Happy thread :)

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Well-Known Member
That mill was an awesome tool to have when you live in Michigan and can't always walk the dogs when it's a blizzard outside. The dogs loved the mill, it was their opportunity to go all out.

I do agree that a good long hand walk is the best exercise you can give a dog though, just can't always do it when you live where the weather gets nasty
I live here too. And a temp thing I can do. I love my critters. See too much mis informed behavior. I would apologize. If not honestly concerned. I have a 111# Siberian husky. Grand River Salmon and steelhead with 1 egg per 10 pounds of body weight for his first year. Just filling out and 2 and a half. I have boots for winter. Yours lacks the coat.

Peace. 001.jpg002.jpg


Well-Known Member
I live here too. And a temp thing I can do. I love my critters. See too much mis informed behavior. I would apologize. If not honestly concerned. I have a 111# Siberian husky. Grand River Salmon and steelhead with 1 egg per 10 pounds of body weight for his first year. Just filling out and 2 and a half. I have boots for winter. Yours lacks the coat.

Peace. View attachment 4887006View attachment 4887007
We have an Alusky:


He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He ate a piece of granite a couple weeks ago and had to have it surgically removed, so now he's in the cone of shame. Again.



Well-Known Member
My wife wants to get some bones for our dog, but I'm not so sure. I mean, he eats wipes, paper towels, rocks, chunks of granite...I even caught him sniffing one of my Les Paul's once.

I'm just sure he'll eat an entire bone in one go and wind up right back under the knife again. At 1500 dollars per go, that's not something I want to keep revisiting.


Well-Known Member
My wife wants to get some bones for our dog, but I'm not so sure. I mean, he eats wipes, paper towels, rocks, chunks of granite...I even caught him sniffing one of my Les Paul's once.

I'm just sure he'll eat an entire bone in one go and wind up right back under the knife again. At 1500 dollars per go, that's not something I want to keep revisiting.
Mine does the everything as well. I only give him beef marrow bones. When they break it is very small shards a dog can digest. Pork or chicken are death wishes to dogs. My monster chews the ends off. No problem. I'm dreading the dental bills. But in my 50's and have yet to see a dog that isn't table or can fed break a tooth.


Well-Known Member
I want to get my dog shoes and a coat. It doesn't really get cold enough long enough to warrant it here, but my dog has short hair. Dogs walking in shoes is pretty funny though.


Well-Known Member
EU official: Vaccinated Americans can visit Europe this summer
Americans who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be allowed to visit the European Union (EU) this summer, more than a year after nonessential travel was suspended between the U.S. and Europe amid the pandemic.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, told The New York Times in Brussels on Sunday that EU member states will “accept, unconditionally” people who are inoculated with European Medicines Agency-approved vaccines.

“The Americans, as far as I can see, use European Medicines Agency-approved vaccines,” von der Leyen told the Times. “This will enable free movement and the travel to the European Union.”

“Because one thing is clear: All 27 member states will accept, unconditionally, all those who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by E.M.A.,” she added.

See my American cousins, Europe still loves you. Well, the intelligent ones that is.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
EU official: Vaccinated Americans can visit Europe this summer
Americans who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be allowed to visit the European Union (EU) this summer, more than a year after nonessential travel was suspended between the U.S. and Europe amid the pandemic.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, told The New York Times in Brussels on Sunday that EU member states will “accept, unconditionally” people who are inoculated with European Medicines Agency-approved vaccines.

“The Americans, as far as I can see, use European Medicines Agency-approved vaccines,” von der Leyen told the Times. “This will enable free movement and the travel to the European Union.”

“Because one thing is clear: All 27 member states will accept, unconditionally, all those who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by E.M.A.,” she added.

See my American cousins, Europe still loves you. Well, the intelligent ones that is.
No fun if everything is closed.


Well-Known Member
EU official: Vaccinated Americans can visit Europe this summer
Americans who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be allowed to visit the European Union (EU) this summer, more than a year after nonessential travel was suspended between the U.S. and Europe amid the pandemic.

Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, told The New York Times in Brussels on Sunday that EU member states will “accept, unconditionally” people who are inoculated with European Medicines Agency-approved vaccines.

“The Americans, as far as I can see, use European Medicines Agency-approved vaccines,” von der Leyen told the Times. “This will enable free movement and the travel to the European Union.”

“Because one thing is clear: All 27 member states will accept, unconditionally, all those who are vaccinated with vaccines that are approved by E.M.A.,” she added.

See my American cousins, Europe still loves you. Well, the intelligent ones that is.
They love the money! The place will be crawling with covid variants all summer at the rate they are vaccinating.

The EU overreaches and underperforms without much accountability. They wanted to wait and negotiate a better price for vaccines, didn't ramp up internal production and waited on the sidelines for others to do it. Meanwhile other countries scooped them on orders including Canada and the UK and we started the process to domestic vaccine production too as did the UK. Meanwhile we have 800 million fucking doses on back order and we got them orders in real early too, the results are trickling in now and we aren't too far behind the States in vaccinations. Not a moment too soon from what I can see. We are getting back into the vaccine and domestic PPE production business, fuck free trade or anybody importing it.


Well-Known Member
I actually owned sheep
Bought my 1st one when I was seven in Ireland
Had a flock of over 35 & then gifted them away to my nephew
Lovely creatures
I never thought I'd say it, but you have something in common with Trump! You both owned sheep! :lol: Donald still does though cause they keep following him around, he fleeces them down to the hide too.


Well-Known Member
I am happy I finally found this place lol it was not easy

I am out in BFE Indiana Amish country for a delivery. I am truckload 1 of 3 delivering this fucking
massive chicken barn


That's me parked out in the middle of this farmers field, you might have to zoom in to see my truck. Going to be a little bit to unload me, there's no dock obviously they're pulling everything out with chains and bobcat. It's a super beautiful day out 70° and breeze blowing. I think I'll take me a little nap with my dog while I'm sitting here


Well-Known Member
The river is so high the driveway is covered. I was having to wade in on the slough side everyday to water the gardens. Ironic, no? Now I can step across using stepping stones with dry feet, but the prediction if for it to come back up another foot and a half. Often they are wrong. Hope that is the case this time.

But my in the ground beds are doing great. Here are the three sisters. Corn, beans and squash.

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