Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
I hate word problems, "if a train left New York traveling west 60 MPH and a second train left Fresno traveling east at 56 MPH would I be able to get better weed?" :bigjoint:


New Member
Aaaawwwww they look so sweet together. Young love, I'm happy Oz got a woman. Are they at the rescue or at your place?

I got snow flurries today, want me to send you some? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Aaaawwwww they look so sweet together. Young love, I'm happy Oz got a woman. Are they at the rescue or at your place?

I got snow flurries today, want me to send you some? :mrgreen:
No snow for me!! It is 65 here today and I am shivering...I am a wussy!

They are with me. I took them back yesterday. Oz needed a woman and they found Sharon and they feel that Oz won't give me anymore problems. So they are home. I have to be honest, it feels good to have him back, even though he is bad I missed him.


Well-Known Member
Snow in the North, fires in Cali. We got storms brewing over here in our part of the world. We're expecting storms in the next couple days. The capital of Queensland, Brisbane, copped a hiding on Sunday:

Video - The Courier-Mail

The place has been declared a Natural Disaster Zone. It's been raining steady down there overnight as well.


Well-Known Member
No snow for me!! It is 65 here today and I am shivering...I am a wussy!

They are with me. I took them back yesterday. Oz needed a woman and they found Sharon and they feel that Oz won't give me anymore problems. So they are home. I have to be honest, it feels good to have him back, even though he is bad I missed him.
Good to see, you get attached to the beasts around us... hey when did the pic viewing background change.... ??


Well-Known Member
Snow in the North, fires in Cali. We got storms brewing over here in our part of the world. We're expecting storms in the next couple days. The capital of Queensland, Brisbane, copped a hiding on Sunday:

Video - The Courier-Mail

The place has been declared a Natural Disaster Zone. It's been raining steady down there overnight as well.
HHHmmmmmmmmm. It's President Bush's fault.

I'm waked and baked.


Well-Known Member
No, silly, it's all Obama's fault, or it soon will be.....

Evening, everyone! Been awhile, got an annoying case of tennis elbow and I prolly ain't supposed to use my right arm at all but I hate typing one handed, been on precious little. First driving school so I could keep my liscense and then a evening to next evening trip to transport rescue dogs that crossed three states..... I still haven't caught up on my sleep.

Whew, time for a break, packin up the last.....:cry: Thought I would share wid ya'll...


New Member
I was a bit tired last night and when i baked around 8:00, I slipped into slumberland without my jammies!
Consequently I woke up around 4:30 in the morn with my main Buddha-pup needing to go pee. So of course the whole pack needed to go.....:shock:. It's 45 degrees here so the crispness of the air felt wonderful on my face. The moon was straight up bathing us all in moonbeams through the oak hammock. Along with this was the quiet of the morning being broken only by a nearby Barred Owl and a far off Coyote. We all stayed out there for an extra ten minutes just taking it all in. All the pups are now snuggled in our bed and I am starting my early bake. It just might get to be a habit. :peace:

Good morning all!

out. :spew:


New Member
Sorry to hear that you are injured. That always sucks..... Hope it's not to serious?
I mean you can still operate the bong, right?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that you are injured. That always sucks..... Hope it's not to serious?
I mean you can still operate the bong, right?
out. :blsmoke:
I ran around like a fecking 20 year old yesterday for my job. Figured I walked approx 5 miles with 30 lbs of tools on my back. My fecking knee is a little locked up right now. If I go in, they show no mercy and it'll get even more fecked up. So I'll stay in today and hope it's better by tomorrow, if it is I'll go in, but I'm not going to bust my ass like yesterday.

I'd rather be at work, but hey wake and bake.


Well-Known Member
Good day dudes/dudettes..... Wake and :(:(:(.... 14 days till primo reefer..........
-3 is the high here today..... feck, fuck, fick and fock.... Hibernation mode..........



Well-Known Member
Good day dudes/dudettes..... Wake and :(:(:(.... 14 days till primo reefer..........
-3 is the high here today..... feck, fuck, fick and fock.... Hibernation mode..........

Bbbbrrrrrrrrr! But it's a dry cold, right. lol

Bro is that with the wind chill? -3 is bad ass cold.