Why is marijuana illegal?


Well-Known Member
This has probably been a huge topic talked about previously. I was just wondering if anyone has a good reason for it's illegal state.

This is probably kinda a biased place to ask this question, I'm posting this question everywhere. I just want to hear everyone's feedback.:peace:


Well-Known Member
in the usa? lots of reasons, but there is alot of theories pointing to race is the reason for most drug bans. cept alcohol cause it's white mans drug ;p


Well-Known Member
Okay, yes I'm talking about the U.S. srry forgot to mention that. What I meant was, "is there a valid good standing reason to why it should be banned?" I know of the bullshit reasons, such as racism in the 30's, directed towards immigrants.


New Member
medical marijuana has the potential to take over perscription pills and pharmaceutical companies dont want that to happen thats another reason


Well-Known Member
its illegal because of the dangers to the rich who stand to take a substantial loss if it were legalized due to all the the products that can be made from the cannabis plant. Oil companies, the tobacco industries, and chemical companies are the ones that are keeping it down.

Marijuana Conspiracy - by Dough Yurchey


Well-Known Member
i probably means all the bs reason that have been circulating forever.. like the cotton industry, oil, etc etc.. but the real reason.. who really knows.. it could be because they can't just breathalize you in the car.. or something stupid as that..

i personally don't care.. i mean. i smoke.. i do it all the time.. we can't even smoke in the bars in our state.. so we wouldnt be able to have a hash bar anyway.. so the only difference would be i could buy it at the store for some ridiculous amount probably. it's free, it grows.. it's a weed.. screw the law. if you grow for just you, your not gonna get in trouble.. seriously.. a few plants.. they arent' gonna waste the 1000's of dollars it costs for paperwork and manhours to bust up in your house for that.. in my opinion.. :P maybe they will.. i dunno but that's just a waste of time.. they are lookin for ppl makin serious cash so they can get the weed, the cash and the main guys that are supplying counties. .. i dunno i could be wrong on all that .. but hey .. it's a guess ;p

on a side note about legality-
i have a buddy who seems to think that once it's legal more jobs will open up because of the insurance thing.. when the fact is, the insurance companies will still give discounts for companies that drug test.. wether or not it's legal.. that is besides the point.. it's all about the discounts in that aspect.. the same jobs that drug test now will still drug test. and they will still fire you for toking, drinkin, popping and snorting on the job if they catch ya, reguardless of legality.


Well-Known Member
Man o man I forgot y, but I found a rebuttle for that gateway bullshit. Damn I forgot it tho, I'll go look that up tho.


Well-Known Member
The majority of drug busts in the us are marijuana related. If pot was legal, the DEA would lose much of it's funding and clout.


Well-Known Member
If you want to find the real place to start looking - look no further than DuPont and Henry Anslinger. DuPont, back before the Great Depression, developed a process to manufacture paper out of wood faster than you could manufacture paper from cannabis.

So DuPont went fishing, and started buying legislation, eventually coming to a man known as Henry Anslinger. Anslinger started up with the chant that "The Degenerate Races" (Mexicans, Blacks, Irish, Asians,) smoked marijuana so they'd not feel remorse for their crimes. More fallacies and paid-for '50s anti-communist propaganda helped the state of marijuana's illegality (in the government and lobbyist's eyes.)

Read Eric Schlosser's "Reefer Madness" if you want a really good history.


Well-Known Member
The only reasons that make sense to mr, are that the vast majority of americans simply don't want it apart of there everyday lives. The only reason this makes any sense is due to the false pretences that suit marijuana, the perceptions that marijuana is harmful. The undeniable lies that campaigns run against marijuana.

Why our government lies to our faces on this topic trips me out tho. I guess it goes deeper then the government and dwells within the conspiracy theories of top corps.


Active Member
the false pretences that suit marijuana

The undeniable lies that campaigns run against marijuana.
i'm blazin and these two lines made me laugh, its like your a govt machine undercover and the truth is slippin out through circuit malfunctions.

:bigjoint: :wall: :dunce: :spew:


Well-Known Member
Man o man I forgot y, but I found a rebuttle for that gateway bullshit. Damn I forgot it tho, I'll go look that up tho.
I've got some info on my blog (which I need to spend some time working on instead of getting trapped in here :mrgreen:)...you may have to go back through some posts though...

Links in my sig below:


Well-Known Member
Because back in the 1930s in some underground test facility in the desert, some government official with an eye patch decided it should be "ILLEGAL!" after that funny stoned guy from SNL pissed him off