Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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My wife has a headache and a bit of a temperature today- nothing drastic

I wonder if the second dose is stronger- anyone know about that?
As far as I know it's complete crapshoot as far as vaccine reactions go, some have more of one from the second dose than the first and the other way around, some don't even notice it at all. I believe both doses of the mRNAs are the same size and identical in composition.
My wife has a headache and a bit of a temperature today- nothing drastic

I wonder if the second dose is stronger- anyone know about that?
Headaches especially in women should be watched and might be a sign of clotting, but it is very rare and generally applies to the other two vaccines that are not mRNA based.
I get my second Moderna shot after work today. I am expecting a sore arm and hoping that’s it. The first shot i had just a sore arm and nothing else but some mild tired and foggy thinking but that could be from other issues like my strict keto diet and physical exhaustion from working out . Fingers crossed no flue like shit cuz I have a busy day at work tomorrow.
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;) . . . . . I put my life on the line during Viet Nam & am a veteran , sooooo . . . . . G F Y . . . . . :bigjoint:
I don't believe a thing a low life like you says, someone who only thinks of themselves, rights without responsibilities are bullshit. This virus has turned into a kid killer and you are laughing at that, don't wear a mask, won't get vaccinated and probably has grand kids, if half of what you say is true. Even if you are a vet, it doesn't give you the right to sicken and kill kids with stupidity and if you are afraid to get a needle to save the life of yourself and others, what does that make you, if not a coward and a fool.
An airplane crashed once, better not fly. A car crashed once, better not drive. A person fell in the shower once, better not shower.

-PJ Diaz
An airplane crashed once, better not fly. A car crashed once, better not drive. A person fell in the shower once, better not shower.

-PJ Diaz
Well, to be fair, he doesn't do any of that anyway after being broke and losing his license and being in general an unclean, uncouth person.
I refuse to acknowledge news articles which challenge my subjective position.


Lol wat?? You want me to change my mind on something I already know about, that there's a super low risk of something? No dude, see, I go outside and hike and use chainsaws and various machinery and all sorts of stuff, so this doesn't worry me. Even catching Covid doesn't worry me. What I do worry about is allowing my cliche American jerkoff ego to harm someone else.
Sounds like common dream paralysis, the brain disconnects from the body during dreaming and some people wake up before their body connects back up and experience paralysis and the rest could be psychosomatic, we will soon see.

If the best you can do to rationalize your fear is this, with 200 million shots in arms, it's kinda pathetic. I predict a full recovery for this lady based on the available evidence, a clean MRI should tell the tale along with recovery. I'm sure the doctors and scientists are on it though and if it is of any significance we will hear more.

I hope yer not planning on being around vulnerable children until they are immunized and you're wearing a mask, things could get ugly with their parents soon with new variants on the loose and multiplying rapidly among the unvaccinated. We read about people like you in the news all the time, usually after they died of covid.
Lol wat?? You want me to change my mind on something I already know about, that there's a super low risk of something? No dude, see, I go outside and hike and use chainsaws and various machinery and all sorts of stuff, so this doesn't worry me. Even catching Covid doesn't worry me. What I do worry about is allowing my cliche American jerkoff ego to harm someone else.
I get it, it's a numbers game for you. I respect that. Just be sure to be clear about what those small numbers could lead too. A lot of vaccine advocates are busy saying that no one is dying or getting paralyzed, except that they are, albeit as you've pointed out, in small percentages. Personally I want to see a bit more time go by before we compare all the numbers. I'm not here to put anyone down because of their positions, like much of the mob mentality in this thread seems to be. Have fun with it kids.
See, that's fair, but you know...we're at 117 pages and this isn't our first go around. You've pretended that it's a numbers game on your end and that you're philosophically consistent in your aversion to anything with one in a million odds. I don't have an issue with someone being worried about it, just acknowledge the inconsistency. It's not like you have a lock on that. Anything new is extra scary, that's just a fact, and it's exactly why mass shootings are extra scary. Not that they're new, but the frequency is new and even though your odds of dying from a mass shooting are super low, it's still kinda scary, even if irrationally so. My agenda is honesty, way more than anything to do with vaccines.
TBH I should report that I did experience a side effect from my first Pfizer shot I received yesterday. I woke up with a bit of a sore arm and I'm thinking "did that nurse jab my bone with that needle"? This issue seems to have cleared up by noon, but I'll keep everyone posted on any paralysis or other negative symptoms I might experience over the next few days.
I get my second Moderna shot after work today. I am expecting a sore arm and hoping that’s it. The first shot i had just a sore arm and nothing else but some mild tired and foggy thinking but that could be from other issues like my strict keto diet and physical exhaustion from working out . Fingers crossed no flue like shit cuz I have a busy day at work tomorrow.
I had no symptoms from either Moderna shots.

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