I ordered twice and paid right away on Sunday. Emailed him Monday morning to verify a certain strain was part of a deal, to not cost him $10 on an invoice, and told him the nine packs I was going to order. I haven’t heard anything from him. Just seems you get the great deals going through GLO, but not great customer service. A reason why big companies and whatnot will easily eat up a lot of the small independent cannabis companies. They’ve killed us with convenience. The percentage of consumers willing to pass up faster shipping, cheaper shipping, same or better prices, better ordering/shopping experience online, quickly being able to chat with or get a response from someone at the company, and so on is far too small for them to compete. It kind of sucks when cannabis has the stigma of its users being lazy and forgetful and I’ve always argued against that, but then I’ve never encountered so many errors in orders, bad customer service, and whatnot in any field to the extent I have with cannabis. All of that being said, I’ll still order most of my seeds from GLO because of the prices and that I know I’ll eventually get the seeds. Ha.