@koalajesus had a thread about discolored leaves from some intense LED
Hello everyone! I just recently started this wonderful hobby and I feel like I've been doing sorta okay. My techniques are a bit rough and I've had some bumps in the road, but typically nothing I can't overcome with a bit of thorough research. Regardless, I'm enjoying myself! Before I get to...
You've already dimmed and raised the light, but hopefully this provides some insight to help.
Hey! This is does look similar to the growth discoloration I was experiencing, but maybe to a lesser degree.
It definitely was my lights for the highlighter leaf problem I was having and making the proper adjustments (got a dimmable light, changed height and intensity) my problem resolved with new growth looking healthy.
Sucks that some of the highlighter did burn on my plant, but like I said it went to a strong degree.
This leaf has the varying degrees of health, recovery, and burns from the fix.
Also, I think Puffone3182 and I both have some excess N causing the dark green leaves. I just recently flushed my medium, waiting on new growth to develop and see just how green it becomes.