Chauvin Trial


Well-Known Member
The eyes are a window into the soul, as they say and the view was particularly disturbing, since their was no one home.
Don't know how all this shit gets rectified on one end we have police going to far on the force spectrum on the other end I'm listening to ulogies that make no mention of or accept any accountability for the situation some of these people put themselves in. All the glowing praise given with not a whisper of the fact that they were engaging in criminal activity, in no way does this imply that these people should have encountered deadly force its just that I'm being led to believe by Al Sharpton et al that these people were walking their dog in the park and were killed by police,if you put yourself in shitty situations shitty things can happen is my point I guess and I'm not hearing any acceptance of this fact ccguns


Well-Known Member
Don't know how all this shit gets rectified on one end we have police going to far on the force spectrum on the other end I'm listening to ulogies that make no mention of or accept any accountability for the situation some of these people put themselves in. All the glowing praise given with not a whisper of the fact that they were engaging in criminal activity, in no way does this imply that these people should have encountered deadly force its just that I'm being led to believe by Al Sharpton et al that these people were walking their dog in the park and were killed by police,if you put yourself in shitty situations shitty things can happen is my point I guess and I'm not hearing any acceptance of this fact ccguns
As for Chauvin and the look in his eyes, to me it's of a man drunk on power and getting off on it, makes me wonder if he fits the prototype of the cop who is disliked or bullied as a youth and now is payback time as this fits some officers who basically start the job mad at the world and ready to avenge all the slights they encountered prior to becoming a cop as this is not a uncommon scenario.ccguns


Well-Known Member
Don't know how all this shit gets rectified on one end we have police going to far on the force spectrum on the other end I'm listening to ulogies that make no mention of or accept any accountability for the situation some of these people put themselves in. All the glowing praise given with not a whisper of the fact that they were engaging in criminal activity, in no way does this imply that these people should have encountered deadly force its just that I'm being led to believe by Al Sharpton et al that these people were walking their dog in the park and were killed by police,if you put yourself in shitty situations shitty things can happen is my point I guess and I'm not hearing any acceptance of this fact ccguns
There are several problems, the first being accountability, that in itself will lead to better behavior, second is selection of people to be police, there needs to be more rigorous and in depth vetting, third training and procedures must be changed and pay increased in some cases. Fourth there needs to be a national bad cop registry to keep them from working as LEOs anywhere. Fifth the cops are doing too many things, including dealing with mental health problems and social work because of funding cuts. That's a partial list and I'm sure the folks who will be looking into it will have more ideas.

Right now the purpose of the thin blue line is to be on the front line of white privilege, or at least that's how it looks to many. The cops also engaged in open insubordination to civilian authority in many cities this past summer during the protests and clearly took a side. The problem with the side they chose is it represented treason to the constitution, country and the rule of law. There were many at the capital sacking and blue lives flags flew with the swastika, Trump flags and the stars and bars. They picked a side and lost, there will be consequences for that too and being on the wrong side of history.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely man, just imagine being a cop now, your a good person w/wife, kids love life joined with a good heart to actually do good deeds assist those in harms way, etc.. How do you even keep your head straight now? How do you manage the stresses of a job seeing humanity at its worst many times and now deal w/being uniformly labeled due to actions of other officers, does the proper funding and regulations even exist to debrief these people. From my mind it almost requires a weekly sit down with a psychiatric specialist for 1 hour to unload the mind so to speak,I don't have all the answers here but I pretty much expect the police to "circle the wagons" in response to all the finger pointing. Everyone in harms way or who is wronged still dials 911 expecting action and resolution to their issues but we still suck will be their mindset.ccguns


Well-Known Member
Don't know how all this shit gets rectified on one end we have police going to far on the force spectrum on the other end I'm listening to ulogies that make no mention of or accept any accountability for the situation some of these people put themselves in. All the glowing praise given with not a whisper of the fact that they were engaging in criminal activity, in no way does this imply that these people should have encountered deadly force its just that I'm being led to believe by Al Sharpton et al that these people were walking their dog in the park and were killed by police,if you put yourself in shitty situations shitty things can happen is my point I guess and I'm not hearing any acceptance of this fact ccguns
Yeah. If only people of colour would stop putting themselves in dangerous situations like jogging, opening up their garage door and sleeping in their beds.


Well-Known Member
Don't know how all this shit gets rectified on one end we have police going to far on the force spectrum on the other end I'm listening to ulogies that make no mention of or accept any accountability for the situation some of these people put themselves in. All the glowing praise given with not a whisper of the fact that they were engaging in criminal activity, in no way does this imply that these people should have encountered deadly force its just that I'm being led to believe by Al Sharpton et al that these people were walking their dog in the park and were killed by police,if you put yourself in shitty situations shitty things can happen is my point I guess and I'm not hearing any acceptance of this fact ccguns
I agree. Years of redlining have put people in shitty situations. People are sick of being killed for being born into it.


Well-Known Member
hat situation, the 13 yo is oYeah. If only people of colour would stop putting themselves in dangerous situations like jogging, opening up their garage door and sleeping in their beds.
Don't want to ruffle feathers dude ,was refering to latest episodes,Rev. Al is talking like there is no wrong done in these situations,I said specifically that these people certainly didn't deserve to die,but cmon man they are involved in shit that is wrong and take no responsibility for the actions that put them in the situation that led to this shit.the 13yo is out late w a 21yo gangbanger on parole w/guns REALLY 13 yo where are the parents here. Floyd tried to pass a bogus 20 that his cousin tried to pass 1 hr. earlier at the same store. Sharpton doesn't even mention this. The girl w/knive was going off crazy,point is where is the accountability man,they shouldn't be dead but they are not walking in the park man and I'm not hearing that hey maybe we should clean up our act a little bit,I'm hearing that they were flat out innocent and then executed.ccguns


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say how much was just pandering to his angry audience or if he was for real angry. The thing is, whenever a person stirs up those kinds of hostile emotions, it takes a toll on them. Clouded mind, heart racing, fight or flight response and all that.

I don't know what it is but those kinds of people tend to go on to commit crimes like pedophilia and murder. Criminals is what they are. I mean, just look at Trump. A lifetime of playing the role and eventually, he became the criminal he always pretended he was.

Also, Carlson's eyes are too close together. Just like Gaetz. Its a sure sign of a deranged mind.

so are marjorie TG's.



Well-Known Member
Don't want to ruffle feathers dude ,was refering to latest episodes,Rev. Al is talking like there is no wrong done in these situations,I said specifically that these people certainly didn't deserve to die,but cmon man they are involved in shit that is wrong and take no responsibility for the actions that put them in the situation that led to this shit.the 13yo is out late w a 21yo gangbanger on parole w/guns REALLY 13 yo where are the parents here. Floyd tried to pass a bogus 20 that his cousin tried to pass 1 hr. earlier at the same store. Sharpton doesn't even mention this. The girl w/knive was going off crazy,point is where is the accountability man,they shouldn't be dead but they are not walking in the park man and I'm not hearing that hey maybe we should clean up our act a little bit,I'm hearing that they were flat out innocent and then executed.ccguns
The outrage coming from Republicans is due to Chauvin being convicted of murder. It was clear from the beginning that he murdered Floyd and what was the press release from the police? Man who forged $20 bill and high on drugs dies from medical incident. No officers were harmed.

Chauvin's police union backed him 100%. His defense lawyer said all the same things that have worked in the past and would have worked this time but not for that video.

This is what they say every god friken damn time they kill a Black person and the only notable difference in this case is that it didn't work:

During the final arguments, defense attorney Nelson raised questions and hypothetical scenarios to underline the concept of reasonable doubt, arguing that Floyd’s death could have been the result of various contributing factors unrelated to Chauvin’s actions.

They included drug ingestion, heart disease and hypertension, as well as a delay in paramedics’ resuscitation efforts, Nelson said.

“There’s lots of what-ifs that could have happened. What could have happened, what should have happened. Lots of them in lots of regards,” Nelson said, urging the jury to analyze the case from the perspective “of a reasonable police officer at the precise moment with the totality of the circumstances when it comes to the use of force.”

Nelson argued that the state failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, and therefore Chauvin should be found not guilty on all counts.

The prosecutor said "It was Floyd's fault" and he was effing lying to us about that. Refer to your own post. It says the same things about those other people. I have no way to confirm or deny what you say. Then again, I have plenty of reason to be skeptical of anything the police say.

You speak of these other killings of Black people by police officers as if nothing could have been done to defuse the situation. Maybe you are right but I'm kind of skeptical about that, given how indifferent police are toward even the most obscene act of homicide by a policeman. What I think about all of this is our justice system is broken. The people we empower to carry guns and use deadly force have become something less than officers of the peace. I think it's time to find alternatives to the warrior-cop.
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Well-Known Member
Absolutely man, just imagine being a cop now, your a good person w/wife, kids love life joined with a good heart to actually do good deeds assist those in harms way, etc.. How do you even keep your head straight now? How do you manage the stresses of a job seeing humanity at its worst many times and now deal w/being uniformly labeled due to actions of other officers, does the proper funding and regulations even exist to debrief these people. From my mind it almost requires a weekly sit down with a psychiatric specialist for 1 hour to unload the mind so to speak,I don't have all the answers here but I pretty much expect the police to "circle the wagons" in response to all the finger pointing. Everyone in harms way or who is wronged still dials 911 expecting action and resolution to their issues but we still suck will be their mindset.ccguns
Dude. The cops you are bleeding your heart over did not report his partner's illegal beating of a Black man because of the blue wall of silence. They look the other way when one takes a bribe. They look the other way when one files a false report. All because of a code of silence.

That's what gangsters do.
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Well-Known Member
I said specifically that these people certainly didn't deserve to die,but cmon man they are involved in shit that is wrong and take no responsibility for the actions that put them in the situation that led to this shit.
Lots of people put themselves in “shitty situations”. These assholes are a great example of that. None of them took responsibility for their actions. None of them died.


I’ve simplified my life since the outbreak of Covid. It’s changed me. I put people into 2 categories now; either you’re part of the solution or you’re part of the problem.

Talking about the “crimes” of victims puts you in the later category.


Well-Known Member
Don't want to ruffle feathers dude ,was refering to latest episodes,Rev. Al is talking like there is no wrong done in these situations,I said specifically that these people certainly didn't deserve to die,but cmon man they are involved in shit that is wrong and take no responsibility for the actions that put them in the situation that led to this shit.the 13yo is out late w a 21yo gangbanger on parole w/guns REALLY 13 yo where are the parents here. Floyd tried to pass a bogus 20 that his cousin tried to pass 1 hr. earlier at the same store. Sharpton doesn't even mention this. The girl w/knive was going off crazy,point is where is the accountability man,they shouldn't be dead but they are not walking in the park man and I'm not hearing that hey maybe we should clean up our act a little bit,I'm hearing that they were flat out innocent and then executed.ccguns