HIGH IQ society


Well-Known Member
even people with high IQs can still be complete morons. :)
dude...too right u are...lol i have an IQ somewhere around 135-140, not genius but higher than average...and i can be super dumb sometimes...lol especially at the peak of a buzz...i swear...u have never seen someone have so much difficulty eating cereal as me...its jokes...but i had dumb moments before i started toking...lots of them. did anyone else with a high IQ act dumb in school to seem normal? lol i did that all the time in high school...i was a bit of a classclown...talkative...social...people thought i was an idiot...until the teacher posted our marks...lol..."who the hell has an 86%?" and i would be like..."oh...me..." hahaha meanwhile i was saying "woo hoo!" on the inside...


Active Member
I've been tested at or around 150 repeatedly. It was lower when I was in elementary school, but that was because I was ADD. My parents were completely against medication, so I've had to 'learn' focusing techniques.

Also, about this organization, with so many brilliant minds in one place: when will we break out the plans for global domination? Because I'm all over that like an orange tabby on lasagna.


Well-Known Member
ADD in kindergarten, dad flipped when they wanted to give me meds, got tested in 2nd grade, 142. totally down with taking over :)


Well-Known Member
anyone remember a horse puzzle you had to solve? it was basically all the body parts deconstructed.....i couldn't do it because i was mortified that they would present me with animal body parts.


Active Member
I don't remember that one, but I do remember having to put these pictures of a girl doing...something...in the proper order. Was she fishing? Or baking cookies?

That was so vague. I'm so baked. I apologize.