Is it possible to grow STINKY weed indoors undetected?

I've tried several different filters. The China knockoffs are terrible at stopping highly smelly weed. Black Ops, AC Infinity, Terrabloom, Vivosun and a few others to name a few. Phresh stops EVERYTHING.

I don't know about the very expensive filters. I've never tried any 6" or 8" filters that cost over $200 each.
Thanks for sharing your experience! I'll stick with the Phresh then. Only other brand I've heard highly recommended was can-fan. My Phresh was highly effective after 2 years. Had to move states and still regret leave it behind. Still had the juice!
Would you consider can-lite or phresh standard filters? I really don’t mind spending more money if there’s something more effective
Yes I mainly used rhino pro 50mm bed filters which were the best you could buy over here I think. They're great filters, but these new bigger filters are better if you have more than just a little tent full.
You will smell most super stink strains even when blowing out of the carbon filter. Put another fan and carbon filter inside the tent to recirc 24/7 and your neighbours won't smell a thing
You will smell most super stink strains even when blowing out of the carbon filter. Put another fan and carbon filter inside the tent to recirc 24/7 and your neighbours won't smell a thing
Are you saying to recirculate the exhaust back into the tent, with carbon filters on the intake and exhaust? I appreciate your input
Are you saying to recirculate the exhaust back into the tent, with carbon filters on the intake and exhaust? I appreciate your input
I should have explained it better mate.

I mean just connect an inline fan to a filter and hang it in the tent. Have it running 24/7 when you are in the late stages of flowering. Then it will be recirculating and filtering the air inside your tent before it goes through your outlet filter to the outside. You are basically double filtering the smell out.
I should have explained it better mate.

I mean just connect an inline fan to a filter and hang it in the tent. Have it running 24/7 when you are in the late stages of flowering. Then it will be recirculating and filtering the air inside your tent before it goes through your outlet filter to the outside. You are basically double filtering the smell out.
That answers my question. I hadn’t seen anyone double filtering but it makes sense to me
I’m not currently running it as I need new plates but I like ozone injected into the negative pressure line, with a carbon filter in line to catch and mix, ozone recharges the charcoal as you use it, then a charged screen on the exhaust if your worried about ozone smell.
I always worried about scrubbing the air while drying finished plants as I always heard that it will effect the smell of the herb.
Look at how much carbon the filter uses when comparing them. Chances are Phresh weighs the most. I want to try an AC Infinity filter because I'm not giving up on my quest to save $$$ and I'm a legal grower anyway, but if memory serves, the 8" filter has 4 lbs less carbon than the Phresh equivalent.
Yes it's very easy to do this, I grow in a shed and I can keep the oder in the room in the shed, nobody can smell my weed out side my shed an less the fans stop working.
In my experience you can grow just about a single plant maybe 2 ,of the stinky variety with no carbon filter and some odor neutralizer, like ona which works great. Placed around the house and outside the grow space ,not in with the plants though. More than that get a carbon scrubber as the smell will definitely escape
Better to grow a low odour strain though.
Get some c99 and pheno hunt for the pineapple. No odour at all that is like weed, just delicious tropical fruit and it gets you fd up, really frosty and great bag appeal
A lot of amazon reviews are saying Ona gel smells like a urinal cake, and makes your house smell that way. LOL can anyone confirm?
I don't think the Ona "Fresh Linen" scent smells like urinal cake. However, I do think Ona can be really over powering.

Fresh (Phat if they're still around) and Can and Can-lite are all good filters. Ozone is really effective if venting into the great outdoors. Don't vent ozone indoors because it's dangerous to breath.

Ozone is crazy effective at killing smelling. Years ago my dog encountered a skunk in the back yard and got sprayed. He ran into the house and brushed up against curtains and who knows what else. I have buddy who owned company that specialized in fire & flood mitigation. He leant me a couple ozone machines. We left the home for 1/2 a day and blasted it with ozone, then exhausted the ozone out of the house and the skunk smell was gone.