Other Plants

Yukka just happens to be one of my favorite amendments for soil. I love the stuff. Its fairly expensive too if someone like me is trying to be a cheap ass.
Just been reading up on Yukka man didn’t realise how packed it is I’m halfway splitting another Yukka and have lots of fresh roots left over -time for a play me thinks ☮️
How are you incorporating it into your soil mate ? ☮
I actually just water it in. I use it for the purpose of keeping the moisture level the same throughout the pot. It has MANY other uses though.
It breaks the soil surface tension when you let your soil dry out too much.
It does something to help release locked up food in the soil but i have no idea how that works. I know i used it one time and all my girls looked burnt the next day....im assuming , i had a buildup that the yukka "broke free" ...not sure.
The powder that i buy is VERY supceptable to moisture. One drip of water from my fingers will turn the whole container into a rock hard chunk. If its not 100% air tight then the same will happen. i have no clue why and maybe it wont happen making it fresh like that.....im very curious.
Interesting I have gotta start over again I kinda got really really baked and forgot to take them out of the oven :wall: DOH ! My friend is going to lend me a dehydrator which should make life easier .....☮️
Well. I've got a mini garden started on the wife's carnival glass display case. First try to get going again. We can do it. LOL.

And @getogrow , here is one dendrobium responding well. 3 new canes. I will get a bloom by fall if I don't kill them. Still too cold to get outside for real growth. Soon.

Hope all are having healthy relationships with the plants. 001.jpg002.jpg
Well. I've got a mini garden started on the wife's carnival glass display case. First try to get going again. We can do it. LOL.

And @getogrow , here is one dendrobium responding well. 3 new canes. I will get a bloom by fall if I don't kill them. Still too cold to get outside for real growth. Soon.

Hope all are having healthy relationships with the plants. View attachment 4877429View attachment 4877431
Very beautiful start sir! LOVE the orchid updates and pics...
My single headed sunflower seedlings haven’t grown them last couple of years love watching satellite Plants follow the Sun☮View attachment 4877957
Sunflowers are great. I've got 24 mixed seeds in. 7 th year of hybrids from heirloom goliath and tiny giants. Yellow or burgundy heads. A few interesting mottled ones. Got these in a partial sun location here. Neighbors were almost 16' high.
They looking amazing sir I haven’t grown them for years gotta a bet on with my pal half a zip to who ever grows the tallest never thought I would be pheno hunting sunflowers lol ☮
I use my hemp soil after recycling it from the year before and re-amended. I feed weekly with Sea Grow all purpose water soluble. Then go to bloom formula as soon as a bud forms. Keep them in direct sun and keep watered. They will get huge for you with minimal effort.