Anybody else notice / have concerns about the extreme level of violence lately?

I think you have severe reading comprehension issues. Chauvin deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life for murdering a man who was crying out for his mother as he was being choked to death by a police officer paid for on the taxpayer's dime. I was not arguing for him to get off. Maxine Waters is an idiot no better than Donald Trump. Telling people to get aggressive is not telling people to stand up for their rights. Aggression precipitates violence. Speaking of aggression you seem pretty hostile yourself? You're kinda proving my point here. Lots of hatred and anger in this country. You seem to be a fine representation of that. Maybe you, Donald, and Maxine can all go bowling together?
It's still early and I am working through this bullshit Right wing talking point thread, but figured I would just laugh about this real fast.

A black woman who has been working for the people that most need it, telling them that if George Floyd's murderer is let off like all the other police throughout history for murdering black men, that they need to get back to work pushing for equality that is not there (no matter how much the hate mongers on hate radio and propaganda right wing TV tell you it is) for them.

You are saying that is as bad as a spoiled rich propaganda spewing POTUS who was working with a foreign military to try to keep his power and called for his cult to storm the capital and kill enough people to get him the ability to stay in office when we the people just voted him out, is just entirely ridiculous.

But I am guessing others have said this in the next 9 pages to you.
OP I understand. It's meant to make you uncomfortable and uneasy. Many mainstream media wont cover it. So people dont know it's happening. It's sad because my mother could get caught driving down the wrong road and a mob could hurt her. Reginald Denny..remember that story. And many others have been violently beaten by mobs. BLM has already killed over 50 ppl during these riots.

Jesus troll is lying in order to try to radicalize people to the trigger phrase 'BLM'.
The violence has always been there.ALWAYS. Thats not my opinion its a fact. The media does what the government tells them...they are focused on keeping us on edge to push another fire arms bill to disarm us, to divide the people because united we scare them..Make people panic and create civil unrest, when it gets bad enough martial law kicks in..Were all puppets to them. I'll have nay sayers. Always do. However these tactics are a modern day version of what Hitler did. I dont have the time or space to specify. If you know, you know. Just grow your cannabis my man and live happy. Do yourself a favor and stop listening to media and get your info from out of country source. Al-jazeer being one of the many out there, read news papers from other countries...there's a systematic agenda happening and they distract us with the crap your mentioning. With respect brother, dont be a sheep. If it smells, and looks like shit. It probably is.
I don't doubt that you are a puppet.
It seems like the incidents of violence in the news nationally are becoming more and more frequent. Random shootings on the highway are happening all the time now. A 4 year old little girl was murdered by a drive by shooter in chicago while sitting in a mcdonald's drive through placing an order. Watching the Chauvin trial is absolutely reminiscent of the rodney king trial in the early 90's. Anyone remember how that verdict unfolded? California does. I fear if the jury does not delivery a guilty verdict things are going to escalate very quickly. Rep. Maxine Waters on Saturday night called for protesters to "stay on the street" and "get more confrontational" if former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is acquitted in the killing of George Floyd. I saw that and my mouth almost hit the fucking floor. Just wow man. This country does not need a repeat of the rodney king riots that cost 100+ lives over the course of 2 weeks as LA burned after a bunch of moron jurors delivered the wrong verdict. I am very concerned about how things are going to unfold. DC just received approval from the Army to mobilize the national guard ahead of the verdict. Anything less than a guilty verdict and shit is gonna hit the fan. Hard. I'll be staying the fuck as far away from the streets and public road ways as I can. Reginald Denny anyone?

And I thought legalizing pot would make people more peaceful. Apparently I was dead wrong :)

lately. but for some reason Maxine Waters.
I live near these. When they 1st put them out here. The cows were not doing well at all. Something about the sound of frequency they were giving off. Now after many years no problems and the cows stay away from them now. I've seen proof frequencies can mess with certain animals and people. Some are just sensitive, others not. Cancer ...not sure. But still born in animals and them dropping dead
A tinfoil hat will protect you, make sure you put them on the cows too!
No one pissed and shit at CH. It was chocolate frosting from some cupcakes that were sitting on a desk. Antifa got them and were passing them out to others. It's on video. I posted a link to tons of proof. You refuse to look that's your lazy problem.
What was not a peaceful transfer? Crybaby liar
Did you actually taste it?
Sure, like Donald is gonna give up his diet coke, that's for suckers like you.

Trump wants you to boycott Coke, but his properties are still se - | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports

Trump wants you to boycott Coke, but his properties are still serving it
Coca-Cola declined to comment on the boycott and its relationships with Trump Organization properties.

View attachment 4882950

he says he wants you to boycott Coke because he knows you'll do the opposite.
Putin is more on your side than biden is. Pretty sad when we trust the Russian guy more. Why do you never mention china and only russia?
Traitor, here is an example of why the national security community will be up your asshole forever, welcome to the "deep state" of your own creation. You clowns are considered a potential Russian 5th column, dupes and terrorist now as well as enemies of the constitution and thus America. More people consider your kind treasonous seditionists and that number will grow over time. Many will deny involvement or association and turn on the remainder to virtue signal and take the heat off themselves. We hear it here, "Oh I never voted for or liked Trump", but then proceed to regurgitate republican talking points and Trump's lies.

Though I have to say that many have come round too and finally saw the light of salvation. Yet you still wander the darkness with Satan as your only companion, lies falling from your mouth, leaving a trail of shit behind you on the path to perdition.
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But I'm the crazy one heheeeee
Yep, driven mad by fear, hate, racism and bigotry, Trump just lit the fuze on the stupid that was already there and slowly dying. Donald accelerated your political decline by a decade or more when he destroyed the GOP and fucked his base of idiots.
he says he wants you to boycott Coke because he knows you'll do the opposite.
I haven't drank coke in years and seldom have a diet 7up when I happen to be at a bar with friends, which is not often and lately not at all. Recently I'm into "clean liv'in" to try and dodge the grim reaper for a spell. Not even a puff or gummy bear for 4/20!