browning sugar leaves = time to harvest?


Well-Known Member
This is an issue as well. Full flower I’m still watering every 3 days. I’m on day 69 of flower and they’re not done yet. So yes 70+ Days is a good standard

Your organic but you water everyday?

Sounds about right from all I’ve read. Breeders time is most likely their preference to chop for all we know. Different strokes for different folks.
Lock out can really screw a new grower up if they aren’t keeping track of what’s going into the medium. It can make you think you are deficient when there is really too much of an abundance of one or more nutes in the soil. I haven’t had any problems as of late. I need to get some epsom to have on hand now that I got that sp6500 in the tent. Already seeing the magnesium deficiency creep in.
Okay it sounds like I was feeding and watering too much guys. That does sound like the answer.
It was organic super soil but I was watering almost daily and feeding, top dressing, giving organic tea and Biobizz (pick one) like almost every day. There was fungus gnats like a mofo which I got under control by covering soil with yellow sticky tape, but they were still all over the soil.

I felt like also perhaps the fertigations were not penetrating the soil completely by finding the easiest path. There was not a whole lot of aeration material in my soil.

As for my last Blue Cheese in there, I dont even wanna show you guys because its so ugly with not dense buds, yellow budleaves and stringy looking. The cakes did come out muuuch better despite these challenges we discussed.

Next run will be soil-less and I've got them vegging, waiting to go in soon... hot damn, soil was fun and I learned a lot but the soiless is way easier, more efficient, quicker and less hassle (I think and hope).

Anyways I've got the last blue cheese on colder temps, less water, no more feeding, no more co2, and light slightly dialed down too. I'm over it, want her to finish up so I'll throw in the new vegging batch to flower. Next run wont see these issues. And I've got the next run ready to be almost fully automated too... (wifi irrigation system going in) so excited for the next run.


Well-Known Member
But yes @Wizzlebiz i do agree that 10 weeks is the average for a plant to be done. Cloudy to amber being about 80/15 with about 5% still clear. Most sativa dominant plants take even longer. I’ve read up on someone going 16 weeks in flower. Crazy.. but probably well worth not chopping at week 9 I bet.
My defoliated from last summer was 15 weeks. Shit took forever lol


Well-Known Member
My super soil was:
Mycorrhizae, Worm Castings, Blood Meal, Bat Guano, Fish Bone Meal, Kelp, Epsom Salt, Dolomite, Azomite, Humic Acid, Gypsum, Rice Hulls, Pumice, Oyster Shell, Soybean Meal, Alfalfa, Coco Coir, Fish Fertilizer

Daily fertigation in flower was occasional plain water or 1 of the following:
1. 48 hr aerated Tea Fulvic acid Humic acid Potassium humate Kelp extract Worm castings Bat guano Compost Molasses
2. Organic fertilizer Biobizz Topmax and Bloom
3. Water after apply top dressing 1kg Bonemeal 1kg Crabmeal 1kg Kelp Meal 250 gr Humic 750 gr Azomite

I was watering daily in flower about .5 up to 1 gallon each time. I had fungus gnat problems.

Where did I go wrong?


Well-Known Member
My super soil was:
Mycorrhizae, Worm Castings, Blood Meal, Bat Guano, Fish Bone Meal, Kelp, Epsom Salt, Dolomite, Azomite, Humic Acid, Gypsum, Rice Hulls, Pumice, Oyster Shell, Soybean Meal, Alfalfa, Coco Coir, Fish Fertilizer

Daily fertigation in flower was occasional plain water or 1 of the following:
1. 48 hr aerated Tea Fulvic acid Humic acid Potassium humate Kelp extract Worm castings Bat guano Compost Molasses
2. Organic fertilizer Biobizz Topmax and Bloom
3. Water after apply top dressing 1kg Bonemeal 1kg Crabmeal 1kg Kelp Meal 250 gr Humic 750 gr Azomite

I was watering daily in flower about .5 up to 1 gallon each time. I had fungus gnat problems.

Where did I go wrong?
Blood meal, guano, and alfalfa are hot.

My guess is you're overdoing shit and now you have pH and lockout issues.

Organics take awhile to break down and become available.


Well-Known Member
No it doesnt.

But I wouldn't waste my time going any further with it either. Those sugar leaves are starting to resemble the other plant
Maybe because he has cut off nearly every fan leaf and has mobile deficiencies its ripping the nutrients out of the sugar leaves?
Very possible. What's more probable is a total lockout from what he has explained in the thread. He was crushing these will full bore nutes. Never backed off when he saw issues and just kept going full steam ahead.

With that said I'm stubborn af. So I'd wait that shit out lol


Well-Known Member
My super soil was:
Mycorrhizae, Worm Castings, Blood Meal, Bat Guano, Fish Bone Meal, Kelp, Epsom Salt, Dolomite, Azomite, Humic Acid, Gypsum, Rice Hulls, Pumice, Oyster Shell, Soybean Meal, Alfalfa, Coco Coir, Fish Fertilizer

Daily fertigation in flower was occasional plain water or 1 of the following:
1. 48 hr aerated Tea Fulvic acid Humic acid Potassium humate Kelp extract Worm castings Bat guano Compost Molasses
2. Organic fertilizer Biobizz Topmax and Bloom
3. Water after apply top dressing 1kg Bonemeal 1kg Crabmeal 1kg Kelp Meal 250 gr Humic 750 gr Azomite

I was watering daily in flower about .5 up to 1 gallon each time. I had fungus gnat problems.

Where did I go wrong?
Watering every day. Until you get the watering right it’s going to be hard to get anything to look right.

Soul Dwella

Well-Known Member
Next run will be soil-less and I've got them vegging, waiting to go in soon... hot damn, soil was fun and I learned a lot but the soiless is way easier, more efficient, quicker and less hassle (I think and hope).
Anyone else think he'd be closer to dialing in soil on the next grow, then attempting soilless?


Well-Known Member
Anyone else think he'd be closer to dialing in soil on the next grow, then attempting soilless?
Imo getting right with soil is the 1st step of growing weed. Soil is way more forgiving than any other way of growing. Once you understand what you have done wrong soil is easy to correct as well. Once that's right. Maybe moving on is the answer.

Personally I never did and never will move on from soil.

But that's mho


Well-Known Member
There are two camps of thought on this question of ease for growing in organic or soiless. My vegging plants are doing really well however in the soiless peat/vermiculite formula of Dr. Bugbee. Its working out great so far and almost ready to flip into the flower chamber.


Well-Known Member
I've never grown in soil and started out in pure coco. I personally think coco is easier for the simple fact that you can flush out imbalances. Buy quality coco, keep the nutrients low, feed them plenty of calcium, elevate your pots, and don't chronically overwater. You probably won't even get a gnat infestation if you do all of that.


Well-Known Member
There are two camps of thought on this question of ease for growing in organic or soiless. My vegging plants are doing really well however in the soiless peat/vermiculite formula of Dr. Bugbee. Its working out great so far and almost ready to flip into the flower chamber.
Veg isn't really the concern tbh. It's flowering that you should be worried about.

Here is the thing. Say you go coco. You need to water daily as well as feed with every watering. It absolutely depends on your skills to get it right every single time without fail. Because if you fuck up the plants will show it fast. Again they rely on you to give the right stuff at the right time.

If you get the basics of what a plant needs when you mess up and how to fix it 1st then moving to a soilless grow should become easier.

Getting the basics down in soil which is more forgiving means you have more time between onset issues and serious problems to fix it.

Soilless not so much.


Well-Known Member
I found soilless easier than soil and faster growth.
When you were brand new to growing?

If yes. Who showed you what to do?

It seems to me this person is winging it by themselves with us being the 1st true real help. I can't imagine going into a precise feeding daily type of thing is easy for 99% of people on there own just starting out.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
When you were brand new to growing?

If yes. Who showed you what to do?

It seems to me this person is winging it by themselves with us being the 1st true real help. I can't imagine going into a precise feeding daily type of thing is easy for 99% of people on there own just starting out.
I started before the internet was a thing. So by myself and with a shitty booklet from the tobacconist.
First successful indoor grow was with a flood an drain perlite/vermiculite set up.

I went back to soil when i started growing again a few years a go inside. Wont be going back to soil for indoor.
I still do soil for my outdoor.

I don't do precise feeding charts etc. i dont even own a EC meter.

New growers have it so much easier with the wealth of knowledge on the net.


Well-Known Member
I started before the internet was a thing. So by myself and with a shitty booklet from the tobacconist.
First successful indoor grow was with a flood a drain perlite/vermiculite set up.

I went back to soil when i started growing again a few years a go inside. Wont be going back to soil.
I still do soil for my outdoor.

I don't do precise feeding charts etc. i dont even own a EC meter.

New growers have it so much easier with the wealth of knowledge on the net.
You are the 1% of the world my friend. 99% of brand new growers fall flat on their face with soilless.

Shit take a look around this forum and we realize quickly that 40% of new growers fall flat on their faces using soil.

Kudos to you

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
You are the 1% of the world my friend. 99% of brand new growers fall flat on their face with soilless.

Shit take a look around this forum and we realize quickly that 40% of new growers fall flat on their faces using soil.

Kudos to you
I fell flat a few times. mainly by over watering soil.

I also had plants do the same sugar leaf die off that the OP has.