Experimental grow with minimal hardware. Total cost of all equipment $90. Will update on very few weeks.

whats The deal?
He left me a pm asking for seeds on tuesday after a huge sob story about not being able to get any. I decided to help him out of my personal stash, but I didn't post them quick enough and missed one message from him so he thought he would start abusing me not realising I work out of reception areas.

Fuck helping people. He might have forgot that I have his phone, address, business info and more, while he has an alias and fake address.
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whats The deal?
I literally have one pm stating how appreciative he was, and how big of a favour I'm doing, and then the next day I have a huge, rude post about how I have failed to meet my promised deal and how everyone's taking him for a ride......it's not like I missed the post office that day or anything.
I literally have one pm stating how appreciative he was, and how big of a favour I'm doing, and then the next day I have a huge, rude post about how I have failed to meet my promised deal and how everyone's taking him for a ride......it's not like I missed the post office that day or anything.

But he held up his end of the deal?
But he held up his end of the deal?
Yes, he posted me some macadamias the day before but I got held up and work and missed the post office. I've also help up my end of the deal, but waiting that extra day seems to have destroyed him.

No wonder all the seed banks haven't delivered for him. He probably abuses them after a day or two as well. He's lucky I sent him shit after the message I got this morning as i missed the post office yesterday due to a 16 hour day of work and didn't get back to him.

All that because I missed the post office, and work in an area where I get no reception. Meanwhile this was 24hrs previous.

And he had the audacity to say "no pressure" and then abuse me 24hrs later.
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I'm the new guy here so...
Yeah, Vinnie did me a favour, and I immediately replied in kind, sending him tracking info etc..
He said he was goin to the PO, and would send me a tracking no. in an hour.. 2 days go past and I hear nothing, and I was over it. I could see him online, posting, though no replies to my message, like "Hope you did not get nabbed at the PO? :D". I did a one line post on this thread here and yes, I got his attention. He finally replied.
Next thing, he is on the phone threatening to break my jaw. Like the guy complains about not having a license to get to the PO, (along with reception), so how he is going to travel over 1200k's to get down here?
So, to add to all of this, he gets me to send the nuts to this address, which is apparently his family, though they are now phoning me saying that they have this parcel and are about to send it back to me for they have no idea who Vincenzio is.. I check the address, yep, exact same as he sent me.. WTF?
So yeah, I was frustrated after attempting to get seed, wasting hundreds ($'s) for nothing, 2 months go by and then I get this guy, has me on the end of his line, and just "not being accountable."
If I say I am going to do something, I do it, and if not, I let the other party know wtf is going on. Simple.. I do not say I am going to "get back to you in an hour with the tracker", (tracking number) and ignore me for the next 2 days..
So yeah, I sent him a PM which even now he shares here, at the time he ignores.. I check his status, and he is posting online, so not as if he is not aware.
Anyways, I do really appreciate his gesture, it is a shame it turned out like this, I am not totally innocent of fault, but when someone threatens me with violence, or refers to knowing my business., with connotations of who the fuck knows what, well, all I can say is the guy has issues that he is going to need to address sooner or later and perhaps burying it in ahaze of smoke is not the best way to go. Don't worry, I know what I am talking about.
Great forum here, great people, shame is started out this way.
I will add, for the 3 (auto) seeds he sent, ($40?) inc post. I sent 8 x $6.50 / bag, plus post $9.25. worth of Macadamias
Compared to another offer here from a member who is accountable, gratefully accepted;
In the post....
Blue jag fems x10,incredible bulk fems x10,Bruce banner x narkush regs x 10, sunshine daydream regs x 10, both these regs are the bomb
Chucked in 10 Durban poison x dream catcher fems as well don't worry about sending any nuts until you receive these

It is people like the latter that will keep me posting here.
I paid a lot for those 3 seeds... but like Vincenzio did, I believe what you give away, you get back 20 fold..

Late edit:
Vinnie has contacted me, he is appreciative of the amount of nuts that I sent, and if the seeds do not arrive, he will refund me. I appreciate the gesture. Communication folks, and accountability, goes a long way..
So, don't go thinking of more pop corn, all sorted..
and I thought my watchforums were tricky.. Note the Squirrell wears a watch..