Will these clones survive in these tiny trays???

Okay. You want to compare things. I have no need or inclination. Not my intent. Just an honest opinion for all.

no not at all i am doing a side by side by side with 3 plants and 1 i cut everything but the main cola and i cant believe how fat it is getting because there is no larf or side branches the one that deficient is untouched and growing wild and the 3rd is just normal lollipopped i aint trying to toot my horn lol
just let them ralax and they will root get a little temp/humidity digital meter and put it in the enclosure keep it at like 100% and 78 degrees if the humidity drops mist them again dont go under 75% first week
no not at all i am doing a side by side by side with 3 plants and 1 i cut everything but the main cola and i cant believe how fat it is getting because there is no larf or side branches the one that deficient is untouched and growing wild and the 3rd is just normal lollipopped i aint trying to toot my horn lol
All good. I apologize if mistaken. Rough times and old age. Honest best wishes.
Im running 2 600 watt hps and 1 480 watt led with uv and ir in the flower room. 1 600 watt mh and a 480 watt spider farmer 4000 led in the veg room. Built some drain tables for each room and set up some climate control. Finishing the mylar tmrw.

how are you liking that 480w quantum board so far? I'm in the market for one and there are sooo many options out there. i am aware of the main brands and all that but feel with enough looking around I could get the same level of efficiency for less. i looked the eco farm up and they have some good stuff. so, any important points to the one you have there worth mentioning? what is its footprint?
no not at all i am doing a side by side by side with 3 plants and 1 i cut everything but the main cola and i cant believe how fat it is getting because there is no larf or side branches the one that deficient is untouched and growing wild and the 3rd is just normal lollipopped i aint trying to toot my horn lol
I cut off all of the side branches during my last cycle and had amazing results. Side branches are for the birds, I say.
Way down is better. Your leaves are acting as roots until the plant grows some. They thrive on water and not true transpiration. Only need small amounts of light for photosynthesis. As that process is now bypassed in an attempt to regrow. Excess light over taxes the metabolism and kills the plant as the leaves revert to being leaves. Simple as I can state it. Hope it helps.
Understood. When should I start giving nutes? I have some thrive alive (b vitamin seaweed extract I believe). Can be used as a foliar spray. Yay or nay to that?
how are you liking that 480w quantum board so far? I'm in the market for one and there are sooo many options out there. i am aware of the main brands and all that but feel with enough looking around I could get the same level of efficiency for less. i looked the eco farm up and they have some good stuff. so, any important points to the one you have there worth mentioning? what is its footprint?
I just hooked it up yesterday. Honestly I think the sf4000 I paid around the same for is stronger. The diodes in this look different as well leading me to believe they are not true samsungs. It seems to be doing the job tho. In a 4×10 flower area Im running 2 600 watt hps and that 480 led in the middle. I reccomend sf tho. Specs say it does 4x5 at 12 in. I set it 2 ft. from my girls and it fried them in a day. I will update about the ecofarm light tho. Shipping sux thru eco. 120 to the states.
I just hooked it up yesterday. Honestly I think the sf4000 I paid around the same for is stronger. The diodes in this look different as well leading me to believe they are not true samsungs. It seems to be doing the job tho. In a 4×10 flower area Im running 2 600 watt hps and that 480 led in the middle. I reccomend sf tho. Specs say it does 4x5 at 12 in. I set it 2 ft. from my girls and it fried them in a day. I will update about the ecofarm light tho. Shipping sux thru eco. 120 to the states.
did they turn into tacos? mine did in a day with the light at 18 inches
Understood. When should I start giving nutes? I have some thrive alive (b vitamin seaweed extract I believe). Can be used as a foliar spray. Yay or nay to that?
Personally I use fish emulsion at 1/4 tsp per quart of water as a oliar at day 7. And every third day out till potted up or getting dark green. A 1/4 tsp of Epsoms salt may be advised at the initial feeding. And no sooner than 7 days later before applying again.

Easy on clones. They are feeding through the leaves. Easily over do it. A foliar feed should show in 24-36 hours. A feeding will show in 5-8 days. So be light on your attempts.