Very High Humidity Sealed room power outage


Well-Known Member
Everything has been perfect. Im on day 48 of flower and bam power goes off for 8hrs of my night cycle. My humidity got up to dang near 100 percent. I had water puddles on my floor from all the moisture. Its back to normal but I hate adding unfamiliar variables to a grow. My average temp is 82 with a average vpd of 1.4 during lights on and 71 and 1.2 night cycle. Everything looks ok but should I be doing something as a preventative for pm. I have completely dried my floors and walls and I was thinking of raising my VPD for a few hrs to kinda get rid of any excess moisture that might be around but I dont want to stress my plants anymore then they have already. Has anyone ever had this happen?


Well-Known Member
Everything has been perfect. Im on day 48 of flower and bam power goes off for 8hrs of my night cycle. My humidity got up to dang near 100 percent. I had water puddles on my floor from all the moisture. Its back to normal but I hate adding unfamiliar variables to a grow. My average temp is 82 with a average vpd of 1.4 during lights on and 71 and 1.2 night cycle. Everything looks ok but should I be doing something as a preventative for pm. I have completely dried my floors and walls and I was thinking of raising my VPD for a few hrs to kinda get rid of any excess moisture that might be around but I dont want to stress my plants anymore then they have already. Has anyone ever had this happen?
That's definitely a nightmare when that happens you about 2 -3 weeks out probably so hopefully you should be okay and I think it's a good idea drop your RH and raise VPD to more dry out any buds that might have trapped moisture and go through the leafs make sure no sitting water underneath the leaf or in-between that's what I would do . Just for a day or half the day even should be okay