The 2021 State of the Union, go Joe!

Was Biden's State of the Union Speech Great

  • Total voters
That's federal big guy. 40 points cumulative from federal state and local. They take out taxes as well. Nice jump.
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Regardless, congrats on making at least over $80k or so for all your income to be taxed over 37% already.

Still doesn't change what I said about your income relying on all those people around you with their public educations, roads to get your goods/services to market, etc.
That's why you are getting attacked, folks can smell ya. Here is one of your earlier posts on this thread, it appears you were making shit up too, but I don't think you are a democrat judging from the post above.
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Angry trolls keep wandering through this forum. More and more each day.

They be angry about this:


Trump's polling numbers were mirror images of Biden's. Stuck between 38% to 44% approval. Same goes with the spending proposals from Biden. Biden has very real bipartisan support for his infrastructure and economic recovery plans. That is, he has bipartisan support among the electorate.

Why right wing reactionary trolls come here to be miserable is beyond me.
Evaluating Trump's first 100 days in office:

—Matthew Yglesias

Of Trump’s roughly 30 concrete pledges, he has arguably just accomplished three of them, making progress on only a handful more. Some, like the Muslim ban and Obamacare repeal, have experienced embarrassing setbacks and unforced errors. You can read a detailed annotation of Trump’s pledges below.

Evaluating Biden's first 100 days in office:

"Biden compares quite favorably with every other president after Franklin Roosevelt," said Max J. Skidmore, University of Missouri-Kansas City political scientist. "Not only has he accomplished many things quickly — most of them are highly significant."

I'm not from your country but I'd like to say, it should of been Bernie ffs.
The way Joe is governing it might as well be, you'll notice Bernie seems quite happy and so does Liz Warren, the chair of the senate banking committee. Bernie never would have been elected, Trump would be POTUS and America would be fucked, so would Canada, it would just take a little longer. Joe is the right man for the moment and even Bernie knows it, Joe was near broke before SC and beat Bernie fair and square, Bernie respected that.
The way Joe is governing it might as well be, you'll notice Bernie seems quite happy and so does Liz Warren, the chair of the senate banking committee. Bernie never would have been elected, Trump would be POTUS and America would be fucked, so would Canada, it would just take a little longer. Joe is the right man for the moment and even Bernie knows it, Joe was near broke before SC and beat Bernie fair and square, Bernie respected that.
Disagree, still believe it's the honeymoon period, but I know bugger all, just tegrity is so hard to find.
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I believe Joe has integrity, he used to be the left wing of the democratic party, a union guy, Bernie is not a democrat, he's an independent. The times are a changing, America is gonna go cautiously at first, then go more left towards the center. They've been living in the right side ditch for decades and are crawling out of the swamp.

There is a difference between the parties, the republicans are plumbing the depth of depravity and the democrats are soring with the angels. This is not the 1990's when racists permeated both parties and there was no difference in their corporate ideologies. Now the the country is polarized along cultural lines, but not so much about policy. Joe is going over the heads of the elected republicans and appealing to their soft support among independents (41%), the remaining republicans are racist traitors and write offs.