Marijuana Morning sickness, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.

no matter what, i thought i should stop smoking and see what happens. i'm one week cannabis-free now, but nothing changed at all. my question is: how soon does it help to not smoke? in the articles in the internet there is no duration mentioned... do you think it is likely that i suffer from CHS although i don't need to shower and stopped smoking for one week? of course i should be more patient, but not only that the 5 days i can take the helpful pills are over soon, but also these pills have strange side effects and honestly i don't like chemicals. i'd appreciate smoking weed instead because it helps against the symptoms....but of course am afraid that the weed is what makes me sick :(

well, i hope i described my sitatuion well and did not forgot anything...don't hesitate asking me! i'd be so glad if you answer me and tell me how many cannabis-free days you needed to feel better and if it stopped apruptely or gradually...

Hi Debby,

it took me approximately two weeks for everything to be cleared up both times. I have other friends who had other disorders like sphincter of oddi disorder who confused it for CHS. Nevertheless, just pour fluids into your body even if you can't hold them down for very long. Staying hydrated is crucial.

Good ways to "trick" your body into eating include the likes of shaved ice, popsicles, gatorade ice cubes, etc. You want to make sure you get potassium and water in your body so that you can sustain yourself. After the first week, you should be able to - give or take two or three days - eat solid foods like thin soups and broths.

I was informed the process could take up to a month, but typically two weeks should suffice. Coming from someone who was one of the biggest smokers I have ever known (myself), two weeks was enough for my body to recover.

The first time I experienced CHS, showers didn't help. The second time they were a Godsend. I didn't quite notice the effect on my body the first time, though we tried it later in the recovery process.

Wish you well. Please, follow up so that others suffering from CHS or something else may see.

Hi Debby,

it took me approximately two weeks for everything to be cleared up both times. I have other friends who had other disorders like sphincter of oddi disorder who confused it for CHS. Nevertheless, just pour fluids into your body even if you can't hold them down for very long. Staying hydrated is crucial.

Good ways to "trick" your body into eating include the likes of shaved ice, popsicles, gatorade ice cubes, etc. You want to make sure you get potassium and water in your body so that you can sustain yourself. After the first week, you should be able to - give or take two or three days - eat solid foods like thin soups and broths.

I was informed the process could take up to a month, but typically two weeks should suffice. Coming from someone who was one of the biggest smokers I have ever known (myself), two weeks was enough for my body to recover.

The first time I experienced CHS, showers didn't help. The second time they were a Godsend. I didn't quite notice the effect on my body the first time, though we tried it later in the recovery process.

Wish you well. Please, follow up so that others suffering from CHS or something else may see.

Hi alex!
Thanks so much for your quick reply and your advice :)
Since I take the pills, I am able to eat and drink "normally"! (Still less than normal and still very cautios) So dehydration and weakness is not the problem here... just in the morning before I took one I need to throw up... but thats okay to handle. But I mean these pills (or any other pills) are not the solution...

alright I give my body some more time then...but as I said, can take the pills only til saturday (that's gonna be the 9th smoke-free day)...need new ones then (and god knows if they help) or start smoking again... don't know yet what i'll do...:/

thanks for the information I was asking for! Very interesting...

of course I'll keep you informed :)
okay folks....its been a while now...
i'm feeling better, my sickness and the other problems are gone. And i still/again happily smoke. An internist said i suffered from a serious but common intestinal infection...but thats just a guess he did. (he had no look inside me) It took so long, because the bowels need some time to regenerate the flora...
but actually no one knows for sure what was going on with me...but it's gone and i'm happy. i promised to keep you informed, thats why i'm writing this.
So no CHS i guess :) thanks for your help anyway!
I've been on the medical program here in New Mexico for several years now. You can only buy medical from licensed producers. I get some damn good weed and edibles. I've never had the symptoms you describe.
Literally has nothing to do with that. I’m literally 95 lbs and ate 100mg medical gummies, I was diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemisis in 2018 while traveling for work. I was in Peoria, Il when I was diagnosed and I’m from NY. Just because it doesn’t effect you, or anyone that you know of, doesn’t mean it’s not real. I also don’t have knee caps due to NPS, are you gonna tell me it’s impossible to walk without kneecaps, so I have to have them? Because, no. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s not real. And where’s your medical degree again?
Literally has nothing to do with that. I’m literally 95 lbs and ate 100mg medical gummies, I was diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemisis in 2018 while traveling for work. I was in Peoria, Il when I was diagnosed and I’m from NY. Just because it doesn’t effect you, or anyone that you know of, doesn’t mean it’s not real. I also don’t have knee caps due to NPS, are you gonna tell me it’s impossible to walk without kneecaps, so I have to have them? Because, no. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s not real. And where’s your medical degree again?
Carne Seca is, sadly, long gone.
Literally has nothing to do with that. I’m literally 95 lbs and ate 100mg medical gummies, I was diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemisis in 2018 while traveling for work. I was in Peoria, Il when I was diagnosed and I’m from NY. Just because it doesn’t effect you, or anyone that you know of, doesn’t mean it’s not real. I also don’t have knee caps due to NPS, are you gonna tell me it’s impossible to walk without kneecaps, so I have to have them? Because, no. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s not real. And where’s your medical degree again?
How are your kidneys?
Crazy thread. I used to and sometimes still have morning nausea which would ONLY be remedied by curling up in the fetal position until I passed out in pain. I would sleep usually about 4 hrs solid and wake up right as the rain. I would try antacids and anti nausea meds that would only lead to me throwing up more. More you throw up the worse the stomach pain is. Also its a sickening feeling so you really feel like throwing up will help. Viscous cycle that you have to say no to lol.
I have never heard of this prob. I always attributed it to eating thai, hot wings, or some other hot shit that tears me up. Haven't had it happen in prob almost a year now. I have NEVER stopped smoking. Never even heard of such a thing. Its been happening for a long time tho. A few times I would have this happen when I didn't eat anything crazy either. I can only remember one time it was an extended period like the OP talked about. Prob about a week or so. If I had to guess its prob been happening for about 15 years. I've been smoking pot a lot longer.
I can only trip on shrooms like once every two months. 50-60 wet grams I'll be layin on my kitchen floor experiencing the waves

Excuse me, what the fuck? A gram of dry shrooms as a tea will have me bedridden and unable to function.