Chauvin Trial


I would add to it though that shutting down bullshit propaganda so that people can have a actual discussing is necessary to having honest conversations.

Yeah, I wasn't sure how to phrase that part. There's also a limit to what I back up, not gonna be a free speech fucktard that thinks you should hear out nazis.
Thanks for the thoughts,I'm aware of the medium I'm in, I've made the decision to treat people w/respect on this site and refrain from personal insults etc, I alway's embraced the warrior mentality and I have enough common sense to know anyone can be a bad ass killer when behind a computer screen separated by miles and anonominity,so I can handle it, you just won't see me getting off by calling people who don't even know who I am or what I'm about all kinds of obscenities to pose or make myself feel better cause I know who I am ccguns
Well ya don't appear to be the worst person in the world to me and there are civil ways to disagree and use as "teachable moments" for those who have open minds and good hearts. I don't demand perfection either, in people or posts, we are a process not a fixed thing and can evolve and grow, you appear to be on this path, as are most good people. I reserve my spite for the real assholes, but some here are not so discriminating and jump on the slightest thing.
I think jumping people's shit when they are asking honest questions or explaining their views is bogus. Shuts down discussion and growth. I'm way over to the left, not many are gonna share my exact views, but insisting on ideological purity or whatever is gonna lead to failure. Big tents that allow a spectrum of views are the way to go, same with discussing a range of ideas.
Congratulations, you have a higher tolerance for bullshit than I do.
May the blessings of mediocrity be bestowed upon you and your waters ever stagnate!
Well ya don't appear to be the worst person in the world to me and there are civil ways to disagree and use as "teachable moments" for those who have open minds and good hearts. I don't demand perfection either, in people or posts, we are a process not a fixed thing and can evolve and grow, you appear to be on this path, as are most good people. I reserve my spite for the real assholes, but some here are not so discriminating and jump on the slightest thing.
Thanks man,this thing happened when I said "where is accountability?" , and I plainly stated prior to this that in no way did these people deserve what happened to them subsequently some of my post was quoted IMO out of context which seemed to paint me as a defender of the police in those matters which anybody on this site knows from my previous posts is not the case,then some FKN retard posts one sentence telling me to "eat shit you stupid FK" I checked him out and out of 11yrs membership and 15,000 posts the guy has accumulated 268 pts so I know he doesn't bring much to the table, I've been here 3months and have 100pts in 600 posts, but I don't insult people w/profanity like a tough guy knowing we'll never meet up because I'm already a confident man in my character and abilities,acting like a bad ass behind a computer screen is a sign of weakness as far as I'm concerned and trying to provoke w/cocky posts knowing your protected by distance is a game I don't need to play and not why I signed up.ccguns
Thanks man,this thing happened when I said "where is accountability?" , and I plainly stated prior to this that in no way did these people deserve what happened to them subsequently some of my post was quoted IMO out of context which seemed to paint me as a defender of the police in those matters which anybody on this site knows from my previous posts is not the case,then some FKN retard posts one sentence telling me to "eat shit you stupid FK" I checked him out and out of 11yrs membership and 15,000 posts the guy has accumulated 268 pts so I know he doesn't bring much to the table, I've been here 3months and have 100pts in 600 posts, but I don't insult people w/profanity like a tough guy knowing we'll never meet up because I'm already a confident man in my character and abilities,acting like a bad ass behind a computer screen is a sign of weakness as far as I'm concerned and trying to provoke w/cocky posts knowing your protected by distance is a game I don't need to play and not why I signed up.ccguns
Did you use your ignore feature? Why would you not just assume they were trolling you to get you to respond with this kind of post?
Did you use your ignore feature? Why would you not just assume they were trolling you to get you to respond with this kind of post?
Yeah I used ignore 1 time for a clown from Texas going by Church Lady, but I'm not going to use that often when people try to get under my skin as to me it's kind of a form of surrender, if they are downright fools then yeah I'll use it, but this dude seemed like a across the board FK the police type, like our society can function without someone to respond to people who need help under a wide variety of circumstances, who somehow perceived my post as me being a racist who thinks I supported those deadly encounters that happened by taking one sentence out of my post out of context which is not the case at allccguns
You people act like I'm a far right racist for just plainly taking a 360 degree view of things, I hold the door for colored people man,I rheemed Chauvin and VA cops over treatment of military officer, I gave rides to a Puerto Rican dude to work, and I've had more than my fair share of police interaction myself,at the same time when you feel you've been screwed I bet you still call 911 expecting help am I right. BAD COPS SUCK, some form of restructuring needs to happen, we are always going to need someone to mediate disputes and maintain some form of order for a civilized society to exist.ccguns
When I see injustice, I blame the person who does it, the one who chose to perpetrate the crime. I blame people who look the other way too. When the blue wall of silence comes down. When the tradition of "don't be a snitch" among police officers ends. When Police Unions no longer support the defense of killer cops. When the rates of Black men being killed by cops is the same as white men. Then perhaps we can talk about empathy toward the police for their hard job.

One thing I don't do when I see injustice is blame the victim.

Not saying you are a far right racist. On the other hand, far right racists say the same as you on this matter.
Thanks man,this thing happened when I said "where is accountability?" , and I plainly stated prior to this that in no way did these people deserve what happened to them subsequently some of my post was quoted IMO out of context which seemed to paint me as a defender of the police in those matters which anybody on this site knows from my previous posts is not the case,then some FKN retard posts one sentence telling me to "eat shit you stupid FK" I checked him out and out of 11yrs membership and 15,000 posts the guy has accumulated 268 pts so I know he doesn't bring much to the table, I've been here 3months and have 100pts in 600 posts, but I don't insult people w/profanity like a tough guy knowing we'll never meet up because I'm already a confident man in my character and abilities,acting like a bad ass behind a computer screen is a sign of weakness as far as I'm concerned and trying to provoke w/cocky posts knowing your protected by distance is a game I don't need to play and not why I signed up.ccguns
Sometimes people troll to draw others out, or make them think about what they have posted and believe. Just don't get on the wrong side of issues because you're pissed off. Buck is values driven and you'll find his posts reflect this, though in his own peculiar way, he defends the weak and powerless, if you look closely. Nobody is perfect though, myself or Buck or the others who post here, we all have our pet peeves and POV. It's when their "beliefs" are destructive to the country or the health of the citizens that most folks take exception. You've seen this demonstrated here with the Trumpers and antivaccers who not only believe this shit but want you to as well.

It's not about points and I believe there is an upper limit on it and the function does not appear to work very well or has some other criteria. You only need a couple of likes to post shit though and they are easily obtained in the grow sections. At one time republicans were well represented here, though most the remaining hide in shame, or come back as socks to troll or whine. Then there are the regular trolls and socks, antisocial personalities who think they are somehow clever, but are actually moral morons and socially retarded.

Politics was a rough section at the best of times, Trump, Trumpism and covid have made it a battle field with no middle ground, no man's land is dead man's land and it you sit on the barbed wire you'll get torn up and shot! :lol:

Time to get out some, a buddy just dropped off a bike we made a deal for, I was gonna buy a new bike and was talking to him about how much I like driving his and wanted the same kind. He offered to give it to me, since he had a new one, so I gave him a bag of bud for it anyway.
You people act like I'm a far right racist for just plainly taking a 360 degree view of things, I hold the door for colored people man,I rheemed Chauvin and VA cops over treatment of military officer, I gave rides to a Puerto Rican dude to work, and I've had more than my fair share of police interaction myself,at the same time when you feel you've been screwed I bet you still call 911 expecting help am I right. BAD COPS SUCK, some form of restructuring needs to happen, we are always going to need someone to mediate disputes and maintain some form of order for a civilized society to exist.ccguns

but you voted for Trump- had a yard sign and/or sticker on your vehicle.
straight from the neo-nazis at stormfront. no wonder youre such a big fan of neo nazis like gavin mcinnes. all pretense gone, finally.

"bUt I jUsT cArE aBoUt pRoPeRtY rIgHtS!!!!"

anyhoo, only question now is if you became a skinhead in prison because you got mad about the black guys raping you, or did you become a skinhead in prison due to stockholm syndrome after the nazis raped you?

in either case, your own family hates you.