It is hard to place everyone in a box for me. You get two choices, both are demonized by the other, and your shocked sides were chosen years ago? Some people are weak and couldn't realize a bad leader is still a bad leader no matter which side he is on.
- - But I didn't look into many of his prior posts --
I wasn't raised with the conditioning of racism, in my family or in my community. I've spent years in a practice that deconditions the mind and drops baggage. Like most liberals, I'm more objective about leaders and less fear driven than those who supported Trump. Fear and strong conditioning cause the perceptions to be filtered and warped and reason is employed to rationalize "feelings". To the Trumpers Donald was the leader of the great white tribe, the great white hope and they went full born tribal.
You'll notice democrats tend to resign at the drop of a pin, Andrew Cuomo being the exception, but the allegations weren't criminal, he was being a asshole. Trump on the other hand has multiple sexual assault accusations, pending lawsuits and a long list of pending criminal trials and it started before "Grab them by the pussy".
There is no equivalence whatsoever, democrats are driven by principal and republicans by hate and fear, Trump proved this beyond any reasonable doubt. People band together and organize themselves into a hierarchical communities with shared values or ethnicity when they perceive they are under attack or threat. Trump spawned many grass roots political organizations mostly run by women that will come back to bite the republicans on the ass. Trumpers organized too, into the proud boys, boogaloo bois, oath keepers and various militias, mostly by males (I can't bring myself to call them men). That culminated in the sacking of the US capital and ended 240 years of the peaceful transfer of power in the USA.