How close to harvest


Well-Known Member
Like i said i was just trying to update my post. I'm new at this. just for get about it
But you didn't do that. You made a NEW thread and copy/paste the info from the last comment. People here HATE that kinda stuff. Stay patient.


Well-Known Member
You have 3 weeks to a month. Ignore breeders times. Run until done.

Some may say your closer to harvest than that but they're likely harvesting their plants too soon. When it looks done let it go another 10 days. Don't get fixated on the color of a few trichomes and be in a rush to harvest because you see some amber.

And it is best to start just one thread when asking the same question.

Good luck with your grow. :peace:


Active Member
You have 3 weeks to a month. Ignore breeders times. Run until done.

Some may say your closer to harvest than that but they're likely harvesting their plants too soon. When it looks done let it go another 10 days. Don't get fixated on the color of a few trichomes and be in a rush to harvest because you see some amber.

And it is best to start just one thread when asking the same question.

Good luck with your grow. :peace:
Thanks Man!


Well-Known Member
In all fairness its doing pretty good for 60 days in flower running at 12/12 for an auto. You might have started a new trend. Would love to see the whole plant?


Active Member
Hello every one, I'm not sure if i should start anew thread for this question? . Any way I just noticed this yellowing/browning on the leaves on one of my plants. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is? Its only on one of the plants. I'm using fox farms trio fertilizer and i added 1 ml of Cal mag into a gallon of water and fed it 1/4 gal. which is not much Cal mag . I'm not sure if the Cal mag caused it or not . This is a original post. Thanks J

