Happy thread :)

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Long time gone and sued for whatever he owns while he's there. Just another racist loser to fill the prisons with, this one needs to be locked up. He didn't attack the Karate athlete though, I wonder why, a bully I guess and a coward too, they usually go together, along with a total lack of character or much brains for that matter.

Long time gone and sued for whatever he owns while he's there. Just another racist loser to fill the prisons with, this one needs to be locked up. He didn't attack the Karate athlete though, I wonder why, a bully I guess and a coward too, they usually go together, along with a total lack of character or much brains for that matter.

Unfortunately it is not really happy, because he was arrested for beating up old people
Revenge of the old farts! Remember, IQ means intelligence quotient, your total score is divided by your age! ;)
New Rule: OK Boomer | Real Time with Bill Maher

Ageism is the last acceptable prejudice in this country, but Joe Biden is the right man for this moment precisely because he IS old.
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our neighbor drives for ACE and he can't stand to use somebody elses rig. i don't blame him or you either. it's not just your office but your home too

Yes, when people have to share a truck, that is what is called slip seating. No thanks lol

My truck is like a little apartment to me, I keep it clean, organized and stocked up with snacks, can soup/spaghettios/Ramen noodles, coffee/coffee creamer, gum/mints, dog treats/dog food and ice tea/water. I have everything in there...extra clothes/jackets/hoodie, toothpaste/mouthwash/floss, soap/deodorant, razor/shaving gel and extra pair of walking shoes. I take all my sheets and blankets from my bunk home every weekend to wash and keep everything clean.

Plus, I have a bunch of tools and shit in my side boxes.

You never know what can happen out here driving or if you might end up having to stay a night out. I'm prepared for any situation.

I started out as a local driver being home every night, but in the last 9 months or so I've started doing relays and regional runs. I'm always willing to do whatever needs to be done for my boss and if it means staying in the truck for a night or two that's what I'll do, no complaining.
Curious, why do you say that? They're not getting vaccinated up there?
We are short of supply and stopped domestic vaccine production as a consequence of free trade and such, we are getting in the vaccine business again! We are lagging behind America but not by too much, we ordered over 800 million doses of the top candidates including the 4 approved here. When our back orders come in we could almost vaccinate the entire continent of South America with the leftover doses. For now everybody is getting a single dose for 80% protection (of the mRNAs), I'm going for my first jab today and the second in August. We won't get caught like this again though and are cutting deals with various companies domestic and foreign. When the shit hits the fan it's every country for itself and we would be no different.

I figure Uncle Joe is gonna come through with some unused American AZ vaccine, but he is president of the USA, not Canada and must meet his responsibility to you folks first (and doing a great job of it too). He turned America from a place to be pitied, to one others are jealous of in no time flat. See what a real POTUS can do, not some empty suit with a red tie and a stream of lies.
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