I won't buy from GLO. They may usually have the best prices, but they have the worst customer service. To me customer service is a value and GLO skips it in exchange for a low price point. It may be all good for most people when things go good, but then when you have a problem and cant get a hold of him or he doesn't care you'll appreciate customer service. The packs I had a problem with he relisted later for double the price too, which I see him do all the time. Instead of helping you with you problem, he just raises the price and sells them again to someone else.
I'm also not a fan of seedbanks that like to list rare packs for a really high price one at a time, then if they sell, list another one a few days later for even more money (OES does this a lot too). I know it's their right to do so, but to me it's a sign of a lack of morals and is not someone I want to trust with my money or support with my business. I prefer people like Rockymountainhigh or Terpy who seem to be more honest or transparent in the way that they do business and are easy to deal with.
I think his email list that you have to pay to be on, or order from him all the time just to receive is beyond stupid as well. I'm not playing games just to give someone my business regardless of price.