The little plant that "topped" itself


Well-Known Member
How's it goin' everyone? Anybody ever see anything like this before? This is a crazy lil' fucker that looks like it topped itself. I didn't do anything to it. It had problems germinating, that's the reason for the discolored leaves. I think the taproot was stunted. Anyway, at the fifth node it just grew four leaves instead of the normal two, and has a new branch coming out of each one. Check out the pix.



Well-Known Member
I'll really be lucky if it turns out to be a female, right? I started training the plant next to this one(pic). Maybe when it gets a little bigger, it's only like six inches tall now. I really don't want to fuck with it too much considering it's just starting to work itself out of the root problem it started out with, ya know?



Well-Known Member
What would I get from breeding it or cloning it? Do you think that all it's offspring would have this same characteristic?


Active Member
the point of breeding is to attempt to make desired carcteristics more prominent, and likely; with selective breeding. So yes I'd think to attempt to breed it wheather male or female to see if you cant get offspring with the same characteristics. Depending on whether the trait is dominant or recessive it maybe more or less likely to show on the young. Sometimes it takes many generations of breeding before the trait becomes expressed, especially if it's recessive. It could also just be a mutation, which may or may not be passed onto the next gen. depending on what level of mutation its on. Just my thoughts. Hope it helps.



Well-Known Member
Here's some more pix a few days later. The node that has four branches growing out of it is more visible now and the top has two branches growing, with a third coming straight out from the middle. Pretty cool! Now if it just turns out to be a girl I'll be stoked.



Well-Known Member
i have a 150w hps that ive been using since day one i jus added those cfls recently to add a little extra light on the sides


Well-Known Member
Nice! They really look tasty. What are you about 4-5 weeks into flower? Do you know what strain she is?


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1680843]thats crazy 8)[/quote]
Shit's crazy, right? I love watching Marijuana grow. It's a joy!