As many have mentioned, the more sun the better. Not knowing your situation, it's hard to say what will work best but...
If you have marginal backyard sunlight, consider a moveable container. A bit of a pain in the ass, but you can move it to chase the sunlight as day or season shifts the light / shade patterns. If you want to get fancy, you can even use supplemental electric lights as long as you don't mess up the flowering light schedule once you've begun.
If you're going stealth mode, a little trimming or bending of branches can be helpful to let in more light. Back in the helicopter days, we liked to be careful about making fresh cuts on trees and limbs which were easy to see. A bow saw can get shrubs cut low to the ground (quiet too) and forest debris can camo the stump etc. Or you could use a dull spray paint to obscure any fresh cuts that will draw attention etc. Be creative and don't leave unnecessary signs etc.