Help! Seedlings are...


Well-Known Member
ok so my seedlings are starting to curl under, brown spotting and some canoing up as well.. I am in straight perlite but started the seedlings peat pucks they were sprouted on the 4th I gave them a very light feeding of grow big. (quarter strength as some where yellowing.) I moved the lights up a inch or two (cfls) because I couldnt really tell if the brow spots where burnt spots or not, but it appears worse today. this is mainly on the juicyfruit, not too many issues with the BB..HELPPPP PLEAAASSSEEEEE.. thx



Active Member
Seedlings? If theyre only a weel or two old I wouldn't recommend giving them any nutes. It would probably just make it worse. My seedlings kind of started the same way, yellow spots and retarded leaf formation, for some reason I think it was due to using RO water. Everything I looked up pointed to a deficiency. Although I didn't think a deficiency was possible so early in the plants life. I transplanted and supplemented with cal-mag, no nutes, and it took the problem away. She's growing healthy beautiful leaves now.

But my leaves weren't curling under, maybe you over watered a touch? I dunno.


Well-Known Member
they got nutes because I have them in perlite... which is soiless medium therefor hold no nutes or mirco nutes which soil contains ... i am also off by a few days of their srpouting it was probably closer to the 1st now that I look at calander.. damn gotta start writing it down.. thanks for advice tho

Seedlings? If theyre only a weel or two old I wouldn't recommend giving them any nutes. It would probably just make it worse. My seedlings kind of started the same way, yellow spots and retarded leaf formation, for some reason I think it was due to using RO water. Everything I looked up pointed to a deficiency. Although I didn't think a deficiency was possible so early in the plants life. I transplanted and supplemented with cal-mag, no nutes, and it took the problem away. She's growing healthy beautiful leaves now.

But my leaves weren't curling under, maybe you over watered a touch? I dunno.


Well-Known Member
I wish I had the answer Cali. My best guess is the lights got a little too close/intense....assuming your temps are OK in there.


Well-Known Member
temps are alright in there Im just tossed up the cfls for the sprouts waiting til my area is finsihed.. I did move em up.. I was guess burn too but then the other one is canoing under not sure if it was over watered doesnt appear so tho and none of the rest are reacting that way.. ugh


Well-Known Member
ya I really hate dealing with seedlings but lost my last mother plant while outta town so .. back to the drawing board.. thx


the last two pics def looks like a little burn from the cfl's... happens with mine when i let them get a bit close...

raise the lights... the brown spots won't go away but no new spots should start showing up... whats dead is dead though, so the spots might necrose a bit more, but the new growth should come in nice and healthy....


Well-Known Member
Thanks LJ.. much appreciate, long time to chat hit me up sometime got some exciting things going on :)


Well-Known Member
What kind of perlite are you using?If it is miracle grow then you might end up burning them.I agree with crackmogul,no nutrients for a least 1 week and you should mix some soil with perlite,straight perlite will burn your babys.Good luck.
I thought growing was easy,I was wrong!!!