Well-Known Member
The little things are what matter in life, right? On a hard day when you've been kicked in the nuts from sun up to sun down, and someone lets you in at a traffic light instead of cutting you off. Or someone holds a door open for you instead of letting it slam in your face on the way in to grab a sandwich and a short rest break at a Mcdonalds. The little things really matter. I needed another dehumidifier today because a unit I got factory reconditioned was defective. I planned to go to home depot because I never have any problems there at all. Wonderful company. Wonderful staff and procedures that keep it all running smooth. I saw a great deal on a unit of the same capacity at target. I thought $40 savings is $40 savings plain and simple. So I ordered it online for pickup on my target card for the 5% extra discount. I physically walked into the store, grabbed it off the shelf so they didn't have to, waited in line, and set it on the counter. I pulled up my order and let them know I was in the neighborhood and I grabbed it off the shelf so they didn't have to monkey with it. It's quite heavy and awkward. I really expected the same thing I get at home depot in this type of situation which is an emphatic "thank you!" from the person on the other side of the counter. It saves them the hassle of picking the item. So what happened at target today?
The polite young lady at the counter called her manager. The manager said I have to wait 2 hours to pick it up. I said the item is right here and paid for. What is the issue? Well, the picker has to scan it. Okay, can you have the picker scan it so I can get going? The young lady calls the manager back. She reaffirms her policy that I must wait the standard 2 hours. This made no sense to me. I asked for the manager who was relaying this policy via radio. She walks up to the counter and asks me "what's the problem?" I asked, "she didn't explain to you on the radio what's going on?" She says, "Yeah you have to wait the standard 2 hours." I then said, "With the item paid for, sitting on your counter, with your customer in front of you, with the invoice in hand, and you can't check me out?" She says, "No, you have to wait the 2 hours." At this point her behavior was unreasonable and arbitrary. She was just being a cunt. I then told her, "I have never had a problem with this at this store or home depot before, but today it's a problem because you're here. You know what? Go fuck yourself!" Then as I walk away she says, "have a nice day!" Of course I got the last word. "Go fuck yourself you fucking cunt!" I made a scene that drew gasps and comments from every single direction. And if it had happened to them they would completely understand my frustration. It is what it is. People suck and this is just another fine example of why I fucking order online and never go into a retail store. Shit bags like this always work there.
Shoppers seemed pretty mortified. People like her are everything that's wrong with this world. I drove across the street to home depot and gladly paid $40 more so I never have to deal with a stupid fucking cunt like that ever again. Some people just really enjoy making other people's lives more difficult just because they can. Last night I was shopping at home depot and there's always a homeless guy begging for money. As long as they're not drunk and I have some extra cash I always send a few bones out the window so they can buy a burger or a beer to make their day a little better. Yesterday I handed a dude a $10 because I didn't have anything smaller. I try to do little things everywhere I can because all of us are just trying to get through our day. How on earth does it make it easier for any of us to be assholes to one another just because we can? Needless to say I'm banned from target after today's transaction, and I'm not one bit upset about that. Fuck that fat unhappy cunt manager at Target. Love me some home depot baby
The polite young lady at the counter called her manager. The manager said I have to wait 2 hours to pick it up. I said the item is right here and paid for. What is the issue? Well, the picker has to scan it. Okay, can you have the picker scan it so I can get going? The young lady calls the manager back. She reaffirms her policy that I must wait the standard 2 hours. This made no sense to me. I asked for the manager who was relaying this policy via radio. She walks up to the counter and asks me "what's the problem?" I asked, "she didn't explain to you on the radio what's going on?" She says, "Yeah you have to wait the standard 2 hours." I then said, "With the item paid for, sitting on your counter, with your customer in front of you, with the invoice in hand, and you can't check me out?" She says, "No, you have to wait the 2 hours." At this point her behavior was unreasonable and arbitrary. She was just being a cunt. I then told her, "I have never had a problem with this at this store or home depot before, but today it's a problem because you're here. You know what? Go fuck yourself!" Then as I walk away she says, "have a nice day!" Of course I got the last word. "Go fuck yourself you fucking cunt!" I made a scene that drew gasps and comments from every single direction. And if it had happened to them they would completely understand my frustration. It is what it is. People suck and this is just another fine example of why I fucking order online and never go into a retail store. Shit bags like this always work there.
Shoppers seemed pretty mortified. People like her are everything that's wrong with this world. I drove across the street to home depot and gladly paid $40 more so I never have to deal with a stupid fucking cunt like that ever again. Some people just really enjoy making other people's lives more difficult just because they can. Last night I was shopping at home depot and there's always a homeless guy begging for money. As long as they're not drunk and I have some extra cash I always send a few bones out the window so they can buy a burger or a beer to make their day a little better. Yesterday I handed a dude a $10 because I didn't have anything smaller. I try to do little things everywhere I can because all of us are just trying to get through our day. How on earth does it make it easier for any of us to be assholes to one another just because we can? Needless to say I'm banned from target after today's transaction, and I'm not one bit upset about that. Fuck that fat unhappy cunt manager at Target. Love me some home depot baby