Plants 4 weeks, but only 4 inches??


Well-Known Member
no its actually pretty damn bad sry to say but, give us some info about your grow and im sure youll get some help to fix ur problems. dont give up yet

good luck.


Active Member

so I started out with a bunch of seeds I found in a half, germinated them in a wet rag for 3 days or so then threw them in the soil. everything was fine until I was forced to keep them in my trunk for 5 days, only being able to give them 2 or 3 hours a day within 3 of those 5.

so I finally get a place, picked up some organic compost soil (yes I know) that we just saw sitting in the parking lot of an apt complex, threw the best seeds in the 10 pots we had and just basically kind of neglected them after that. just yesterday we finally went out and bought them new soil, lights transplant them and what not, 310W fluorescent, 50W HPS. we were able to salvage six of them that look fairly healthy, and now have them in this cloest system compared to sitting in a bedroom with 4 tiny 75 watt plant lights in the fan fixture. some of the leafs look kind of burnt, but not too bad. just on one leaf on 2 of the plants I believe. here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
those purple florescents dont look like theyre doing anything. being on the wall they are 2 + feet from the first plant. they need to be like 3 inches away from the plants.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that the plants in the pics are 4 weeks old? They look like they just broke ground yesterday, if I were you I would toss those and germ some new seeds.


Active Member
Are you saying that the plants in the pics are 4 weeks old? They look like they just broke ground yesterday, if I were you I would toss those and germ some new seeds.
yeah. I really don't know. the earliest it'd be is 2 to 3 weeks, but even then they should be at least twice that size.


Active Member
I read that if you use a birth control pill per gallon of water for your plants that it will give it a special something and they will grow better. Does anyone know if that is true?


Well-Known Member
yea its crazy you should try it, your plants will grown buds that have little human babies in them!


Well-Known Member
no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water... as long as ur plants are alive, the genetics are intact. Soil doesn't seem to be ur problem, you could have some pH issues, who knows.... but, obviously, lighting is ur biggest issue. those lights look totally undersized. you should at least have (3) 4' ft 2 bulb flourescent fixtures over them 6500k bulbs straight up (switch to 2700k spectrum for flowering) ... like was already said, withing 1-2 inches of the plants if not slightly touching them.