SomeGuys Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should trim off the bottoms.

I won't do it right now though because I've learned my lesson about messing
with plants that are in flowering.

I can't wait to see the yield.

I can't wait to see the cloner either.


Well-Known Member
Cool, but you didn't answer my question about where you go them. I've got some extra spots something like that would fit perfectly into but I don't want to go any smaller than a gallon.


Well-Known Member
Cool, but you didn't answer my question about where you go them. I've got some extra spots something like that would fit perfectly into but I don't want to go any smaller than a gallon.
I bought them at a grocery store. The label said Snap Cap food Storage 1gl. I gotta remember which store and try to find some more. Any one gl container with lid would work though. These were clear when I got them but I painted them black to protect the roots.


Real nice man... I use 5 gallon buckets and have the same size space Ive been thinkin on a new setup and this is great. What do you use for nutes? and have you ever tryed a bat guano tea for nutes in dwc? I have 1 bubba kush and 2 mexi bubba cross then 1 bagseed in dirt with a 250watt hps. with a clone cabinet that works wonders in a week. rep man


Well-Known Member
Hello out there! Just wanted to say... I am back. :) I will be picking this back up after the new year in January.

Now Legal in CA. :)