Pandemic 2020

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Covid-19 vaccines: Moderna vs. Pfizer vs. Johnson & Johnson comparison

We asked Dr. Stephen Thomas, chief of Infectious Diseases at SUNY Upstate Medical University, what we need to know about the vaccines right now and what we could learn in the coming months.

Watch the video for a deeper explanation about the three vaccines currently available in the U.S. — Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson. Moderna and Pfizer are messenger RNA, or mRNA vaccines and Johnson & Johnson is a viral vector vaccine. All three are designed to protect against Covid-19.

According to the CDC, rather than inject the body with a weakened version of the coronavirus, these vaccines teach the body to make a protein which triggers an immune response. It’s those antibodies that our bodies produce that help keep us safe when confronted with the actual virus.

Side Effects
The mRNA vaccines have been administered to over 80 million people in the United States and they are safe and effective, Thomas said. Thomas was the lead principal investigator for the worldwide Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial.

In data from the trials, Thomas noted, “The safety profile of these vaccines are all pretty similar, most people will experience some kind of pain at the site the vaccine was injected and most people say the pain is mild to moderate.

Dr. Thomas also mentioned these other common side effects:
• Mild to moderate headache
• Mild to moderate fatigue
• 30 to 40 percent of people might have muscle aches or joint pain
• About ten to fifteen percent of people might develop a fever

“The good news is if it’s going to happen to you, because it doesn’t happen to everyone, it happens pretty soon after you get vaccinated and once it starts it goes away within a couple of days,” Thomas said.

“With Pfizer and Moderna rolling out over 80 million doses of vaccine the side effects continue to be the same as the data from the trials and we aren’t seeing any new side effects or more severe side effects,” he added.

What about the variants?
Work is being done in laboratories with the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, testing people’s antibodies to see if the antibodies will neutralize the variants.

Thomas said, “They are not as good at neutralizing those variants as they are against the predominant strain in the United States which is from China. But experiments are continuing and there is some concerning data there, which is why it’s important that we vaccinate as many people as possible, because it’s a race against the variants.”

Thomas noted that the vaccines are still working at fifty to sixty-percent efficacy against the new variants.

“Just to put it in context, the annual flu vaccine is about forty-five percent efficacious,” he said.

How important is the two-dose vaccine time schedule?
Thomas said it’s important to get these vaccines as close to the schedule as possible as they were tested in the trials. If a change is unavoidable, Thomas recommends delaying the second dose rather than getting it ahead of schedule.

What is herd immunity and when will we have it?
Herd immunity is achieved when enough of the population has become immune to a disease (generally through vaccinations) that it makes it difficult for that disease to spread.

That would mean even those who are not immune would be protected.

“Right now, about fifteen percent of the country has received at least one dose of vaccine, but that’s a far cry from the 70 to 80-percent that we are going to need to achieve herd immunity,” Thomas said.

Thomas doesn’t think it’s going to be a vaccine supply issue, but more of a willingness for people to be vaccinated. “We’re vaccinating 2 million people a day, if that were to go to 3 million, and we have 320 million people in the country, we could achieve herd immunity by late summer.”
I am a healthcare worker and I still haven’t been offered the shot! Most of my patients had theirs and they are like can’t believe I haven’t been offered. I feel so betrayed and sad. I have tried scheduling appointment online many times and thought I was in a que but nothing! I have to ask my patients the question if they got the vaccine as part of their work up. They all have their stories and many are corrupt stories of wealth and “luck” who you know and who you blow. I have never been more humiliated in my life .
President Joe Rob said the US will lend vaccines to our North American neighbors.

Not approved in the US yet.
Not approved in the US yet.
They have millions of doses sitting on the shelf with millions more a month coming in the door already, it kinda makes sense from a logistical POV. America won't be safe with open borders again until their neighbors are protected, but that really goes for the entire globe too. If you allow this thing to fester in poor countries it might come back to bite ya in the ass with new variants. We are getting a "loan" of the vaccine and will pay it back, we've got more doses ordered of the top vaccines than most other countries and we got our orders in early too.

Time to look into domestic production of mRNA vaccines as soon as the mass production technology gets up to speed. mRNA vaccines should allow countries like Canada to have economical domestic vaccine production, including seasonal flu vaccines and be useful for other medical treatments as well.
I am a healthcare worker and I still haven’t been offered the shot! Most of my patients had theirs and they are like can’t believe I haven’t been offered. I feel so betrayed and sad. I have tried scheduling appointment online many times and thought I was in a que but nothing! I have to ask my patients the question if they got the vaccine as part of their work up. They all have their stories and many are corrupt stories of wealth and “luck” who you know and who you blow. I have never been more humiliated in my life .
What state are you in? I would expect that to change pretty quickly with Biden's roll out, he hit 100 million less than half way through his 100 days. I'd say the odd's of you getting a shot in the next month are pretty good, cause Joe is shooting for another 100 million plus by his first 100 days. You guys are light years ahead of Canada, but we can't get the vaccine supplies. BTW thanks for the 1.5 million Astra Zeneca doses (un approved in the US), supply is not an issue for you folks, getting vaccines in arms appears to be the big issue. I expect you'll be up to 3 million or more doses a day, see what a difference a good federal government can make? When the guy running the show gives a fuck and has a brain.
Scientists may have figured out how SARS-CoV-2 jumped from animals to humans |

Scientists may have figured out how SARS-CoV-2 jumped from animals to humans
A WHO investigative team fixates on wildlife farms in China as a point of origin for the virus

The origin story for the novel coronavirus was always a bit nebulous. We know the outbreak began in Wuhan, China; and the discovery of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in bats and pangolins in Thailand suggested that the virus may have crossed over from those animals. But the data points in-between animals, and a human in Wuhan, were never entirely clear.
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I am a healthcare worker and I still haven’t been offered the shot! Most of my patients had theirs and they are like can’t believe I haven’t been offered. I feel so betrayed and sad. I have tried scheduling appointment online many times and thought I was in a que but nothing! I have to ask my patients the question if they got the vaccine as part of their work up. They all have their stories and many are corrupt stories of wealth and “luck” who you know and who you blow. I have never been more humiliated in my life .
I'm really sorry to hear that you are still waiting. Enough vaccine is available. But it's all ramping up fast now and I'm guessing it won't be much longer for you. That said, your emotional response to hearing how somebody gamed the system while you play by the rules and have to wait is completely appropriate.

I'll find out how bad it is in Oregon after I become eligible at the end of this month. People around me have gotten vaccinated using OHA scheduling tools and not by jumping the line, though there has been some frustration vented when the topic came up.

What is really strange to me is that younger "frontline workers" who are not EMT or working with elders or working with others who are at high risk are not scheduled to be vaccinated until mid-April in Oregon. If you are working in an oncology treatment center, you should on a VIP status, not at the back of the pack.

Link, if curious about Oregon's scheduling:
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what is the issue in Canada? Availability? Slow scale-up of vaccinations? Funding?
Availability for now, I expect things to improve quite a bit by April. We have about a dozen active cases in NS with a population of close to a million, puts us low down on the priority list I suppose.
I am a healthcare worker and I still haven’t been offered the shot! Most of my patients had theirs and they are like can’t believe I haven’t been offered. I feel so betrayed and sad. I have tried scheduling appointment online many times and thought I was in a que but nothing! I have to ask my patients the question if they got the vaccine as part of their work up. They all have their stories and many are corrupt stories of wealth and “luck” who you know and who you blow. I have never been more humiliated in my life .

Head for a state with a democratic governor, they actually believe in science.
Here is how things stand in Canada, we have a large elderly population in the Atlantic provinces, but are lagging on vaccination rates. Vaccination rates are higher up north to protect the native population, vulnerable minorities, the elderly and vulnerable along with healthcare workers are the priorities. Even in NS where vaccination rates are low, nursing homes and healthcare workers have been covered. Our problem is obtaining enough supplies from the many contracts we've made early on in the pandemic. The new variants have created a race to vaccinate ASAP.

COVID-19 vaccine tracker: How many people in Canada have received vaccinations? | CTV News
Man, you know what I hate about covid. When my dumb fucking inlaws that all work in Healthcare and are all rampant trumpers that called it the ching Chong flu or whatever and berated people over masks and social distance get it, I can't ring the "told ya so" bell.
President Joe Rob said the US will lend vaccines to our North American neighbors.

biden said it was conditional: we will need a new Bob and Doug movie before we send any vaxs up north.
Availability for now, I expect things to improve quite a bit by April. We have about a dozen active cases in NS with a population of close to a million, puts us low down on the priority list I suppose.

The European vaccine manufacturers screwed us over. The Canadian government didn’t want to put all their eggs in one basket. They purchased from the European manufacturers because they didn’t trust the erratic Trump administration.

The Canadian government did a good job in ordering vaccines early. They even ordered extra to help poorer countries.

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