What has Trump done to this country?

There are nearly a million Russians in the metro Atlanta area. One of them is my wife. There are also several authentic Russian stores where you can buy the genuine article, but nothing beats it fresh from the deli in Nishny Novgorod.

I'm serious. I got weepy. It was that good.
Fresh, locally sourced is almost always better. There are some really good local sausages are made by artisans can be found just about everywhere across the US. The hard part is finding the best. Next hardest is picking from a case filled with different kinds of wonderful hand made sausage. Third most difficult is to stop eating when full.

lately, a locally made smoky, pre-cooked dry landjaegar sausage has become an addictive treat for me.

Envious about your experience in Russia with real Russian sausage.
Cool, I think they ship, more than happy to try to turn you guy's on to a rare find, not a lot of Portugueese in US concentrated in a few areas Southeastern MA and CA. in a few places I think,spent 31 yrs w/portugueese woman.ccguns
I love the Portuguese & their food (they are my breathen, being Celts)
This is my favorite meal ( It's not Spanish/It's Portuguese/that's a fact)

Paella Recipe | Alton Brown | Food Network
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Just holding the fort might not be enough, but demographic change is coming and the republicans destroyed their brand among the vast majority of them. They've managed to piss off every minority in the country and a majority of women too, their latest victims are the Asian American community. I'm sure Muslim Americans will be in for a rough ride next as Foxnews makes hay with the fact the Colorado shooter was a Muslim. They will need to distract from the rightwing terrorists and those who stormed and sacked the capital, no doubt Donald will chime in.
Republican voter restrictions are a race against time - CNNPolitics

Why Republican voter restrictions are a race against time

(CNN)With their drive to erect new obstacles to voting, particularly across the Sun Belt, Republicans are stacking sandbags against a rising tide of demographic change.

In many of the states where Republicans are advancing the most severe restrictions -- including Georgia, Arizona and Texas -- shifts in the electorate's composition are eroding decades of virtually uncontested GOP dominance.

In each of those states -- and others such as North Carolina, South Carolina and, in a slightly different way, Florida -- the GOP still holds a statewide advantage primarily because of its strong performance among older, non-college-educated and non-urban White voters. But in almost all those states, the Republican edge is ebbing amid two powerful demographic currents: an improving Democratic performance among white-collar voters in and around the states' rapidly growing major cities, and the aging into the electorate of younger generations defined by kaleidoscopic racial diversity.

That latter shift, in particular, represents an existential long-term danger to Republican control of Sun Belt states where they have held the upper hand for years: Kids of color now compose a clear majority of the under 18 population in Arizona, Texas, Georgia and Florida, and nearly half in the Carolinas, according to an analysis by William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program. In Texas alone, local experts estimate that about 200,000 citizen Latinos will turn 18 and thus eligible to vote each year through at least 2028.

Many analysts agree that the restrictions on voting proliferating in such states -- and the prospect that many of them will also impose severe partisan gerrymanders before the 2022 elections -- represent a race-against-time effort by Republicans to entrench their political advantage before it is eroded, or washed away entirely, by that approaching surge of demographic change.
"They see the wave of demography coming and they are just trying to hold up a wall and keep it from smashing them in," says Frey. "It's the last bastion of their dominance, and they are doing everything they can."
Just holding the fort might not be enough, but demographic change is coming and the republicans destroyed their brand among the vast majority of them. They've managed to piss off every minority in the country and a majority of women too, their latest victims are the Asian American community. I'm sure Muslim Americans will be in for a rough ride next as Foxnews makes hay with the fact the Colorado shooter was a Muslim. They will need to distract from the rightwing terrorists and those who stormed and sacked the capital, no doubt Donald will chime in.
Republican voter restrictions are a race against time - CNNPolitics

Why Republican voter restrictions are a race against time

(CNN)With their drive to erect new obstacles to voting, particularly across the Sun Belt, Republicans are stacking sandbags against a rising tide of demographic change.

In many of the states where Republicans are advancing the most severe restrictions -- including Georgia, Arizona and Texas -- shifts in the electorate's composition are eroding decades of virtually uncontested GOP dominance.

In each of those states -- and others such as North Carolina, South Carolina and, in a slightly different way, Florida -- the GOP still holds a statewide advantage primarily because of its strong performance among older, non-college-educated and non-urban White voters. But in almost all those states, the Republican edge is ebbing amid two powerful demographic currents: an improving Democratic performance among white-collar voters in and around the states' rapidly growing major cities, and the aging into the electorate of younger generations defined by kaleidoscopic racial diversity.

That latter shift, in particular, represents an existential long-term danger to Republican control of Sun Belt states where they have held the upper hand for years: Kids of color now compose a clear majority of the under 18 population in Arizona, Texas, Georgia and Florida, and nearly half in the Carolinas, according to an analysis by William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program. In Texas alone, local experts estimate that about 200,000 citizen Latinos will turn 18 and thus eligible to vote each year through at least 2028.

Many analysts agree that the restrictions on voting proliferating in such states -- and the prospect that many of them will also impose severe partisan gerrymanders before the 2022 elections -- represent a race-against-time effort by Republicans to entrench their political advantage before it is eroded, or washed away entirely, by that approaching surge of demographic change.
"They see the wave of demography coming and they are just trying to hold up a wall and keep it from smashing them in," says Frey. "It's the last bastion of their dominance, and they are doing everything they can."
Soon as I seen the Muslim name knew the Reps. would be on it like flies on shit, hate the fact that this clown just gave these pricks a distraction that they so sorely need to try and change the context.ccguns
Soon as I seen the Muslim name knew the Reps. would be on it like flies on shit, hate the fact that this clown just gave these pricks a distraction that they so sorely need to try and change the context.ccguns
Just another run of the mill,random mass shooting,Shit as a youth the dude in the Texas tower was talked about for years as it was such a rare uncommon event. Now once a month a mass shooting in USA think realistic videogame carnage combined the digital age where physical friendships are less the norm might have anything to do with this phenomenon. Seems like it's a lot easier ti build a hard heart these day's.ccguns
Soon as I seen the Muslim name knew the Reps. would be on it like flies on shit, hate the fact that this clown just gave these pricks a distraction that they so sorely need to try and change the context.ccguns

Fox News will be on the "You're not safe from Muslim terrorists in Biden's America" news cycle for the foreseeable future.
Sorry, late again. Ran 20lbs+ of hot Italian mixture through this relic last February, using ground pork butt roast, fresh herbs, a bottle of red wine and real casings. Then off to the smoker for a few hours. A couple pals too ran their recipe through the machine - nothing like a sausage party on Valentine's Day. IMG_20210324_101541.jpg