Music & Drugs


Active Member
"You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years — rrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes." Bill Hicks, RIP

"I think psychedelics play a major part in what we do, but having said that, I feel that if somebody's going to experiment with those things they really need to educate themselves about them. People just taking the chemicals and diving in without having any kind of preparation about what they're about to experience tend to have no frame of reference, so they're missing everything flying by and all these new perspectives. It's just a waste. They reach a little bit of spiritual enlightenment, but they end up going, 'Well, now I need that drug to get back there again.' The trick is to use the drugs once to get there, and maybe spend the next ten years trying to get back there without the drug." MJK on Tool's drug stance

Just throwin out some quotes from some respectable people...

- RIU's new noob stoner, avid guitarist/drummer, and soon-to-be-Aerogarden-grower


New Member
"You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years — rrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes." Bill Hicks, RIP

"I think psychedelics play a major part in what we do, but having said that, I feel that if somebody's going to experiment with those things they really need to educate themselves about them. People just taking the chemicals and diving in without having any kind of preparation about what they're about to experience tend to have no frame of reference, so they're missing everything flying by and all these new perspectives. It's just a waste. They reach a little bit of spiritual enlightenment, but they end up going, 'Well, now I need that drug to get back there again.' The trick is to use the drugs once to get there, and maybe spend the next ten years trying to get back there without the drug." MJK on Tool's drug stance

Just throwin out some quotes from some respectable people...

- RIU's new noob stoner, avid guitarist/drummer, and soon-to-be-Aerogarden-grower
i love tool!!! 3rd eye!


Active Member
Tool is a magnificient group

Gotta appreciate the way they play from within.

"Reaching out to embrace the random, reaching out
to embrace whatever may come. I embrace my desire to fell the rhythm, to feel connected, enough to step aside and weep like a widow. To feel inspired, to fathom the power, to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain, to swing on the spiral, to swing on the spiral, too...

swing on the spiral of our divinity, and still be a human."


If anyone hasn't listened to Tool, listen to them. First totally sober, then stoned. And and pay a-fucking-tention to the drumming, its damn good shit.