Joe Biden, the good, bad and ugly. Starting with the good.

White House formally backs bill to grant DC statehood
The White House on Tuesday formally declared its support for a House bill that would grant statehood to Washington, D.C., saying it would provide the residents of the District with "long overdue full representation in Congress."

"Establishing the State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth as the 51st state will make our Union stronger and more just," the Office of Management and Budget said in a statement of administration policy. "Washington, D.C. has a robust economy, a rich culture, and a diverse population of Americans from all walks of life who are entitled to full and equal participation in our democracy."

The statement further called for Congress "to provide for a swift and orderly transition to statehood for the people of Washington, D.C."
Dumbest idea ever.
What's stupid is that over half the nation thinks it's a good idea. It ranks up there with the other half that thought Trump was a good idea.
Trump beating up on peaceful protesters and the threat of his goons shows why the people of DC require real representation.

Same with his tossing paper towels at the people in Puerto Rico but not actually much else to help them because he threw a temper tantrum at their mayor.
Why should 700,000 people not have reperesentation as compared to Vermont, which has a lower population?
They can. There are two very easy ways:
  1. Move 2.7 miles down the street.
  2. Split DC in half. One half registers and votes in Maryland, the other half registers and votes in Virginia.
Problem solved. No state needed.

The only reason Dems want a state is so they can get two extra senate seats for free because they know D.C. is about 85% democratic residents. It's an end run that makes no sense at all.

If you're going to make a 40 square mile area a state, then it opens to door for every single city with any reasonable population to do the same.
They can. There are two very easy ways:
  1. Move 2.7 miles down the street.
  2. Split DC in half. One half registers and votes in Maryland, the other half registers and votes in Virginia.
Problem solved. No state needed.

The only reason Dems want a state is so they can get two extra senate seats for free because they know D.C. is about 85% democratic residents. It's an end run that makes no sense at all.

If you're going to make a 40 square mile area a state, then it opens to door for every single city with any reasonable population to do the same.
And Puerto Rico?
Maybe combine them with Puerto Rico. Two heads with one stone.
The problem with that is that Puerto Rico doesn't want to be a state. They intentionally sabotage every referendum they've ever held. They enjoy being a tax free tourist trap and they're doing everything they can to keep it that way.
Statehood looks doable to me.
2017 Puerto Rican status referendum - Wikipedia

Puerto Rico vote on statehood 2017
A referendum on the political status of Puerto Rico was held in Puerto Rico on June 11, 2017. The referendum had three options: becoming a state of the United States, independence/free association, or maintaining the current territorial status. Those who voted overwhelmingly chose statehood by 97%.
Statehood: 97.13%
Current Territorial Status: 1.35%
Independence/Free Association: 1.52%
They can. There are two very easy ways:
  1. Move 2.7 miles down the street.
  2. Split DC in half. One half registers and votes in Maryland, the other half registers and votes in Virginia.
Problem solved. No state needed.

The only reason Dems want a state is so they can get two extra senate seats for free because they know D.C. is about 85% democratic residents. It's an end run that makes no sense at all.

If you're going to make a 40 square mile area a state, then it opens to door for every single city with any reasonable population to do the same.
The slippery slope argument. lulz. Sorry, but it doesn't wash. Fear of what might happen if justice prevails doesn't mean that justice should not prevail.

Speaking of justice, people in DC pay their share of taxes but don't have a voice in government. That right there is injustice.
They can. There are two very easy ways:
  1. Move 2.7 miles down the street.
  2. Split DC in half. One half registers and votes in Maryland, the other half registers and votes in Virginia.
Problem solved. No state needed.

The only reason Dems want a state is so they can get two extra senate seats for free because they know D.C. is about 85% democratic residents. It's an end run that makes no sense at all.

If you're going to make a 40 square mile area a state, then it opens to door for every single city with any reasonable population to do the same.
'If you don't like it leave' is a dumbass argument and you know it. DC wasn't even meant to be residential. It is now. People need representation. Who cares if it's leaning one way. Look at some of the districts representatives hold. Wonky as shit. Politics and areas are forever evolving. Thats like saying north Dakota doesn't deserve a vote because they are red and weren't a state when the constitution was written
DC wasn't even meant to be residential
Thank you for proving my point.

People moved to DC to take advantage of it. The only reason they started the state movement is because they saw an easy way to get two free democratic senators.

And none of it matters because it will never happen. Democrats are only behind it to get votes. The fix was in to shoot it down from the outset.

Joe Manchin has just come out against it, so it's over. It will die in the senate.

Just like the 15 dollar minimum wage. They lied about that too. They were never really behind it. They pass it in the house and then arrange for the parliamentarian to shoot it down.

Then they throw up their hands and say, "awwww shucks! Sorry, folks! We tried!

Anybody that was ever stupid enough to believe DC would become a state needs to put in a bid on the bridge I'm selling on the Hudson River.

I already sold the one in San Francisco to the ones that believed the 15 dollar minimum wage bullshit.
Thank you for proving my point.

People moved to DC to take advantage of it. The only reason they started the state movement is because they saw an easy way to get two free democratic senators.

And none of it matters because it will never happen. Democrats are only behind it to get votes. The fix was in to shoot it down from the outset.

Joe Manchin has just come out against it, so it's over. It will die in the senate.

Just like the 15 dollar minimum wage. They lied about that too. They were never really behind it. They pass it then arrange for the parliamentarian to shoot it down.

Then they throw up their hands and say, "awwww shucks! Sorry, folks! We tried!

Anybody that was ever stupid enough to believe DC would become a state needs to put in a bid on the bride I'm selling on the Hudson River.

I already sold the one in San Francisco that believed the 15 dollar minimum wage bullshit.
Dude most of DC is poor as shit, traffic everywhere which leads to insane insurance rates, always packed with people. DC sucks. Compton doesn't deserve a vote because they chose to live there.
Also you're only point about the people of DC was an opinion. Lol
Just looked it up to be sure.

The median household income in DC is $84,000 per year.

Did you really think a bunch of people bitching about paying taxes were poor?
Look how the scales balanced. A bunch 9f rich politicians and poor people. 84 isn't the crazy proof you think it is. Have you ever been?