hit the ground. Personally I think we need to be careful that the unions do not get all the work. The time for most unions is long gone and the regular Joe's could benefit from some decent paying jobs.


Well-Known Member
Joe is the kinda guy who grows on ya and the nice old white man will grow on the fringes of Donald's base and among independents. He's doing a good job, but the fact that he's a white man will have the biggest impact on the republican and independents who lean republicans, he will make inroads with older voters over time. Joe could have coattails in an off election year and the republican senate is vulnerable in 2022

The democrats priorities are HR-1 and the voters rights act, the over 200 republican state voting law changes make this imperative. Infrastructure will come too and provide jobs for many of those troublesome white males, I believe rural broadband and free basic cable TV should be among the projects. Change rural America by changing their access to information. Beating covid, providing responsible government and near 8% economic growth will help a lot with Joe's approval rating.
Why You Should Still Pay Attention To Joe Biden’s Approval Rating | FiveThirtyEight

Why You Should Still Pay Attention To Joe Biden’s Approval Rating

When it comes to presidential approval ratings, the days of big swings in opinion and sky-high ratings are gone.

Consider that former President Donald Trump’s approval rating mostly hovered between 40 and 45 percent, earning him the distinction of having the steadiest approval rating of any president since World War II. In fact, one way Trump embodied the nickname “Teflon Don” so early was by how little his approval numbers moved in response to the many controversies swirling around him.1 Former President Barack Obama also saw small fluctuations in his approval numbers.


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After Trump's loss and false fraud claims, GOP eyes voter restrictions across nation - POLITICO

After Trump's loss and false fraud claims, GOP eyes voter restrictions across nation
In statehouses around the country — most notably, in Georgia — lawmakers are rolling out legislation that would make it a lot harder to vote.

Former President Donald Trump’s debunked claims of widespread voter fraud and a stolen election galvanized his supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol in January. Now, his rhetoric is turning into policies that are moving through GOP-dominated state legislatures: a rollback of voting access.

In statehouses around the country — most notably, in Georgia — lawmakers are rolling out legislation that would make it a lot harder to vote. They’re considering dozens of restrictive bills to purge voters from rolls, limit early and absentee voting, add voter ID requirements and eliminate automatic and same-day voter registration.
In short, bills are being introduced to prevent something that didn’t happen in 2020 — widespread voter fraud — from recurring in 2022, 2024 and beyond.

“They’re all predicated on the ‘big lie,’ the idea that Trump won the election, that there was widespread voter fraud,” said Nsé Ufot, CEO of the New Georgia Project. “The ‘big lie’ is the engine or the fuel that powered in a lot of ways the Jan. 6 insurrection. It’s also the fuel that’s powering these anti-voting bills that we are seeing across the country.”

If passed, critics warn, the policies would disproportionately affect Democratic constituencies such as young voters, poor voters and voters of color, erecting barriers to the ballot box after a historic turnout last fall.

“There’s absolutely no coincidence in terms of the people who are gonna be impacted and the timing of this,” said Nancy Abudu, deputy legal director for the Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund, an arm of the SPLC, which prioritizes impact litigation on issues such as voting rights and criminal justice reform.

Some voting rights advocates are pinning their hopes on the federal government, where there are moves afoot to make it easier for Americans to cast votes. President Joe Biden signed an executive order promoting voting access on March 7, the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a civil rights touchstone. And days earlier, the House passed sweeping election reforms expanding voting rights.


Well-Known Member
The man behind the throne, Joe listens to this guy and has for quite some time, a very talented and intelligent individual. Ron knows how to get shit done and how to deal with republicans, play ball or get run over. Joe is on his version of a "rubbing their noses in it" tour to sell the covid relief bill, even though they already bought it by 76%.
WH Chief Of Staff Ron Klain On Biden’s Next Legislative Priorities

With Covid relief out of the way, Congress is free to pursue other parts of President Biden’s agenda. White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain joins NBC’s Mehdi Hasan to peel back the curtain on how the Biden administration plans to pass progressive legislation despite the Senate filibuster.


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We keep having this discussion about whether or not Cuomo should resign as if people living in CA, OR or CO have any skin in the game. Its up to the voters of NY. Not anybody else.

What they say at this moment:

The numbers can change rapidly depending on what the investigation comes up with. The authors maintain that the Siena poll cited in this article is consistent with others. Also, New York Democrats are less likely to say they want him out:

Critically for Cuomo, however, only 25 percent of Democrats are calling for him to go. Democratic representatives are the ones who will ultimately need to decide if Cuomo should be impeached, and the support of the party’s primary voters are the most essential if he wants to retain any path to win a fourth term.

“Nearly two-thirds of Republicans say Cuomo should resign, however, 61 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of independents, a plurality, say he should not,” Greenberg said.

The poll isn’t that far from the findings of a Quinnipiac survey released 11 days ago, which was conducted after the harassment allegations began to dominate the public discussion. That poll found that 40 percent of voters want him to resign, while 55 percent do not.

This isn't the end of it. An investigation has only begun. But still, Cuomo isn't going anywhere as long as support like this continues.

Doesn't matter what @schuylaar says. Doesn't matter what AOC or Schumer say, doesn't matter what the press says, doesn't matter what somebody living in OR says. Personally, given what is known, I wouldn't vote for him in a primary but I'd probably vote for him in the general election, given how effed up Republicans are. A deal breaker for me would be convincing testimony under oath from at least one of his accusers. So, we'll see.

For now, Cuomo is going to stay.
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