Sure things are rushed,desperate times desperate measures,If super highly edicated medical personnel are ok w/the vac. then common sense tells me it's ok.,simple as that. If we wait 3 yrs. to jump through all the hoops how many people will die? I bet that if another yr. went by w/ no vaccination rollout we're looking at over 1 million dead Americans easily. I've got med ins. through my job and hardly ever use it, I'm nervous w/ doctors and hospitals but this is scary enough to get me on board, I've taken note of all these families that have been devastated by Covid,all these people we've lost to this scourge drove me to take action on this. If other people choose not to vaccinate,it's their choice,I'm not going to engage in trying to persuade them,just that I got 2 shots and I'm fine, if they want to sit back and analyze then fine look at me I'm vaccinated and I'm ok thats the only thing I'd offer.ccguns