scumrot derelict
Well-Known Member
lolHe did build best economy and everyone is missing it right now
lolHe did build best economy and everyone is missing it right now
I think you have severe reading comprehension issues. Chauvin deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life for murdering a man who was crying out for his mother as he was being choked to death by a police officer paid for on the taxpayer's dime. I was not arguing for him to get off. Maxine Waters is an idiot no better than Donald Trump. Telling people to get aggressive is not telling people to stand up for their rights. Aggression precipitates violence. Speaking of aggression you seem pretty hostile yourself? You're kinda proving my point here. Lots of hatred and anger in this country. You seem to be a fine representation of that. Maybe you, Donald, and Maxine can all go bowling together?
They shouldn't protest in body armor and armed to the teeth with assault rifles though. Protests happen during the day when folks can see it, cause that is the point, to bring awareness to problems that aren't being addressed. Riots and looting happen at night when the criminals and others move in to take advantage of the situation. The protests and riots are mixed race today and plenty of white people are seen looting on security camera's too, criminals from all over the city descend on the area now a days.My honest take is that it's wrong to tell people how to protest. This isn't a new issue, it wasn't 30 years ago when Rodney king happened. For those 30 years in between people did peacefully protest and speak about the issue and nothing changed. Why should people conform their complaints to appease people that ignore them?
Happy 4/20 to you and yours too.Ah....the "I know you are but what am I" game ay? Clever...not sure I was ready for that rebuttal. Lol. Happy 4/20 my man.
Ah yes, now I remember, you went all 'the media' nonsense. You do realize that the religious right wing troll that is posting in this thread is technically 'media' right?The violence has always been there.ALWAYS. Thats not my opinion its a fact. The media does what the government tells them...they are focused on keeping us on edge to push another fire arms bill to disarm us, to divide the people because united we scare them..Make people panic and create civil unrest, when it gets bad enough martial law kicks in..Were all puppets to them. I'll have nay sayers. Always do. However these tactics are a modern day version of what Hitler did. I dont have the time or space to specify. If you know, you know. Just grow your cannabis my man and live happy. Do yourself a favor and stop listening to media and get your info from out of country source. Al-jazeer being one of the many out there, read news papers from other countries...there's a systematic agenda happening and they distract us with the crap your mentioning. With respect brother, dont be a sheep. If it smells, and looks like shit. It probably is.
I suppose the real question is, what did Waters mean by her statement? What does she mean by "get more confrontational?" I think it would have been far more appropriate to say something like, "We will accept nothing less than justice, and our voices will not be silenced. Our voices will be heard." But Waters didn't say anything like that. And I just think it's unfortunate. She had a real moment to shine and provide real leadership. I think she missed the mark in spite of her good intentions. Some folks just don't have the right words to match the intentions of their heart. She's a good person. I have no doubt. She just poorly chose her words. I grew up poor. I learned really fast growing up that cops don't much care about skin color when you're poor. They automatically view you as less than, and feel they can rough you up because you don't have the resources to fight for justice. I had some very unfortunate incidents with morally corrupt police officers as a young man that shattered my faith in law enforcement and the justice system. It was really heart breaking to find out the world was far more corrupt than I had ever been made to believe, and sometimes law enforcement can be the scariest people on the streets. I've also ran into a few decent beat cops. They're out there. Just few and far between. And I remember those interactions also. The bad interactions left a much deeper impression though. I can't even imagine what it's like for black or brown people that live in poor communities. The dynamic of police interaction is completely different versus an upper middle class community. And that's the problem right there. Different justice for different zip codes. Different policing for different zip codes. I watched a video of 2 Maryland police officers screaming at a 5 year old because he wandered away from his preschool. Apparently some useless human being that was paid to watch the children couldn't do their job. The child wandered away 2 blocks or so. The school called for police help. Seems like the right way to handle it right? These 2 police officers who were both black proceeded to scream at and berate this 5 year old little black boy. They told him he needed a whoooping and should be stuffed in a cage if he's gonna act like a little beast. I was so fucking nauseated by the time the video was over I wanted to puke, and knew with absolute certainty I would never set 1 foot in the state of Maryland. The little boy got stuffed in a the back of a police car crying thinking he was going to jail as the officer continued to berate him. 5 years old man. That's a baby. And this is the impression those 2 officers who were also black left on that little boy. That's the community they are creating. After watching that video it's plainly clear who and what the source of the problem is. And it's just heartbreaking. Why would black officers treat their own community this way? Absolutely heartbreaking.My honest take is that it's wrong to tell people how to protest. This isn't a new issue, it wasn't 30 years ago when Rodney king happened. For those 30 years in between people did peacefully protest and speak about the issue and nothing changed. Why should people conform their complaints to appease people that ignore them?
They shouldn't protest in body armor and armed to the teeth with assault rifles though. Protests happen during the day when folks can see it, cause that is the point, to bring awareness to problems that aren't being addressed. Riots and looting happen at night when the criminals and others move in to take advantage of the situation. The protests and riots are mixed race today and plenty of white people are seen looting on security camera's too, criminals from all over the city descend on the area now a days.
Right on point man. Poor paints us all the same color in the eyes of law enforcement. I wish people got up in arms about why the looting occurred. That's a much deeper more complicated issue though, and no one in congress wants to address it. And the cycle repeats itself.Even noted anti rioter MLK made the point that riots will happen when peaceful attempts go unheard. I do mix a heavy amount of social class in with race, sublime sang about going out looting in 92, poor whites and blacks have quite a bit in common.
I just can't really get up in arms about people looting target.
Let me know when she takes out permits for a hate rally, and then gets those permits changed into a march to the capital that she then cancels every speaker after her whipping the crowd into a frenzy so that they cause a insurrection.I suppose the real question is, what did Waters mean by her statement? What does she mean by "get more confrontational?" I think it would have been far more appropriate to say something like, "We will accept nothing less than justice, and our voices will not be silenced. Our voices will be heard." But Waters didn't say anything like that. And I just think it's unfortunate. She had a real moment to shine and provide real leadership. I think she missed the mark in spite of her good intentions. Some folks just don't have the right words to match the intentions of their heart. She's a good person. I have no doubt. She just poorly chose her words.
Nope, growing up poor sucks. And if you were living in a minority neighborhood you also had all the shit pushed onto you that every other kid grew up with in those areas.I grew up poor. I learned really fast growing up that cops don't much care about skin color when you're poor. They automatically view you as less than, and feel they can rough you up because you don't have the resources to fight for justice. I had some very unfortunate incidents with morally corrupt police officers as a young man that shattered my faith in law enforcement and the justice system. It was really heart breaking to find out the world was far more corrupt than I had ever been made to believe, and sometimes law enforcement can be the scariest people on the streets. I've also ran into a few decent beat cops. They're out there. Just few and far between. And I remember those interactions also. The bad interactions left a much deeper impression though. I can't even imagine what it's like for black or brown people that live in poor communities. The dynamic of police interaction is completely different versus an upper middle class community. And that's the problem right there. Different justice for different zip codes. Different policing for different zip codes. I watched a video of 2 Maryland police officers screaming at a 5 year old because he wandered away from his preschool. Apparently some useless human being that was paid to watch the children couldn't do their job. The child wandered away 2 blocks or so. The school called for police help. Seems like the right way to handle it right? These 2 police officers who were both black proceeded to scream at and berate this 5 year old little black boy. They told him he needed a whoooping and should be stuffed in a cage if he's gonna act like a little beast. I was so fucking nauseated by the time the video was over I wanted to puke, and knew with absolute certainty I would never set 1 foot in the state of Maryland. The little boy got stuffed in a the back of a police car crying thinking he was going to jail as the officer continued to berate him. 5 years old man. That's a baby. And this is the impression those 2 officers who were also black left on that little boy. That's the community they are creating. After watching that video it's plainly clear who and what the source of the problem is. And it's just heartbreaking. Why would black officers treat their own community this way? Absolutely heartbreaking.
The democrats are trying to address it, wealth inequality is growing as a result of technology and the economic system concentrating wealth automatically, as well as by corrupt politicians and thousands of lobbyists. The republicans work for the rich and con the racist base with culture wars and dog whistles, that are getting more shrill as their desperation increases. Trump and Mitch's tax breaks for the super rich said it all. Half the people in the country subsist on less than 2% of the national wealth. Economies are ecosystems and the little fish need to live too, healthcare, social security, education and infrastructure are ways to redistribute that wealth. The problem is the brown folks might git some and they would rather fuck themselves and scream "socialism" than come to their fucking senses.Right on point man. Poor paints us all the same color in the eyes of law enforcement. I wish people got up in arms about why the looting occurred. That's a much deeper more complicated issue though, and no one in congress wants to address it. And the cycle repeats itself.
I respect that. Its merely a different narrative to get people to think. A 360 view if you will. Who REALLY knows the "truth" ? Religious folks go to the good book, realists use what they see, rationalize what would make the most sense. My main point my friend in my comments is that its all about division. Not the way I feel. I could have done a better job advertising that. I was flawed in my approach. RespectHappy 4/20 to you and yours too.
I forgot what stupid shit you posted, but if you want a more thourough response I am happy to give it. Sorry if I lumped you in with the other obvious trolls mistakenly, it is just not easy to take you all seriously when you pile into a troll thread like this.
Ah yes, now I remember, you went all 'the media' nonsense. You do realize that the religious right wing troll that is posting in this thread is technically 'media' right?
Stick to AP or Reuters to double check everything you think you know is my suggestion.
I'd argue with something in that statement if I could. 100% on point. Obama gave poor people healthcare and they painted him the antichrist. Obama saved GM and Chrysler from evisceration. They called him a socialist. Obama authorized the operation that finally killed the perpetrator responsible for the 9/11 attacks. They still called him a Muslim that couldn't be trusted with a secret agenda. And the racists ate it up hook, line, and sinker. I remember the Obama years quite vividly. People were happier. There were far fewer incidents of hate crimes, and life was generally good. It all ended with Trump. We went backwards as a country. It was very sad to witness.The democrats are trying to address it, wealth inequality is growing as a result of technology and the economic system concentrating wealth automatically, as well as by corrupt politicians and thousands of lobbyists. The republicans work for the rich and con the racist base with culture wars and dog whistles, that are getting more shrill as their desperation increases. Trump and Mitch's tax breaks for the super rich said it all. Half the people in the country subsist on less than 2% of the national wealth. Economies are ecosystems and the little fish need to live too, healthcare, social security, education and infrastructure are ways to redistribute that wealth. The problem is the brown folks might git some and they would rather fuck themselves and scream "socialism" than come to their fucking senses.
Key Facts. According to the latest Fed data, the top 1% of Americans have a combined net worth of $34.2 trillion (or 30.4% of all household wealth in the U.S.), while the bottom 50% of the population holds just $2.1 trillion combined (or 1.9% of all wealth).Oct. 8, 2020
Top 1% Of U.S. Households Hold 15 Times More Wealth Than ... › sites › tommybeer › 2020/10/08
View attachment 4883135
I respect your discipline...I'll admit I would not even try to go a day, or have the testicular fortitude to try to go.without my cannabis. Good for you my manI haven't drank coke in years and seldom have a diet 7up when I happen to be at a bar with friends, which is not often and lately not at all. Recently I'm into "clean liv'in" to try and dodge the grim reaper for a spell. Not even a puff or gummy bear for 4/20!
Nah you were fine, I just didn't have my coffee yet and the rligious trolls always get me a little more amped up because I find them the most repulsive of the lot. They pray on the vulnerable and are very dangerous.I respect that. Its merely a different narrative to get people to think. A 360 view if you will. Who REALLY knows the "truth" ? Religious folks go to the good book, realists use what they see, rationalize what would make the most sense. My main point my friend in my comments is that its all about division. Not the way I feel. I could have done a better job advertising that. I was flawed in my approach. Respect
I worked a sales counter and ran into people from all walks of life. Poor. Very wealthy business owners. You name it and it eventually landed on my counter at one point in the day or another. It was interesting because of the diverse types of interactions. One very astute college educated fella said a line that still sticks with me today, "There's no profit in all of us working together and getting along. Division creates profitability. Division makes money." Fucked me up because he hit the bullseye. When we work together and combine our resources our power grows. Division ensures we never work together. We never combine resources, and the rich stay rich.I respect that. Its merely a different narrative to get people to think. A 360 view if you will. Who REALLY knows the "truth" ? Religious folks go to the good book, realists use what they see, rationalize what would make the most sense. My main point my friend in my comments is that its all about division. Not the way I feel. I could have done a better job advertising that. I was flawed in my approach. Respect
This has been working for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only Agenda for millennia.I worked a sales counter and ran into people from all walks of life. Poor. Very wealthy business owners. You name it and it eventually landed on my counter at one point in the day or another. It was interesting because of the diverse types of interactions. One very astute college educated fella said a line that still sticks with me today, "There's no profit in all of us working together and getting along. Division creates profitability. Division makes money." Fucked me up because he hit the bullseye. When we work together and combine our resources our power grows. Division ensures we never work together. We never combine resources, and the rich stay rich.
Nope what? What exactly do you disagree with in my statement? In regards to Waters do you feel 2 wrongs make a right? Is that the solution?Let me know when she takes out permits for a hate rally, and then gets those permits changed into a march to the capital that she then cancels every speaker after her whipping the crowd into a frenzy so that they cause a insurrection.
Nope, growing up poor sucks.
Regardless of race combining resources and working together is what solves problems.This has been working for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only Agenda for millennia.
The 'nope' was more of an agreement with your post saying:Nope what? What exactly do you disagree with in my statement? In regards to Waters do you feel 2 wrongs make a right? Is that the solution?
I learned really fast growing up that cops don't much care about skin color when you're poor.
Agreed. That is why the demographic that I mentioned has worked so hard to keep the ability to build their resources out of anyones hands that are not their own.Regardless of race combining resources and working together is what solves problems.