Happy thread :)

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Those tire marks are from the trucks turning around and backing on the docks
lol I can't drive a trailer to save my life so I have no idea, sorry about that. It just looked a lot like the parking lot across the street from me that people spin their cars on almost every night. And looks like that would be a perfect spot to do it.
Fuck that
They stopped making good acid/LSD in 1974 when this guy stopped processing (Yea, I was fortunate enough to ingest/eat his stuff/fucking excellent product :) :) :) )

Owsley Stanley: The King of LSD - Rolling Stone
John Conners was making lbs of it in a decommissioned underground military missle silo circa 90’s to 2000
Look up
William Leonard Pickard
New York Set to Legalize Recreational Marijuana for Adults Age 21 and Up - Bloomberg

N.Y. Pot Legalization Gets Fast Track on Cuomo-Lawmaker Deal
  • Legislature will vote on making pot legal for age 21 and up
  • Compromise plan has the OK of legislative leaders, Cuomo
New York is ready to legalize recreational marijuana. The state would impose special pot taxes and prepare to license dispensaries under an agreement reached by Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders.

“It is my understanding that the three-way agreement has been reached and that bill drafting is in the process of finishing a bill that we all have said we support,” state Senate Finance Committee Chair Liz Krueger told Bloomberg Government on Wednesday.

The deal that legislative leaders brokered with Cuomo (D) would legalize cannabis use for adults 21 years old and up, and includes a 13% sales tax, 9% of which would go to the state and 4% to the localities, Krueger said. Distributors additionally would collect an excise tax of as much as 3 cents per milligram of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, with a sliding scale based on the type of product and its potency.

No changes would be made to the taxes already imposed on marijuana sold for medical purposes, Krueger said.

The governor’s office estimates that a legal cannabis program could pull in about $350 million a year once fully implemented.

Sales could begin as soon as one year after enactment, said Krueger, who sponsored legislation (A.1248/S.854) with Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes (D) that was a starting point for the negotiations.

With New Jersey legalizing marijuana earlier this year, “we are literally surrounded geographically by other states that are doing it. We just need to stay ahead of the times,” Peoples-Stokes said in an interview. “Because we’re New Yorkers, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can speed this up.”

Cuomo earlier Wednesday said an agreement was close, and that it’s one of his budget priorities. Krueger said she expects lawmakers to vote on stand-alone legislation as soon as next week.

Legislative leaders want to separate the marijuana and budget debates, a strategy that gives them the upper hand on determining pot policy.

Neighborhood Programs.

The proposed recreational marijuana tax structure is similar to the one levied on alcohol, Krueger said.

Tax revenue would first go to covering cannabis-related expenses at state agencies overseeing the regulation of cannabis, with the rest divided among programs to help people rebuild their lives after marijuana possession arrests; to help neighborhoods; education; and drug treatment.

“We understand the ramifications of decades of incarceration of a people that actually ends up costing us, as a government, money,” Peoples-Stokes said. “This community reinvestment could reverse that whole dynamic. We could reinvest in people’s lives.”

Putting those programs into the legalization law will mean that Cuomo wouldn’t be able to count on that burst of new revenue to close a $2.5 billion budget hole anticipated in the next fiscal year.

Corporate Advantage.

Companies with medical marijuana licenses could have an advantage over newcomers when new York opens up to recreational use.

There are 10, five of which are among the U.S.’s largest multi-state operators; Acreage Holdings, Columbia Care, Cresco Labs, Curaleaf, and Green Thumb Industries.

The deal would increase the number of medical dispensaries and the number of medical products that can be sold, Krueger said. It also would expand the eligibility for medical marijuana to include more illnesses, she said.

Existing medical dispensaries could add four additional sites under the proposal, two of which would have to be in underserved areas, she said.
Happy to shut down tonight, finally.

Running around Atlanta in a semi all day is no joke, I am exhausted, I put in 17 hours today. Happy I'm heading back home in the morning. Just got a 44oz fountain soda Pepsi with the cup filled to the top with crushed ice from the truckstop

So happy I managed to find a little mom n pop truckstop to stay at for tonight about 10-15 miles south of Atlanta just off of I-85

Here's a pic at this truckstop of a fine Georgia sunset
Having Donald on a a guest will be dangerous for Foxnews now, so I expect to hear less of him on there. If he doesn't keep reinforcing the big lie, it's power fades away and since he is de-platformed and no longer POTUS the power of the big lie is diminishing with each court case and revelation. It seems just the republicans in congress are giving the big lie life and Donald owns them, not their souls, for they have none. The red states are still making voter suppression laws at a furious pace based on the big lie though, but any lie will do, if it's convenient and they want to believe.
They Report, A Judge Decides: Fox Braces For $1 Billion Lawsuit Protecting Trump’s Lies

Fox News has been hit with a billion dollar defamation suit by Dominion Voting for false election claims, alleging “Fox sold a false story of election fraud in order to serve its own commercial purposes” and “knowingly broadcast lies.” This new suit follows a separate lawsuit from another voting technology company, Smartmatic. Fox News stands by its reporting. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent discusses the fallout with former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman.
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