Sweetening agent

It’s not some super secret thing. It’s hummingbird nectar. Very diluted of course. And before you start thinking you know everything there is to know. Realize that you aren’t the end all be all of everything weed. Then maybe try having a open minded discussion. If that’s not something you wanna do I would appreciate it if you would stfu

If you're talking about that red stuff it's just sucrose and if you have hummingbirds stop feeding it to them. Mix 1/4 cup of plain cane sugar to 1 cup of plain water in a saucepan. Bring it to a simmer, let it cool, and fill your hummingbird feeders.

Using sugar in your feed does not make your buds sweeter or fruitier. Do you think the sugars go straight into the buds and add sweetness like some powdered sugar on a Beignet? If so you are wrong. The plant doesn't take in sugar sweetness.

Like has already been said. If you want a fruity strain then grow a fruity strain. They do exist.

Trying to change the taste of your cannabis by manipulation is as ridiculous as harvesting a couchlock strain early for a head high. It doesn't make any sense.
Hummingbird nectar??? How exactly are you getting this? Store bought I presume? My gf likes to make it and we have 4 feeders. Its water boiled with sugar. We don't add dye cause wtf for? The hummingbirds don't care what color it is. You say fuck molasses but will use this instead. I would just walk this one back and start doing a little more reading bro. You want a fruity strain, get a fruity strain.

The red dye is attract hummingbirds, who (allegedly?) prefer red flowers for some reason.

Ironically, the OP has stumbled upon the truth of the (liquid) nutrients we use - they're sugar and/or salt water. The problem with trying to be a smarty pants on a site like this is we have peeps who have decades of experience and knowledge, people with degrees, commercial growers, etc Trying to demonstrate how smart you on RIU is a sure way to end up looking stupid.
No red dye. Not boiled sugar. You guys are not really as dumb as all this shit your posting are you? Look up rather your plants use sugar of any form and get back with me. Research.... try doing some.
Wow you guys are so full of yourselves you can’t see past your overblown egos. Have fun fuckers. Lmfao. This coulda been helpful. But hey all you genius mfr’s got no need to discuss things. It’s better to try to attack someone in text on a site. Boy oh boy that sure does put your superior intellect on display!
Here ya go
But I don't even use it in flower
Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! NPK 0-17-28

  • Specialized for soil-type mediums that can benefit from organics and microbes.
  • Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants.
  • Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields.
  • Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.
  • New formula now also includes Kelp extract, Fulvic acid and Humic acids!
The red dye is attract hummingbirds, who (allegedly?) prefer red flowers for some reason.

Ironically, the OP has stumbled upon the truth of the (liquid) nutrients we use - they're sugar and/or salt water. The problem with trying to be a smarty pants on a site like this is we have peeps who have decades of experience and knowledge, people with degrees, commercial growers, etc Trying to demonstrate how smart you on RIU is a sure way to end up looking stupid.
I didn’t stumble on anything my friend. I did research to see if I was on the right track before I ever did a thing. And I have not seen anyone bring up the subject before. And I was trying to see if anyone had done this or ever considered it. Although that back fired due to Roy being full of narrow minded aggressive clowns who think you should kiss their ass. Lmfao
I didn’t stumble on anything my friend. I did research to see if I was on the right track before I ever did a thing. And I have not seen anyone bring up the subject before. And I was trying to see if anyone had done this or ever considered it. Although that back fired due to Roy being full of narrow minded aggressive clowns who think you should kiss their ass. Lmfao
Pssst it's RIU asshole
Here ya go
But I don't even use it in flower
Sweet Candy is a premium, full flavor, aroma and yield enhancer … and carbohydrate source all in one! NPK 0-17-28

  • Specialized for soil-type mediums that can benefit from organics and microbes.
  • Promotes bolder terpenes, scent, root zone health, beneficial bacteria and vibrant plants.
  • Contains several different types of carbo sources, 20 amino acids, 70+ vitamins and minerals, isoflavonoids, anthocyanins, polyphenols, tannins and isoterpenes for superior aroma, potency and heavy yields.
  • Sweet Candy also enhances the root zone for optimal beneficial bacteria and fungi growth to help benefit and protect your plants.
  • New formula now also includes Kelp extract, Fulvic acid and Humic acids!
Thank herb.... but I actually like how the nectar is doing. Was just trying to start a informative thread. But hey