Wow It's Settled for me....dwc GSC vs Soil GSC.....not even close....


Well-Known Member
So before you guys (about 4 of you) jump down the rabbit hole let me add a disclaimer....This is my first successful indoor grow. I had quite a few problems in the beginning of my journey...I charted it in my grow journal....But this story here starts when I got shit back on track....The time is March 5h... After starting over from a failed initial hydro attempt I planted my babies into soil with almost zero roots. I also thought I knew what I had done wrong with the hydro the first time so I started over with a smaller bucket. I purchased two clones of gsc and at this point the dirt gsc is much bigger and healthier, the hydro one was kind of a thow-away, it was sickly and frankly I didn't expect to keep it I just wanted to prove that I could do it.
Here is the soil GSC I've got her bent over because of how I was training them but you can see she is much bigger then her sister.20210305_110604#1.jpg
A week later on March 14th You can see the dirt gsc on the bottom left and the soil on the bottom right....It took a little bit for the roots to hit the the plant was still pretty far behind...20210314_184313.jpg

March 8 days later 22nd the first day I turned the lights on after 48 hours of darkness and you can clearly see increased root growth 20210322_070342#1.jpg and increased leaf mass for the hydro but it is still way behind
hydro gsc20210321_102902.jpg

and dirt 20210321_102848.jpg


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One Week later...You see in order to keep everything even I'm keeping the hydro growing almost vine-like because the bucket is much higher then the fabric pots .20210327_121719.jpg

Let me jump forward to today...
My Hydro GSC20210419_073955.jpg20210419_074016.jpg

And my Soil GSC....20210419_081942.jpg20210419_081918.jpg

Look at the whole lot you can see larger more fuller buds, healthier leaves, much frostier resin production, and both plants are super healthy.20210419_082116.jpg

Now maybe the soil one will taste better. I have been mixing in feeding with plain ph'd water and black strap molassas...I can't really do that for the hydro until the final flushing when I will. So unless there is a huge taste difference it's clear that the hydro caught up and surpassed and had I had roots longer to begin with this race wouldn't even have been this close. LMK what you think....I can't wait for another month or two to try these out!!! LMK what you think...


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Well Yes but there are plenty of people (new growers) who are indecisive on which method they should try or not try. And well since I've failed and succeeded I thought I'd make a post in case any new growers wanted info and didn't want to scroll archives to get info...I mean if you read your signature's it's already known you like to provoke people, yet you keep doing it.....
It’s already known that hydro beats soil in growth?

now you personally know so you thought you’d make a post about it?

im lost here
Did you cut down on the N and move the lights back and cool your grow room down a bit or r we still pumping nitrogen into a balmy, humid upper 80's grow area in the last few weeks of flower? At least set a good example for the children so they learn from our bickering.,...
I got distracted here is the most recent full view....I mean it's not just bigger, the leaves are thicker and fuller, the buds look like they are going to be 50% fuller, honestly looking closer to the blue dream flower next to it, which is huge....I'm glad I didn't throw this one away. It took soooo long for it to catch up, I can't wait to smoke side by side and I'll let you know because i've heard that while hydro is bigger dirt taste better....I'm gonna flush for 2 plus weeks the hydro with ph'd water and blackstrap, I have individual buckets with 6 inch round air stone so I don't think it'll cause an issue and i'll clean it before the next run....I'm super excited...let's go!20210419_082137.jpg
How they doin kiddo. Any help would be greatly appreciated from a expert like yourself

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You see those leafs taco'ing and burnt and raised at the end? Yet they haven't yellow yet? That doesn't look tasty at all.....You want my expert opinion? You've been your grow room down leafs shouldn't taco....the edges shouldn't be burned....and r u sure they aren't pollinated?
You see those leafs taco'ing and burnt and raised at the end? Yet they haven't yellow yet? That doesn't look tasty at all.....You want my expert opinion? You've been your grow room down leafs shouldn't taco....the edges shouldn't be burned....and r u sure they aren't pollinated?
“Expert opinion” then says “leafs” some expert :wall:
And I see some deficiencies in your leaves...what are those YELLOW PATCHES? is that normal? I see some of the tips of your leafs near the top are bleaching....weird I don't think that's how I want mine to look.....
“Expert opinion” then says “leafs” some expert :wall:
LMAO are we really correcting grammatical errors haha you guys do your best to team up on someone to make them say something crazy...I love's always the same team, the weak set...lmao but yes you got me I choose not to use grammerly in a pot forum...
And You will definitely get more than me with that attitude! You plants are twice the size kiddo....and show the class the entire picture so they can see how the bottom half of your plant is shaved and completely naked....which means that's all you r getting....I'll get about the same per square feet as you if not better....I've still got 6 weeks on my GSC and 9 weeks on my Sativa...they've got plently of time to fatten up and then I'll comapare my fully grown plants to your plants in the beginning of flower and say ooohh ahhh look how my back left branch in the upper quadrant is way fatter then your clones!!!!!:clap::sleep:
Nothing wrong with soil, a good soil is very easy to grow in, still it’s only one part of the equation good genetics and the perfect environment and your in business.

I’ll leave a tip for the new growers, don’t worry about what other people think just focus on your own shit and read a fucking gardening book for fuks sake lol.E626772C-3596-4ADC-B2A7-7D8199C110AC.jpeg
Nothing wrong with soil, a good soil is very easy to grow in, still it’s only one part of the equation good genetics and the perfect environment and your in business.

I’ll leave a tip for the new growers, don’t worry about what other people think just focus on your own shit and read a fucking gardening book for fuks sake lol.View attachment 4882493

Oh shit @hydroScript.js we have discoloured leaves and burnt tips here. Criticize him of how unhealthy they are

looks great by the way gazza, nice job.
Shoot I almost missed my morning meeting messing with ya'll lol....I work from home on computers...what's your guy's excuse how r u always available to comment? And How much would I have to offer you guys for some actual advice or help or constructive comments along with the patronization and sarcasm? That would take this shit to the next level!! Then it would be educational and fun...
Oh shit @hydroScript.js we have discoloured leaves and burnt tips here. Criticize him of how unhealthy they are

looks great by the way gazza, nice job.
Funny as shoot...I just noticed that in my picture too and cut them off haha...i started to re-upload the picture with that cut off....but that would be