Happy thread :)

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We are short of supply and stopped domestic vaccine production as a consequence of free trade and such, we are getting in the vaccine business again! We are lagging behind America but not by too much, we ordered over 800 million doses of the top candidates including the 4 approved here. When our back orders come in we could almost vaccinate the entire continent of South America with the leftover doses. For now everybody is getting a single dose for 80% protection (of the mRNAs), I'm going for my first jab today and the second in August. We won't get caught like this again though and are cutting deals with various companies domestic and foreign. When the shit hits the fan it's every country for itself and we would be no different.

I figure Uncle Joe is gonna come through with some unused American AZ vaccine, but he is president of the USA, not Canada and must meet his responsibility to you folks first (and doing a great job of it too). He turned America from a place to be pitied, to one others are jealous of in no time flat. See what a real POTUS can do, not some empty suit with a red tie and a stream of lies.

Damn, I had no idea that you guys were short on vaccinations. Well hopefully you guys catch up soon, it sounds like you will

What's crazy is I'm pretty sure we have surplus vaccine here and there's still morons that don't want to take it
My brother is a diesel mechanic in London, at Peterbilt, he'll fix your MCM for you. He's told many gross stories about some things he's seen. I looked it up and it stands for man crush Monday or main computer module - you decide! Truckers are the glue that are keeping nations rolling. Like farmers, best not to bitch about them with your mouth full. Keep up the good work. Appreciate all you do.

Just got off the phone with my dispatcher, my truck is fixed and back at the yard as of this afternoon!

Apparently what happened is they have to program that MCM board to my specific truck and whoever put it in and programmed it he used the VIN number for a different truck. Whoops lol.
When I drove my truck before it went back the second time, it was messed up bad, no cruise control, no idle control, no engine brake and the speedometer was reading 14mph below my actual road speed. I was wondering why I'm just sailing past other trucks when the speedo only says 60mph, I was actually doing 74mph lol

Anyways, I'm going to the yard tomorrow to be in my truck for a little bit. I love my truck in a probably little bit creepy and weird way.

I am pretty happy right now
Damn, I had no idea that you guys were short on vaccinations. Well hopefully you guys catch up soon, it sounds like you will

What's crazy is I'm pretty sure we have surplus vaccine here and there's still morons that don't want to take it
India cut off 1.5 million doses to us with an export ban and no one can blame them, considering what is going on there now. Joe already loaned us 1.5 million doses of AZ vaccine, still unapproved in the States and supplies are building up in warehouses and Fauci says they probably won't be required.

When I went for the jab today I was surprised to see the place for Pfizer shots near empty, but many in my age group are already covered, we have low case counts here in NS and high mask compliance, so I imagine we have high vaccine uptake as well. Other younger age groups are being vaccinated with the AZ vaccine and the J&J, the vulnerable and those over 60 get the Pfizer, one shot and 80% protection for now.
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Just got off the phone with my dispatcher, my truck is fixed and back at the yard as of this afternoon!

Apparently what happened is they have to program that MCM board to my specific truck and whoever put it in and programmed it he used the VIN number for a different truck. Whoops lol.
When I drove my truck before it went back the second time, it was messed up bad, no cruise control, no idle control, no engine brake and the speedometer was reading 14mph below my actual road speed. I was wondering why I'm just sailing past other trucks when the speedo only says 60mph, I was actually doing 74mph lol

Anyways, I'm going to the yard tomorrow to be in my truck for a little bit. I love my truck in a probably little bit creepy and weird way.

I am pretty happy right now
He is a you tube channel about Trucks, Trucker porn! :lol:
Jack's Chrome Shop - YouTube
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Freightliner FLD Series
India cut off 1.5 million doses to us with an export ban and no one can blame them, considering what is going on there now. Joe already loaned us 1.5 million does of AZ vaccine, still unapproved in the States and supplies are building up in warehouses and Fauci says they probably won't be required.

When I went for the jab today I was surprised to see the place for Pfizer shots near empty, but many in my age group are already covered, we have low case counts here in NS and high mask compliance, so I imagine we have high vaccine uptake as well. Other younger age groups are being vaccinated with the AZ vaccine and the J&J, the vulnerable and those over 60 get the Pfizer, one shot and 80% protection for now.

Oh hell yes, that's great news to hear you got a shot today

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I got in my 3-5 miles without getting wet tonight. When I first went out, it was starting to sprinkle. I remembered that I had forgot my wife's cdb drops, so I went back in and did that. When I came back out it had stopped. And the clouds cleared enough on the way home that the moon came out for a few minutes. (87% illumination)

The only drawback was I went early to dodge the rain. Now I'm back home at my normal walking time, and the rain missed us.
HIIT training is all the rage, easy on the heart and easy on the joints, only takes minutes too. 10 minutes of torture Canuck to a new you! :lol: I got he exercise bike out of the basement...
HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training Exercise Really Works | Time

That is exactly how I would condition a couple of my dogs for shows. Short burst then rest then short burst then rest. I used to be really into that years ago when I had more dogs, it took a lot of time and effort. I had an old wooden slat mill that I'd work the dogs on, that thing was noisy as all hell lol

I wish I had more of my older pics and show pictures from the ADBA shows and some of the pit bulls I used to have

Here's one old pic that I managed to keep, this is the dam of the dog I have now. She's working on the mill
Chris 001.jpg
That is exactly how I would condition a couple of my dogs for shows. Short burst then rest then short burst then rest. I used to be really into that years ago when I had more dogs, it took a lot of time and effort. I had an old wooden slat mill that I'd work the dogs on, that thing was noisy as all hell lol

I wish I had more of my older pics and show pictures from the ADBA shows and some of the pit bulls I used to have

Here's one old pic that I managed to keep, this is the dam of the dog I have now. She's working on the mill
View attachment 4886983
Walk your dog. Nothing happy as pictured. Lazy pet owner. Not loving companion. Look at me as the goal. Love the titles. Torment the friends to get them.
Walk your dog. Nothing happy as pictured. Lazy pet owner. Not loving companion. Look at me as the goal. Love the titles. Torment the friends to get them.

That mill was an awesome tool to have when you live in Michigan and can't always walk the dogs when it's a blizzard outside. The dogs loved the mill, it was their opportunity to go all out.

I do agree that a good long hand walk is the best exercise you can give a dog though, just can't always do it when you live where the weather gets nasty
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