Chauvin Trial

Lol imagine being a cop and to be kept safe they take you too one of the most violent prisons
It wouldn't be a problem if they busted more cops, then they could have a special pig pen for them. There should be thousands of the fuckers, enough to fill a medium sized facility for sure. All the guards would be black though...
More Newsmax comments.

"In MMA, there is a hold called the "guillotine choke". You can do it in two ways; one cuts off blood flow, and the other breathing. But once you tap out, you must let go, otherwise you are killing someone.
The restraint used in this case is not the same. But when the victim says, "I can't breathe" and you continue, then you are responsible for hearing that, but not acting on it. Your victim, by saying "I can't breathe" as in effect, tapped out. The thing that convinced the jury in this instance was you had a medic testifying that she pleaded with Chauvin to let her work on the guy, as she felt his life was being threatened.
Those who call the man a criminal and scumbag, and therefore say it didn't matter, do not believe in the U.S. Constitution giving Mr. Floyd the right to life. It's like, "If I lose the right to own a particular gun, heaven forbid, but if someone I don't like loses his life, so what?"

"I’m way beyond turning the other cheek, I’m just about at a Joshua moment...
Let God sort them out...."

Sorry, blatant miscarriage of what used to be called justice. Now we have lynch mobs (Democrats) and their media stooges determining guilt before any due process, just like they've been doing in the educational system and corporations for years.
I'd like to hope that the verdicts will be overturned by the appeals court, but those courts appear to consist of "activists" or spineless cowards for the most part.
Look for more lynchings as part of the Democrats' ongoing color revolution..."

"America's becoming a 4th world hole. I've traveled the world, and starting seeing the demise here 12-20 years ago,.
Easy, cheap money and family units falling apart, the drugs, Black Pres. starting race wars, minorities crapping out kids all over the place.
Here we are with 2 Towel Head anti American foul mouthed women in Congress calling the shots poking drunk Pelosi and the illegitimate Pres. and a Gov. in NY who murdered 15,000 seniors. And a million illiterates coming through the border.
Nice country, eh?"

"I feel vary racist today for some reason "

"A black thug in the cemetery.... a cop thug in jail. I call that a good day for white Americans."

"Concerned: Miss Jeanie must be feeling pressure from woke mob, Chauvin got the same justice six million Jews got from Adolf Hilter"

"If Trump was still president he would be inciting all y'all to race riot now, just like he indicted you to insurrect on January 6th.
Thank God that Stone Cold Loser lost!"
Thank God the jury got it right. Even though the evidence was overwhelming, I was honestly worried about it.
I felt similar when Obama was up for election.

I am not one to celebrate someone's torture in prison so I can't really be happy about it, but I am relieved that he is not a free man right now.
I felt similar when Obama was up for election.

I am not one to celebrate someone's torture in prison so I can't really be happy about it, but I am relieved that he is not a free man right now.
It will save many lives, both black people killed by cops in the future and those killed in riots and mayhem as a result of an unjust verdict. He should have thought of that during the 9 minutes he had his knee on Floyd's neck and I'm sure someone in the crowd mentioned consequences and video to him. His fate is the result of his decisions and actions, nothing else, he might as well have jumped off a tall building.
You are a much better man than I am.
I have compassion for the guy, but there are many others who deserve it more. His fate was in his own hands, but he keep them in his pocket while his knee was on Floyd's neck. Such people must be locked up and if there was proper justice, he would be in a special pig pen with thousands of his peers. There should be enough of them to have their own prison, think of an appropriate name for the place.
Watch the video. The jurors did, and that's exactly why he will be aquited. Read the transcript, second piece of evidence and public. They are asking him ten minutes before why he has foam on his mouth, he tells them he was running. They ask him why he is acting erratically, why he is having trouble standing up. The people with him are even telling him to stop resisting. Floyd had so many outs to come clean and say he took drugs.

Keep denying reality, it's all on camera. They call him an ems less than a minute after he hits the ground, less thsn 15 seconds after he cries momma. Called again to increase the priority. EMS took 8 minutes.

They had a reasoned discussion about whether to keep him where he was or put him in recovery position - and this is where the trial will be focused. But again, it's on camera, they discuss how he is acting erracticly and speculate he's either on pcp or other excited delerium and possibly faking. They made the best decision they could and so they won't be charged.

Watcu the video, read the transcript. Educate yourself or you are outing yourself as a teller of lies to push an agenda.

Edit to add that he is telling them he can't breath long before he is even on the ground.
I hope someone kills you by kneeling on your neck
I'm confused about how he can be convicted of both killing someone intentionally and unintentionally at the same time.

I did find this:

And they state that they found him guilty of second degree murder while not intending to kill Floyd, but the definition of second degree murder is just straight up intentionally killing someone, but without premeditation.

After the closing arguments, I remember them talking about an aggravated enhancement where Chauvin had the choice of having the judge or jury decide that and he chose the judge. Does that have something to do with it?

Regardless, it's a great result for the country.
I'm confused about how he can be convicted of both killing someone intentionally and unintentionally at the same time.

I did find this:

And they state that they found him guilty of second degree murder while not intending to kill Floyd, but the definition of second degree murder is just straight up intentionally killing someone, but without premeditation.

After the closing arguments, I remember them talking about an aggravated enhancement where Chauvin had the choice of having the judge or jury decide that and he chose the judge. Does that have something to do with it?

Regardless, it's a great result for the country.
This may help. Second degree murder is, it seems, variable in Minnesota.
I'm confused about how he can be convicted of both killing someone intentionally and unintentionally at the same time.

I did find this:

And they state that they found him guilty of second degree murder while not intending to kill Floyd, but the definition of second degree murder is just straight up intentionally killing someone, but without premeditation.

After the closing arguments, I remember them talking about an aggravated enhancement where Chauvin had the choice of having the judge or jury decide that and he chose the judge. Does that have something to do with it?

Regardless, it's a great result for the country.
As I understood, in minnesota if the defendant caused someone's death while committing a crime they are guilty of murder wether they intended to kill the person or not.
he should have made a bid.....cut a deal. Prob could have gotten away with only manslaughter

Maybe he was arrogant and thought he was above the law

or perhaps his lawyer had something to do with it

Water under the bridge at this point- all that remains is for him to be sentenced and then as Sergeant Preston of the Yukon would say to his dog "this case is closed"